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Settings change

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  • Originally posted by SuperMet
    Changing the settings of the levi is ridiculous.

    This is a coercive attempt by the upper staff, which are predominantly basers, to eliminate the levi to further push the interests of basing.

    By changing the levi, and invoking ?go base, all of the hosted basing matches, pure basing weekend, etc., staff is attempting to convert Trench Wars into a basing zone through these ways of indoctrination.

    -SuperMet, LevTerr squad
    i think you forgot that trench wars originated as a basing zone.
    plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


    • ahahahahhahahahhahh
      Originally posted by SuperMet
      staff is attempting to convert Trench Wars into a basing zone
      It's BACK to basing zone you levterr!


      • Bah to the new settings. I dislike them so much that I actually registered to post. I've played TW for two years and a half years and the fact that they've changed the settings that have worked so well for so long is ridiculous. Hopefully it will be like when they proposed new maps and everyone just voted to keep the old one (although I vaguely remember the map being slightly different when I started).

        I think additional arenas are fine, but the pub arenas should always remain the same. If the game was so unbalanced that it necessitated a settings change, I don't think it would've had the success that it has.

        Aside from general reasons not to make setting changes, I think the specific changes that have been made negatively affect gameplay.

        The weasel is still a horrible ship. Sure, I've never gotten very good with it, but it's always seemed pretty bad to me. I've always thought this was fine because it helps justify how much it pisses people off (It sucks to get killed by something you can't see but it also sucks to chase someone for 5 minutes before getting a shot). The new cloaker has to show itself to recharge. So now it's even worse, even less fun to play. On top of that it can sneak through small holes. Basically this just allows it to sneak into places where it can be seen anyway. It doesn't really make the ship any more effective, it just makes it easier for the weasel to get to more places to piss people off.

        As for the levs, I suppose the removal of repels was to weaken LevTerrs. I don't understand what the concern with LTs is. Two decent wbs, one on either side of base, is good enough to keep basing for your freq alive regardless of what freq the LT is on. Besides, removing reps really isn't going to make LTs much less effective.

        So basically I don't see the reason for the changes, and in general I think making permanent changes to game settings is a bad idea.


        • If you think that the old settings were balanced, then I've got news for you.

          Is it balance when levi pilots get 3:1 ratios while doing equal or usually less work and skill of pilots of other ships who get much lower ratios? That's balance? Is it balance when levis can attach to terriers and have their only weaknesses, slow speed and lack of x-radar, effectivly eliminated? Is it balanced when weasels were never seen in base unless the rest of the team has long since given up on basing?

          From what I've seen now, there are more cloakers basing and levis having to work a bit harder to get their still impressive kill ratios.

          As long as the changes being made promote Trench Wars' support for basing, then the changes are good. For too long have we had weasels and levis that do not. The changes might not be perfect, but on the whole, I see a lot of improvement from before.


          • Before the changes there were alot of people complaining about xs and levis, especialy levterrs. I never really play a cloaker so I thought the new changes werent all that bad or good, just different, which is a good thing, though they arent necesarily the best settings.

            On the other hand, I often play a levi, but hardly ever an LT. When the levi lost all its repels but got 2 ports and 2 rockets, it seemed like they were trying to make an attempt to make levterrs less powerful. the 2 rockets help a levi to get inside the base, so it becomes a more useful basing ship.

            When the levi then got jacked down to 1 rep and 1 port, I was dismayed. The levi is now so defensless on its own that its only chance of survival at all is to attach to a terr... which I thought was what most ppl were bitching about.

            Staff needs to ask themselves what exactly is the levi sposed to do in a pub? Levterrs seem to just piss everyone off so it seems reasonable to make levterring more difficult, but reducing levi to a mere 1 rocket 1 port doesnt make levterrs any weaker, but makes a non attached levi practicaly useless.

            So: levs should be made more useful for basing, and less useful for levterring. The most obvious solution would be to raise levi attach bty and/or change some of those nice levterr angles on roof. Giving levi its 2 rockets and ports, or maybe another mine or being able to green new rockets would make it more useful for basing... which is what pubs are mostly for anyways.

            The levi as it is now is so rediculous that it might as well be removed or changed to a completly different ship, as it is hopelessly weak outside base, patheticaly weak getting to/inside base, and just strong enough to make levterring possible... Which means it will piss people off more.


            • When spawned:

              Hit Stealth
              Head towards nearest Safe Zone
              Hit Rockets
              Hit Afterburner
              Wait until you have 15 BTY
              Set Portal in SZ
              Go hunting for extra BTY
              If you're in danger, hit Insert.
              When you have 20 BTY, attach to a LT

              That's how I survive 75% of the times. The other 25% of the times I'm either shot by a Weasel or a Terr, or the occasional Spider or Lanc.
              "No pizza! Only khlav kalash!"
              "Alright, gimme a bowl."
              "Not bowl! Stick! Stick!"
              "Now give me something to wash that awful taste out of my mouth with."
              "Mountain Dew or crabjuice."
              "Ewwww!!! I'll have a crabjuice."


              • I think thats a step in the good direction (basing-wise).

                Weasels are a bit too weak without recharge and 800 HP.

                wadi> damn cardboard weasels!
                Bilange> i love getting repped
                Bilange> i said repped, not raped :X
                Sending priority 'mail' to weasels and levs since 1999.


                • Love weasels, but....

                  Originally posted by Verthanthi
                  Possible addition to weasel settings:

                  Force them to turn off stealth and cloak before they can shoot? So it's a split second warning?

                  I like this idea pretty well.

                  I think basing is more fun now with the new weasel trying to slip in. Only problem I see is that perhaps the rocket should be ditched. Weasel w/multi fire and rocket is too easily able to take out the Terr and others, even when the Terr is aware of him.

                  Don't just axe the Weasel, there has to be a way to keep a cloaker of some kind... maybe:
                  -Limit # of cloakers on a team
                  -drain energy while stealthed, but not cloaked (vice versa?)

                  If the team works together like it should, it will assign someone to watch and kill weasels. You should be able to trust your teammates to do the job. A sloppy ship changing team deserves to lose the base.

                  I have a bigger problem when a good team holding the base gets wiped out by a random LT. But there are ways of dealing with those.


                  • Changes?

                    Hmmm If you count up how many people hate the new settings it far outweighs the people who like em.

                    My question is, why are we keepin em?

                    Oh wait a minute being from a democracy has corrupted my mind and I thought just for a second that what us peons wanted in this game really matters.
                    The Spirit of God moves upon the face of the earth.


                    • Re: Changes?

                      Originally posted by A I
                      Hmmm If you count up how many people hate the new settings it far outweighs the people who like em.

                      My question is, why are we keepin em?

                      Oh wait a minute being from a democracy has corrupted my mind and I thought just for a second that what us peons wanted in this game really matters.
                      bahahahha, you think you're living in a democracy


                      • re: Changes

                        Well at least we vote on stuff!!
                        The Spirit of God moves upon the face of the earth.


                        • Re: re: Changes

                          Originally posted by A I
                          Well at least we vote on stuff!!
                          doesn't make it a democracy


                          • Re: Changes?

                            Originally posted by A I
                            Hmmm If you count up how many people hate the new settings it far outweighs the people who like em.

                            My question is, why are we keepin em?
                            And through what democratic and scientific means did you come up with that?


                            • Re: Changes?

                              Originally posted by A I
                              Hmmm If you count up how many people hate the new settings it far outweighs the people who like em.

                              My question is, why are we keepin em?

                              Oh wait a minute being from a democracy has corrupted my mind and I thought just for a second that what us peons wanted in this game really matters.

                              I like the new settings.


                              • I hunted down a levi terr the other day and I spawn killed it too for good measure and the guy bitched at me for not completing the objective of the map..............

