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Is Pure_Luck abusing his powers?

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  • Well if you consider your grand ole 3 inch cock to be something, then I guess good for you
    All good things must come to an end.


    • The funny part of all of this is, your whole argument was about how you thought people who referenced the sexual stature of others was just implying that they really were the ones not getting any. Yet you keep making yourself into the biggest hypocrite by constantly doing exactly what you were trying to preach.

      You constantly reply to everything I say in every thread with the dumbest shit. I will quote you if I have too, but so far you've come off as if you were some twelve year old autistic little brat with down syndrome. On top of that, a fan of kthx, which you shouldn't be proud of.

      Bottom line, get off my nuts.
      1:exquisite> nvm for jd, brb throwin my dog in the dumpster

      TWBR Media Specialists

      TWLD Season 14 Champ


      • Originally posted by Stylez View Post
        The funny part of all of this is, your whole argument was about how you thought people who referenced the sexual stature of others was just implying that they really were the ones not getting any. Yet you keep making yourself into the biggest hypocrite by constantly doing exactly what you were trying to preach.

        You constantly reply to everything I say in every thread with the dumbest shit. I will quote you if I have too, but so far you've come off as if you were some twelve year old autistic little brat with down syndrome. On top of that, a fan of kthx, which you shouldn't be proud of.

        Bottom line, get off my nuts.
        The funny part of all this is, you're getting angry at something I pointed out which is stupid. You are getting trolled and don't know what to do but to get more angry, like you are the incredible hulk but minus the incredible. You keep making yourself look foolish by whining at me for taking your insult and throwing it back at you.

        Like I really give a shit about your life. I'm just enjoying this momentary little flaming on a boring forum noopi who sees no action watsoever. Me, a fan of kthx??? lol if anything we hate each other, he's a honkey, I'm a snd ngr. Just cause we agree on certain issues like that which you are a faggot, then yes I agree with kthx on this matter.

        Bottom line, get off of our forums you whiny douchecunt little bitch


        P.S. Get laid (see how annoying that sounds? Think twice before you use it again)
        All good things must come to an end.


        • Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
          The funny part of all this is, you're getting angry at something I pointed out which is stupid. You are getting trolled and don't know what to do but to get more angry, like you are the incredible hulk but minus the incredible. You keep making yourself look foolish by whining at me for taking your insult and throwing it back at you.

          Like I really give a shit about your life. I'm just enjoying this momentary little flaming on a boring forum noopi who sees no action watsoever. Me, a fan of kthx??? lol if anything we hate each other, he's a honkey, I'm a snd ngr. Just cause we agree on certain issues like that which you are a faggot, then yes I agree with kthx on this matter.

          Bottom line, get off of our forums you whiny douchecunt little bitch


          P.S. Get laid (see how annoying that sounds? Think twice before you use it again)
          This all would mean something if I actually were getting angry. Though I find it sad that the only real enjoyment you can find in life is trying to piss off people on an internet forum. I will say, I need a cigarette right about now. Wish I could hire a midget housemaid to go fetch me a pack of cigs... One day, if I dream big enough!

          P.s. Don't remember typing "get laid" ever... Oh wells.
          1:exquisite> nvm for jd, brb throwin my dog in the dumpster

          TWBR Media Specialists


          TWLD Season 14 Champ


          • Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
            get laid
            Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
            P.S. Get laid (see how annoying that sounds? Think twice before you use it again)
            1 - 1 = 0

            Perhaps gran is short for grandpa, and he's getting senile. I hope he wears an ID nametag when he wanders outside in search of those Columbian pleasure units.
            Last edited by blackrazor; 06-17-2010, 01:55 PM.


            • I don't understand

              who are you

              SHUT UP
              All good things must come to an end.


              • Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                SHUT UP
                Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                insult towards others are actually just insecure about themselves
                -1 + 1 = 0

                I hope Ms. Columbia didn't give you the little present of syphillis. You should get yourself checked, as you appear to be suffering from: "Neurological complications at this stage can be diverse. In some patients manifestations include generalized paresis of the insane, which results in personality changes, changes in emotional affect"

                I hope this helps. Cheers and take care. Please consider marriage; then at least you (hopefully) know where it's been.


                • This thread has gone way off topic. Just close it.
                  Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

                  - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


                  • sorry I don't bother with newbies, get to 100 posts then we can talk

                    until then enjoy your syphilis or whatever is itchin your balls
                    All good things must come to an end.


                    • It's obvious that PL cheated and everyone who is defending him is either his friend or asskisser. It's dumb that people wants to make this game more fun and free reso limits, but staff wont allow it and then the head of staff uses whatever reso he wants himself.

                      Even tho I think Vys should be banned for life (if he really is ex-cheater?) and is making this bigger deal than needed, he is right and some people just disagrees with him because they dont like him. Just make one real argument why PL should be allowed to use higher resolution than others? And why did PL try to lie his way out of this, be a man and admit that you used higher reso because you were lazy and didnt bother to change it for twd and thought you would get away with it.

                      Bottom line, if PL really pays significant amount of money for this game, he should be allowed to shoot thors in bd.


                      • Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                        sorry I don't bother with newbies, get to 100 posts then we can talk
                        gran guerrero Join Date:Oct 2004 Location:The Dark Side

                        blackrazor Join Date:Apr 2003

                        0 / 1 = 0

                        Perhaps, I spammed less than you, in the longer time I've been here. That would be a good thing. The Dark Side might need a flashlight, however, in order for you to see this.


                        • I started playing the game in 2001, you have been here longer yet you never left pub, you just decided to post until recently and you got owned by ratty (of all people) in another thread. Please don't humiliate yourself any further.
                          All good things must come to an end.


                          • Originally posted by Vys View Post
                            This thread has gone way off topic. Just close it.
                            last time you said you were done with the thread you went on another emo rampage in it shortly thereafter

                            i'm leaving it open, this is comical
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                            Originally posted by the_paul
                            Gargle battery acid fuckface
                            Originally posted by Material Girl
                            I tried downloading a soundcard


                            • Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                              I started playing the game in 2001
                              Hmm ... a pissing contest. Okay.

                              blackrazor> ?usage
                              Session Usage: 0 hours 1 minutes
                              Total Usage: 1162 hours 11 minutes
                              First played: 6-6-2000 21:13:49

                              Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                              you have been here longer yet you never left pub
                              What's wrong with pub? What's wrong with Columbia? Why would I leave something I liked?

                              Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                              you just decided to post until recently
                              Oh, look, here's a thread I started recently, in 2003 :P

                              Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                              and you got owned by ratty (of all people) in another thread.
                              You must be referring to this thread:

                              Ratty gets told "to go kill himself", and dexter posts to tell me he loves the suggestion and will look towards implementing it in purepubbot (roboboy). Yeah, sounds like ownage to me. Actually, dexter is one of my TW heros, someone who I believe has really helped the zone and kept it alive. Certain players brag about it, but players / staff like dexter and Pure_Luck actually deliver. They are the real deal. :wub:

                              Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                              Please don't humiliate yourself any further.
                              After kudos from dexter, I'm standing ten feet tall. There is nothing you can say or do to change that. By the way, I got you a gift, I think you really need it in The Dark Side:

                              I believe it's waterproof, so you may safely cry on it.

                              By the way, Star Wars is an amazing classic. Really was ahead of its time when it first came out. Revolutionized movie-making. But, pssst, has anyone told you that it is the height of nerdy geekiness to put art from the film in your avatar and signature? I just thought I would give you a heads up, since obviously no one has let you in on that little secret yet.

                              It's like when your breath smells horrid at a party, and no one tells you. Instead they all whisper and giggle behind your back. I'm the guy that tells you, and offers you a tic tac.


                              • also vys, would you care to explain this?

                                Vys ⊕ joined dicE Jun. 16, 2010 - 20:56

                                you are a pathetic internet attention whore and you need to kill yourself irl asap
                                Originally posted by Tone
                                It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                                Originally posted by the_paul
                                Gargle battery acid fuckface
                                Originally posted by Material Girl
                                I tried downloading a soundcard

