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Is Pure_Luck abusing his powers?

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  • the real question is...
    who fucking cares?

    edit: i wasn't planning on getting involved in this thread but the retardation that i see in some of the posters makes it irresistible. on that note: i have hardly ever talked to PL and really i dont have an opinion of him at all, nor do i give a shit what he thinks of me. whether or not he plays on 1900x1440 or w/e is pretty irrelevant to TW game play, especailly in bd where everything takes place in a 50x50ish tile screen. yes, i know this happened in a dd, but the same thing applies. anyone who is good at dd/jd can dodge stray bullets on 1280x1024. so i don't really understand why you faggots are bitching about this? get over it. if you're so bad that those extra pixels will reduce the amount of negative you go, then start learning how to dodge. if PL has been given control over the zone its not solely because of the funding he gives. i know if i gave $500 a month i wouldn't be granted sysop. when dock or priitk or whoever game him the responsibility they did, its because they felt he both deserves and can handle it. for what PL has done for the zone, it shouldn't matter whether or not he can get this sort of advantage. of course, its the PRINCIPLE, not the actual act, right? in fact, i think its MORE than fair for him to be allowed this extra res given what he has contributed to the zone even if PL did this on purpose... jesus christ get over it.

    oh yeah, and for those of you who are the biggest fucking idiots on this forum saying "omg, if PL has an extra 300 pixels in bd, imagine what else he might be doing?!" if you think that PL can get away with anything besides this, you probably haven't done shit in terms of development for ss/tw. if you had, you'd realize that server errors are sent to staff members for cheat engines and that logs of all server commands are kept and can be easily accessed by other staffers of the appropriate level. believe me, if PL was doing any of the "real" cheating shit, it would be noticed. there is a check and balance system to avoid this.

    god, i really don't give a shit about any of this. but after reading all of the whiny faggots bitching and moaning about this, i actually started to get worked up, which i really never do. anyways, to sum it up: quit whining like the newbs you are, and take a second to think about what you have contributed to this zone verse what PL has contributed. after you have done this, then feel free to whine about how outrageous it is that PL can see 10% more than what the rest of you can.

    jesus fucking christ.

    edit#2: i don't feeling like going back to quote it, buts someone said they could think of five other staffers who could replace PL. in all honesty, the only people i think who could even come close are spacehiker and witness. they are true nerds! and they understand pretty much everything about tw. but, no offense, i don't think PL could legitimately be replaced. honestly, i worry that the bitching from players like the ones in this thread will lead to PL just getting sick of this bullshit and cause him to quit the game, leading to other good staffers such as ph and humid to quit, thus depleting the already minute number of good staffers we have. on a side note: i lol at the fact that dock posting in this thread makes it seem extra important haha. no offense dock, i have never met you, but i know who you are and its just funny to me how many people are going to/have already quoted you merely for the fact that you are dock rather than because that have some actualy input.

    in summary:
    who fucking cares?
    Last edited by fLaReD; 06-13-2010, 05:10 AM.
    Gun remembers.


    • PL definitely abuses powers which is lame but it doesn't make a difference since he couldn't wb his way out of a paper bag and he definitely isn't even a top 10/15 terr in basing either.

      So since he pays for so much stuff who cares, we'll start caring a little more when he has more of an impact on this game. lol @ the people all up on his cock talking about how he's a little angel and is constantly doing a lot for the zone and improving every aspect of it. Giving tourny winners pizza doesn't count.


      • Flared, that's why you are a jav and made no sense about the strays in twdd. All I'm saying is if he was sniping against anyone he'd be able to see them on his screen and radar yet the other players won't. So a shot what we thought could be a stray was actually an aimed shot, but we wouldn't be able to react in time because we won't be expecting it.
        He's cheated in a competative league and all I can hear is "well he sucked, we shouldn't take action unless he's good at cheating. He pays 500 a month for the server so he can cheat whenever he likes. It was a mistake he didn't mean to cheat in 8 rounds over 2 days (from what we know)."
        When I'm talking about my previous ban, I'm saying I get a 2 year ban for doing what a smod asked me to do in a private arena (effected nobody) and then a sys op can cheat in a competative league and nothing gets done about it. I'm getting sick of repeating myself buy no one is answering my question. People are calling me a whiner, but if anyone served 2 years for doing something that was asked by smod and the person who bans me cheats in a competative league and nothing gets done. Oh the irony.
        But yeah ph close this thread, I'm nkot wasting anymore time on this shit. But I'm glad to say trenchwars has lost competative 3 leaguer over this.
        Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

        - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


        • I can see this from vys' view, its totally lame. What I believe vys wants to say and I also believe myself would happen is that if the roles were the other way round vys would've been banned alrdy.

          I also agree that tw lacks interaction between players and staff.

          Then I wanna question the upper staff social interaction leading skills. It just dont match if there are rules that SysOp have created. Then everyone else should follow em except himself. This totally takes away the crediability not only of the rules but the leader. Real leader listens to his subordinates. Leader needs to be able to admit his mistakes, face the community if he gets questioned, listen what ppl have to say. Part of being a leader is that you constantly able to prove yourself to ones that are under your lead. Just stating something with 2 sentences and stepping back behind the scenes is just very lame. This is something that internet allows which I hate personally.

          I dont know whats the real thing between vys and p_l, it seems it includes something personal. Something that P_l cant take in a professional way. Lets pretend vys never played this game, would p_l act like this against someone else or is this just 1 personal case he cant get away with, i dont know. I dont know what hes like irl, but his actions in space dont make me feel convinced.

          So what should we do now? Vys leaving the game alone will hardly have a big impact in upper staff actions. In real life this would be the right thing to do, no need to allow dicks to run over you plus you can face em 1 on 1 and there are other places where you can do the same. Because this is internet and a game it allows leaders act behind the scenes and not take responsibility. And it also allows weird ways to handle these kind of cases. And because there is only 1 trenchwars and 1 sysop that pays us the game, theres nothing we can rly do. Yes its sad but again its monopoly market on tw and we need to suck it up or play other zones. We just need to hope the leader realizes how wrong he is.

          Vys I feel you.
          revolt> my girl
          Golden_Aim> nice lips, i bet she gives u awesome blowjobs
          Metal Headz> she looks good for bjs
          Golden_Aim> LOL MHZ
          Metal Headz> ROFL

          1:kesser> MENTION ME
          1:kesser> MOST KILLS

          kess is homo


          • I still find it funny that someone is actually paying for this server. How much does P_L pay for this? If it's over $100 I'm laughing and not stopping until I pass out. Good day.
            1:exquisite> nvm for jd, brb throwin my dog in the dumpster

            TWBR Media Specialists

            TWLD Season 14 Champ


            • Coup d'Ă©tat.. cutt off his fucking head


              • Well, first off, I want to thank PL for paying the hosting of TW. I always thought PrittK paid for everything with all his big generous cash; I guess I was wrong. Without TW even running anymore, from lack of funds, I guess we would all have nothing about which to argue (in this thread's topic, at least).

                That being said, leaders have to be very careful not to cause un-necessary shitstorms by being lazy about resolution changes, and other rules technicalities. This is especially true in league zones, even in the off season. Please learn from this; TW doesn't need more grief. An honest apology, instead of making up reasons that don't apply to round 2 and beyond, would go a long way. Leaders need to know when to step up to the plate, and admit they made an error, even if it was only accidental and negligant, not deliberate. Might want to apologize for trying to cover your tracks the first time, too. I'm not saying this to disrespect you; only suggesting it as the wisest course of action for what is best for the game. I believe our interests coincide on that point.

                On the point of vys getting banned for 2 years, from using CE in a private zone, at an smod's request, to study the effects and how to best code against and document CE's capacity to mess up TW, I'm confused. I hope that isn't the whole story. Obviously CE is bad bad bad. But if someone is using it with an smod's approval or request, as part of finding ways to thwart it, that is NOT the same thing as using it in public or league arenas for competitive advantage, or to grief.

                Simply put:

                Using CE in public or league, or without staff approval, to cheat, gain competitive advantage, or to grief, is BAD, undesirable, and thus in the common interest to be bannable.

                Using CE in private AND with staff approval, to test, learn, and hopefully thwart, or at least document what it can do to hurt TW, is NOT bad. Research into what can hurt you (with appropriate precautions) is desirable, and thus in the common interest to NOT be bannable.


                • Vys used it in more then just a private arena. That is just where he was finally caught in the act. Before the client was updated certain memory editing exploits were harder to detect then the more obvious ones I.E. Infinite bursts, thors, etc. Yes, he may have been tricked into doing it.. But this isn't the US gov't, there are no rules for entrapment. If you did the deed you get punished for it.


                  • Originally posted by Eww View Post
                    Vys used it in more then just a private arena. That is just where he was finally caught in the act. Before the client was updated certain memory editing exploits were harder to detect then the more obvious ones I.E. Infinite bursts, thors, etc. Yes, he may have been tricked into doing it.. But this isn't the US gov't, there are no rules for entrapment. If you did the deed you get punished for it.
                    At the risk of going off topic, in the US gov't, rules of entrapment are also being ignored:
                    In that same place, the US gov't can (accidental negligence) kill little 7 year old girls in their sleep:

                    When you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys, it's a bad road down which to go. CE is bad. Entrapment is bad, too. Do an honest hard-working job at enforcing rules, or just don't bother. If your enforcement is lazy or sneaky or brutal, then you end up doing more harm than good, in the long run. And it tends to come back at you too, just like acid reflux, karma, this thread, or vys.


                    • Originally posted by Eww View Post
                      Vys used it in more then just a private arena. That is just where he was finally caught in the act. Before the client was updated certain memory editing exploits were harder to detect then the more obvious ones I.E. Infinite bursts, thors, etc. Yes, he may have been tricked into doing it.. But this isn't the US gov't, there are no rules for entrapment. If you did the deed you get punished for it.
                      Lol another person who thinks he knows shit when he clearly doesn't. I never used CE to better myself, one of the delectable crew sent me the program and I figured out all the cheats it could do and then I went to the bot developer at the time (lnx) and told him about CE and showed him everything that it does in order for him to make a bot for it. I also was ratting out people who was using it and people who were evading too.
                      I was an unknown warbird at the time who spent 10 hours a day on the game at the time, and I had this whole new game play in warbird that no one could figure out. I was owning so called vets at the time and it just didn't fit into place.
                      Pure_luck knew I was helping lnx at the time and this is the time where fireballs gave me a shot on squad ice.
                      So I left a bitter quicksand and joined squad ice and we was dueling them in twdd.
                      I was 8-0 in a matter of a minute (I spawned geetar 3 times). He was pming me calling me a cheater, the typical quicksand whine we all love. And then all of a sudden pure_luck and 6 other smod/mods enter the arena.
                      I fly to top right and I'm squad messaging quicksand how funny they are for reporting me because I was owning them.
                      Then all of a sudden I was banned for a year. Pure_luck said I was using infinate energy.
                      After a week of me and fireballz gathering up evidence to prove pure_luck wrong.
                      Pure_luck lifted the ban and instead of saying he was wrong he made out he was doing me a favour. By that time my rep had already been demolished and ice had died and syndicate had formed and demonfaze wouldn't let me join because of my ban.

                      Now to the recent ban in 05 to 07.
                      This is when our rivalry started between me and pure_luck. I had exposed him and he didn't like it that's why he conjured up plans to set me up (I didn't find this out untill an ex smod told me this). He used to gather high staff in his private arena and try and find out a way to set me up.
                      Which explains why a few higher staff was asking me to show them how to use CE in a private arena.
                      After like 8 months of not being able to join a decent squad because of the reputation pure_luck had given me.
                      Reaver (head twdop) asked me to join revenge and he asked me to show him CE, I thought nothing of it and downloaded the program and he prized me a Thor through a bot. I then made it infinate and shot it off. The bot disapeared and then pure_luck entered and then banned me for a year.
                      I tried appealing it but rudy said he couldn't do anything about it and to talk to pure_luck. But then pure_luck told me he was not bang op and to talk to rudy.
                      After about a month of getting sent from one to the other, they then eventually ignored me.
                      So I evaded the ban like 16 times just to try and talk to them, but none of them listened and just kept rebanning me and then upped it to life.
                      So I banned from the zone I loved whch I dedicated hours on end there. There was nothing I could do. I even glexplained my story to 2dragons and he gave me a banfree and sent me to #2dr whilst he spoke to pure_luck privately because pure_luck refused to talk about my ban infront of me.
                      There was nothing 2dragons could do because he was an inactive sysop and pure lucks word was greater than mine.
                      Anyway after 2 years of serving the ban. I went on teamspeak to see if any of my freinds still played. That's when I came accross weaver.
                      We had a long chat and I explained what had happened and he thought I had been done over. This is when the 0.40 had been released and cheating could be detectable, so weaver unbanned me and pure_luck wasn't happy with this, so he issued me a twl ban from season 11.
                      Anyway that's the facts and that's why I have this bitter feud with pure_luck.
                      Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

                      - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


                      • This topic is dead. They have gone way off topic and should just end it.


                        • How is it off topic? People are quick to mention about my past and these so called facts they know about me. So I thought I'd actually explain the facts on forum because I've never done it before. I'm trying to say how can a sys op get away with stuff he's done and no one seem to care.
                          Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

                          - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


                          • I want to thank Pure_Luck, too. I did not know he was help paying to keep this TW zone running. If he didn't do that, then we wouldn't be able to play this zone anymore and it truely would die. So thank you Pure_luck, that's extremely generous

                            Now this whole res issue, why can't we just do a trial or some sort? If TWBD allows that max res, why can't we have that in all TWD arenas? Let's just do trial with that, we don't have to allow that in leagues. Let's just all play at that level and take a poll to see what people think. That way we're being consistent.

                            Also, nowadays I feel everyone has bigger monitors. Before I think with the old CRT monitors, the bigger they were, they were substantially more expensive. Not really with these LCD monitors now price-wise.

                            That's my two cents on this topic.
                            RaCka> how can i get you here
                            death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                            RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                            death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                            • Originally posted by death row View Post
                              I want to thank Pure_Luck, too. I did not know he was help paying to keep this TW zone running. If he didn't do that, then we wouldn't be able to play this zone anymore and it truely would die. So thank you Pure_luck, that's extremely generous

                              Now this whole res issue, why can't we just do a trial or some sort? If TWBD allows that max res, why can't we have that in all TWD arenas? Let's just do trial with that, we don't have to allow that in leagues. Let's just all play at that level and take a poll to see what people think. That way we're being consistent.

                              Also, nowadays I feel everyone has bigger monitors. Before I think with the old CRT monitors, the bigger they were, they were substantially more expensive. Not really with these LCD monitors now price-wise.

                              That's my two cents on this topic.
                              I'm not saying I'm not thankful for pure_luck paying to keep the zone going, but there are other zones that are hosted that he isnt playing for, correct?

                              Vys, it is offtopic because the fact that you got banned 'for cheating' is completely irrelevant to someone else cheating, and you calling them out on it. If anything, someone who was punished for cheating has MORE of a right to call other people out for cheating and not being punished.

                              However I care more about him lying about it than anything else.
                              Honestly once your resolution is a certain size, someone else could have 10x bigger viewing area, and it wouldnt do much, their bullets would be on your screen forever for you to dodge.. The whole benefit of bigger resolution dies at a certain point, and people will pretty much have to play within a certain distance of one another. This is of course if the person with the lower resolution does have a high resolution, just not as high as the other person.. It's a relationship between the speed of bullets and the speed of the ship, and the person playings peripheral vision/reaction time..

                              You can make fun of my execution as much as you want(and its deserving!), but my strategy is sound

                              I'm not saying its ok to cheat resolution size, but it's not a huge a benefit as people make it out to be.


                              • Originally posted by Ricko View Post
                                i'll like ara when he gives me the squadname 'vs'
                                if my cable didnt go out for 3 days i would've quoted this sooner. we wud also like to haf squadname 'allow' but get neither.

                                --|-- Question: What is the average male penis size in humans? (erect in inches)

                                --|-- Ease got the correct answer, '5.3 inches', in 6.379 sec. and is tied for the lead with 2 pts.

