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Ideas to improve pub further?

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  • Ideas to improve pub further?

    Post your ideas on how we could improve pub further to create more interest for new players.

    Here's some mad ideas... I'll add more ideas to this list:

    1) Add 2 large turrets/cannon on edge of flagroom base- 1 for each side. A ship would have to enter flag room and touch this and they would be put stationary while moving the turret/cannon. It can shoot only once per 20 secs but the bullet will continue to move (short distance) even if hits a ship (if 3 ships were in it's path- 3 ships will explode). Or just bullets/ missile/ cannon balls take low damage and rapid fire.

    2) Adding gates that slide across when a player touches a small button to block the enermies path. These gates can be destroyed after a few hits. Destroying the gate will disable the button for 30 seconds.

    3) The bit before entering base looks abit dull so spice it up abit by possibly adding a small/large banner or just a rectangle where messages slide across inside- Welcome to Trench Wars: Updates ... ....

    4) Mayb when a ship kills a certain number of players, say 5, their ship gets promoted (a / symbol will appear on the ship). They can be promoted 3 times at max. 5 kills / 10 // 20 /// or mayb use ^ symbols on each promotion. Mayb their ship can turn slightly faster or move faster or they recieve a random item from the buy list (seems more appropriate).

    5) Following idea 4 if a ship gets promoted 3 times they inherit a barrier which is basically a semi-transparent bubble that surrounds the ship. If a bullet/ bomb hits this player- the barrier (bubble) disappears (like an extra live in a way) and if a bullet hits them again- the ship will explode.

    6) Again mayb if a player gets upgraded 3 time or mayb this could b a buyable option but players could get a turret added on their ship that automatically fires and aims at players just like in hyperspace!

    7) Walls can be damaged after a certain number of hits... Mayb they turn slightly darker or crack but the walls never break appart. After 30 seconds they return back to normal appearance.

    8) Mayb improve the background detail and make it look interesting by adding a close up of earth (not too close thou) that can be visable for a player in base- make the planet rotate slightly. Adding moving objects like shooting stars/ commets/ rocks etc (problem i guess with this is people might mistake this for a bullet- so these objects would have to move slow).

    9) Posting this idea for fun... Make a new ship, ship 9 whatever. This ship moves like a Levi but when you fire a missile- u control the missile and leave ur ship behind! When you hit a wall or a player you return back to controlling ur ship. This missile will travel long distances. If someone blows up ur empty ship ur missile (being u) will explode. So make sure ur ship is well hidden. Controlling the missile will be very hard btw. People will be able to attach to this ship so that they can defend ur empty ship. The bomb damage will be the same as a jav bomb. Oh and one thing... This ship can't enter base.

    10) Lets replace the flag with a large ship ?controlled by the first person that touches the ship or computer controlled. Players can attach to this- as many as 8. The ship can only move around flagroom. Make flagroom much bigger. The large ship would have a large health bar visable to everyone. Object would be for this ship to survive for 5 mins without dying. Best of 3. If the ship gets destroyed before 5 mins are up, whoever last shot at the ship would get control or computer would control the ship for the other team and 5 min timer will start again. The only way to repair this ship if to get Greens (won't heal by itself if left). The ship will only have a basic gun similar to the lancaster + nothing else.

    -this could be weekend event.

    11) Have a quiz/ trivia night every Saturday on pub (not necessary but may add interest).

    12) Add Walls that rotate in base. They either do this automatically or even (if possible) rotate when a player flies into it.

    13) Make the background inside the base grey/ metalic with other features like mini bridges or tunnels that hide your ship when you enter. This will make base more realistic looking and kewl

    14) Following on from idea 13 you could even make base look like the inside of a huge ship with big thrusters at bottom of the base + metalic looking background in the base of the ship.

    15) When base is full- maybe make 3 teams compete for the flag instead of just 2.

    16) Keep pub as it is but the second after a game starts, 2 attachable armour pieces get scattered inside the base (random places each time). Flying into one of these pieces not only adds a piece onto your ship (making ur ship appear unique depending on the ship and the piece) but increases the ships energy + weapon power. Each piece gives u random energy from 100-1000 and random power. Now as soon as the game ends or you leave base with the power piece still attached, it disappears off your ship. Leaving the base would scatter the item again. If you kill someone with this power piece, it becomes yours. Also people that wear the piece would appear as a red dot on radar.

    17) In special circumstances... lets say a player in base gets a bounty above 85 (has got to get all his/her kills inside base) a forcefield or barrier is automatically set around the actual flag so if anyone on the opposing team touches flag for more than 3 seconds- they will get warped. The flag would be left exposed for anyone on opposing team to claim. The barrier/forcefield can only happen once per round however (meaning that if 2 people get 85 bounty in 1 round... the barrier around flag would only happen once).

    I'm probably getting carried away now.
    Last edited by Fork; 11-25-2010, 03:09 PM.
    1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far

  • #2
    Remove the fcin levs!

    No basing coz of the lame 12 year olds driving levs!!!

    Theres nothing to do in tw, not enough players to twdb, not enough players to .?go base and we have to deal with the lev !@#$@#%$@#%^ in pub ffs!!!!!!

    edit: wtf forums?!, no caps lock mode!?
    2:Zung> Does this 2h mean 1h56 min foreplay & 3 pushes & a stare?
    2:renzi> lol no
    2:renzi> would fuck, blowjob/handjob, fuck, finger, etc


    • #3
      Some ideas are good, some may not work, like the Rotating walls, since they would interfere with the "square" of the ship and you would be warped outside

      A new ship is urgently needed to make the game interesting again. Like as you see other games, they always patch new ships/heroes/whatever to their game to make it interesting or give new opportunities.

      To make the base look much more interesting it would be a good idea to add something like Tunnels or metallic background. Maybe adding a permanent sound in the background that gives you more of the feeling to be in space would be an idea aswell?

      If there are many people, YES more than 2 teams. Base could be bigger aswell, but it depends on how much people are there so we cant really say we make base bigger for euro times when there are only some people around. And patching between euro and American times would take too much effort and downloading for players.

      I dislike the idea of walls being able do be damaged. There are rarely games where you can destroy the ground or Walls, and it Wouldnt really give you an advantage since if the wall returns after 30 secs and your terr is currently passing through, hes warped again. And it would destroy the meaning of the game very much.

      Thats all from me now
      Last edited by Reab; 11-26-2010, 08:32 AM.
      Keith> you don't need to eat human to eat meat.
      Goddess> Keith
      Goddess> gonna eat you

      We got Burg <ER> and Steak <ER>, i already told them Goddess has a huge appetite! ?go PIE -H.M.S. Stargazer

      (disown)> he loved to give head


      • #4
        Ooo i think u misunderstood the idea of walls being destroyed- well they only get damaged but never break apart, so walls are never really destroyed but instead crack alittle. It was just a little feature that could make things look more interesting. Someone shoots a bullet and misses the opponent- hits a wall- wall cracks slightly or bullet hole can be seen. Someone shoots a wall with a bomb- multiple cracks appear and a small area of the wall turns black. No wall destroyed, but just effects if u like.
        1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


        • #5
          Remember, when someone buys a shield, half the time or even more, it gets wasted. I bought a shield and a few seconds later i discovered my team finally just so happen to take base anyway.

          So, not only is it only 30 seconds, but half the time its an accidental buy

          you can also buy thors and completely miss or be killed

          so your post is wrong the stuff its too expensive, not too low


          • #6
            Originally posted by Fork View Post
            1) Add 2 large turrets/cannon on edge of flagroom base
            bullets can not travel through ships

            2) Adding gates that slide across
            can not be implemented

            3) rectangle where messages slide across inside
            could work, but would require weekly downloads, and tw is better than eg and does not need this

            4) ship gets promoted
            this can easily be added, but is limited to -1- promotion symbol

            5) semi-transparent bubble that surrounds the ship
            would only be visible to you, otherwise would not work

            6) turret added on their ship
            is possible, but would require large numbers of bots since tw is not ASSS

            7) Walls can be damaged
            can be done in ASSS, but can not be replaced. impossible in tw

            8) improve the background detail
            possible, but would reduce client performance, causing lag

            9) Make a new ship
            can not be done, and is only possible by replacing another ship

            10) replace the flag with a large ship
            is possible with bots, but no health bar. would radically change tw, meaning it is impossible

            11) quiz/ trivia night every Saturday
            can easily be done

            12) [B]Walls that rotate[/B

            13) background inside the base grey/ metalic
            see #8

            14) make base look like the inside of a huge ship
            see #8

            15) 3 teams compete for the flag
            only choices are always or never

            16) 2 attachable armour pieces get scattered
            is possible with ASSS, but not tw

            17) a forcefield or barrier is automatically set around the actual flag
            relatively easily done with doors+bot
            a breakdown
            The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

            SSCJ Distension Owner
            SSCU Trench Wars Developer

            Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


            • #7
              Rox so negative. I don't see why a few of these things can't be done. As Zazu would say "Impossible is nothing". Some of these things that you've said are "Impossible" actually aren't. You just have to think outside the box.

              I just don't agree w/ changing PUB too much w/o consent of pub players, most of which aren't signed up for these forums.

              Flared setup a promotion to give Pub Bucks to players signing up for the forums and posting/participating. Will you make it your objective to help those pub players signup for the forums? Feel free to get the other TWEUs to help you with this, and refer them to this forum post if they have questions.

              I'll be on in about 5 hours to help with this.

              Help Promote TrenchWars - -


              • #8
                rox you really got to take a look in the mirror 90% of your posts are negative i've been there pick up your bootstraps it's not too late to make that change


                • #9
                  perhaps it is you who is negative

                  my post was completely neutral, and based on the limitations of the game client.
                  it has nothing to do with what i think
                  The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                  SSCJ Distension Owner
                  SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                  Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Evul Fly View Post
                    Remove the fcin levs!

                    No basing coz of the lame 12 year olds driving levs!!!

                    Theres nothing to do in tw, not enough players to twdb, not enough players to .?go base and we have to deal with the lev !@#$@#%$@#%^ in pub ffs!!!!!!

                    edit: wtf forums?!, no caps lock mode!?
                    yeah i agree totaly with this and as a long time pubber i have just totally given up
                    but the pub changes go further than the levi which as bad enough as it is, but they incorporate more changes aimed at rewarding hardcore playingtime
                    In my world,
                    I am King



                    • #11
                      4) Promotion - not a bad idea, how about faster recharge or hitpoints.. or both.

                      Also I would pilot a fly-by-wire levi. Call it the Dealtmobile.

                      We need anti-LT devices to stop the rape of base and also to make LT's life more interesting. Could we have cheaper anti-warp or a particular ship that can green it? Too many shit terr's having free reign in my pub.
                      LoPIST> i have tons of leet freinds


                      • #12
                        roxx is actually right on everything, TW != ASSS and some ideas would require to rewrite the game, which is "impossible" in my book.
                        TW Bot Developer
                        TW Web Developer
                        Friends> All I saw was arobas+
                        Friends> It's like death


                        • #13
                          Heh ty for ur comments- I was trying to think outside the box. Mayb u guys origionally thought adding space bucks to pub was impossible idk. Thing is I strongly feel websites/ new players base their ratings of this game on pub (mayb believing it's the only thing u can do) so naturally improving this game would be to improve or tweak/ add new things to the pub game play or appearance of the base (thou it may cause lag which could b tested on a diff arena first). I appologise if any1 disagrees with me but it is the first arena you come to.

                          Mayb if it comes to the worst and population goes lower what harm could happen if the game was re-written in private and once complete could replace the existing one. Re-writing game is re-writing trenchwars or continuum btw? If just trenchwars- people are donating money possibly for something like this to b done. How much money is needed to re-write trenchwars? If it's re-writing contiuum- yeh gonna be very very hard but can't b done with a good amount of money from donations? Again (idk) could b developed in private and once tested- could replace existing game.
                          Last edited by Fork; 12-03-2010, 12:29 PM.
                          1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Fork View Post
                            Heh ty for ur comments- I was trying to think outside the box. Mayb u guys origionally thought adding space bucks to pub was impossible idk. Thing is I strongly feel websites/ new players base their ratings of this game on pub (mayb believing it's the only thing u can do) so naturally improving this game would be to improve or tweak/ add new things to the pub game play or appearance of the base (thou it may cause lag which could b tested on a diff arena first). I appologise if any1 disagrees with me but it is the first arena you come to.

                            Mayb if it comes to the worst and population goes lower what harm could happen if the game was re-written in private and once complete could replace the existing one. Re-writing game is re-writing trenchwars or continuum btw? If just trenchwars- people are donating money possibly for something like this to b done. How much money is needed to re-write trenchwars? If it's re-writing contiuum- yeh gonna be very very hard but can't b done with a good amount of money from donations? Again (idk) could b developed on private and once tested- could replace existing game.
                            Hey Fork! Re-writing the game is re-writing the Continuum client/server. There have been many attempts to clone what we have now but they have failed terribly. Currently, there is another attempt...
                            It will take a long while to re-write a game, especially the security packets to stop people from cheating the game to death also other major things.

                            Anyways, great ideas so far! B)


                            • #15
                              Is anything we do to pub going to attractive more new long term players than it is going to make long term veterans play less or rage quit?

                              Probably not.

                              Oh and the new levi is dirty, and promotes newbie LTing (champing shots outside of base) instead of going balls to the wall and crushing newbs like a clam on our tummies.
                              Bounty <ZH> - I just went from 3 to 39 bounty in one shot
                              Dr. Snyder - Why'd you attack the world trade center?

                              DaKo is out. 0 wins 10 losses

