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Upgradable gear?

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  • Upgradable gear?

    I think it would be nice if over time, if you had a piece of gear, like burst or the bouncing ball thing that if they got upgraded in power just for staying alive and not using it. for instance, a lev surviving on teleportation would be able to get a longer duration boost from his boosters for staying alive. but once he uses them then they're back to normal if he gets it back. or if a terr who is in base survives an onslaught on weasels without using the ball attack and picked up lots of greans it would give him a extra ball per green or every other green so that if they came again that he'd have a better chance. it also woul let his teammates stay on their jobs defending because they know he'd have a little safer time defending himself. that and you could have an upgraded radar for the ships that can get it that if they survive the weasels with the lower version later with the help of greens they can get a less energy intensive one.

  • #2
    or a bomb that uses all the nrg u have ...



    • #3
      Ball attack = burst just to clear up any future confusion
      Originally posted by Facetious
      edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


      • #4

        could even have a variable weapon.... forinstance a lev shot that either is it's normal shot or is a massive emp shot that diables ships in the area for a small time. so for the first 1-5 greens it's one shot and the next 1-5 greens it's the other.


        • #5
          I generally use the phrase "ball attack" for me ruining someones shit, like going awol on their package. generally involves some sort of marmott.
          My god, someone shoot me me in the
          face before I watch another episode of
          Will and Grace.


          • #6
            ahaha marmott's are funny because they're basically fancy weasels.

            Nibbs, I don't believe any of the things you described can be done using the current version of Continuum .38 (well, without fancy bots). Interesting thoughts, but not exactly things that can be implemented.


            • #7
              Burst should be rename ballattack
              Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

              5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


              • #8
                I like your idea on upgradeable gear.

                but lemme add my thoughts onto this one.

                1. cannot upgrade from field greens
                2. cannot start with any upgrades
                3. can purchase upgrades in safes only
                4. upgrades cost lots of money


                • #9
                  i think they game should have never changed in the first place!
                  Check Yo Self
                  Before You Reck Yo Self


                  • #10

                    A static world is a dead world, as long as things keep evolving and are kept fluid things will prosper


                    • #11
                      Re: bah

                      Originally posted by Nibbs
                      A static world is a dead world, as long as things keep evolving and are kept fluid things will prosper
                      what a load o crap


                      • #12
                        I don't think that's a load of crap... maybe it's corny but not a load of crap.


                        • #13
                          To use the "ball attack"... you have to hit down-down-right-(CTRL)+(ALT)+(DEL)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by muk
                            i think they game should have never changed in the first place!
                            BAH HUMBUG TO CHANGES BY GOLLY JEEPERS
                            Trench Wars Player
                            STFU GG -NT-.


                            • #15
                              I like changes, but anything that you have to buy in safe zone seems stupid to me.. I've been playing for a couple years now, and never once have I bought anything in a safe zone. If I can't green it, I don't need it.
                     - Gallileo's racist thread

                              "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo

