If you remove them from scoring or completely disable some play styles (even if just for a few hours a day) because you want to have a ?go base pub you are actively telling a big part of the population to "go fuck off". Ever thought of this?
However, if certain play styles kill basing by deterring basers when there is a low population then I would rather keep the basers and lose the others. Some play styles depend on having basers to prey upon and may die along with the death of basing anyway. Why risk losing two groups instead of one?
When scoring I would prioritize basing, because it is supposed to be the primary purpose of the arena, because it is the most interesting and complex part of the game (IMO) and because other styles depend on it. The end of a basing round "Best/Most" rewards should never go to anyone who is not competing for that flag.
Success in other play styles could still be scored separately: Let those with alternative play styles compete against their own group. Spawner vs Spawner. Camper vs Camper. LT vs LT. Dueller vs Dueller. They should get some reward too, but nothing to compete with basers.
Having a reward system that is capable of telling the difference and rewarding flexibly (without crashing the bots/server/database) is important for this.