Originally posted by Frightful
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By the way, the people that argued with me about distension in game (frightful, fis, etc) all admitted being bias toward distension and stated pretty clearly that TW is moving away from pure TW and the engine is driven by events and things like distension now. If that's the case, then do away with TWD and TWL for a year. If TW is still up and running, then you have your point. I think TW would be dead at that point, but people like frightful countered that pub would still be thriving. I'm pretty sure that anyone that has played long enough knows that TWD/TWL is what keeps TW alive, not public (edit: I meant not events* here but oh well), but to each their own. Let me just state that the next few times Distension is hosted, for all of you on the fence with this issue and not actually completely biased toward it, see what happens in the other arenas. There are quite a few people that strongly dislike distension might I add, so you alienate those players when they cannot do anything else but play distension (which gets stale after a while, because even I enjoyed it when it was first made).
There's a reason you guys have to post times and schedule the event and cannot get the best hours to host it. There's a reason it's so controversial, and I'm not the only one that thinks the way I do. I only posted Hockey as an alternative to focus on, due to it being brought up in this thread. Hockey is something I believe would gain a population due to HZ being basically dead, while Distension has been around for what... 4 years? Sure, some people I guess are religiously dedicated to it, but apparently not so much that they wanted to join Distension Zone. They just dont give a shit about the rest of TW and so want to turn TW into Distension Zone 2.0, thinking that with this zone's already high population (BTW, this population wasn't created because of Distension), you will fare better. Possibly you will, but like I said, this zone didn't get it's population due to a relatively NEW event like distension.
Well then, I'll have the discussion. Just don't get so angry simply because I disagree.
Also, I've always stated that I'm not perfect and I can be wrong on things. If I am wrong, I will admit that, but I've yet to see anyone give me logical reasons why I'm wrong. I've only seen people get angrier and angrier the more I stated about why I believe distension isn't a helpful thing. I can only go by my experiences and other player's experiences that I've talked to after distension is being hosted, and those experiences usually are not good. FiS, all you said at the end of your little rant in-game was what do I do to help this game, which I guess you are basically saying "Why are you not staff instead of bitching at staff for fucking up?" which all I can say is why do most veterans in this game absolutely refuse to join staff? There's a huge stigma to it. Beyond that, the few that don't absolutely refuse believe there is a bias within staff recruitment to begin with, so they would never be eligible. Honestly, the majority of the time, I see players join staff who I've never, ever heard of before they became staff, and I posted this on another thread with my inability to see why Lego was hired over the many other potential players. To believe people don't want to help this game is ridiculous, because them even playing for years is due to them loving/wanting this game to survive. People donated real money in an effort to help this game. Sure, there are a lot of talkers and very few doers, but that's because the lack of faith in staff. I've even stated in posts how I believe the current upper-staff members are probably the best I've ever seen in this game since I started in 1999/2000 (somewhere around there). There seems to be a want to do things differently and more efficiently/better, so that is a huge plus. I've stated my support for that. I will ALWAYS state my disagreement with things I see as a mistake, however. I view distension as a mistake simply because of the history of it. Distension zone failed. It would've failed whether Cheese or Demonic ran that show. Distension is an event, not an entire zone worth of content. Trenchwars as a whole should not be suffering from an event. Do I want that event to completely disappear? No. Do I believe that event should be ran during the weekends when TW population is at it's peak? Nope. That population is at it's peak for other reasons than distension. If you find a huge population spike during these SCHEDULED times of distension, then I'll give you credit for it, but don't ruin the rest of TW simply because you love an event so much.