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Retired and leaving the game

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Reckful View Post
    not that i care but you promoted 1 guy that has hosted 0 events ever and were approved and if you want ill get the logs by upster so that it could help you slit your own neck further while i was afk.
    That's like saying you should've never been promoted in the first place. When did you ever take calls? Even as a dean.

    It's not like I blindly choose the ZH to ER promotions. There have been plenty of people that would've gotten it due to their hosting but have since gone MIA.
    And I really wonder if you have any idea how Events work in the first place taking into account you never once promoted anyone from ZH to ER. You had what... 2 months to do it?

    Last month's hosting statistics were a lie considering 95% of them were TWDT related. 1 TWDT = 3 hosts or such.
    Then I hear you suggesting different <ZH>s without realizing none of them are around or doing much at all. Not that you'd know that because you never cared to take a look. If you did, you would've asked instead of "going to turban to drop the hammer".

    ...Have to start from somewhere.

    To your comment about "boundaries". I joined staff openly saying I don't want to be confined to just one department. I joined the TWL team as a <ZH> and then staff training. WillBy wanted me as his assistant for Events where he told me it's the best way to communicate and work with other departments. I was also wanted as assistant for staff training because I actually do shit, but that was a no go because I was already an assistant for a department.
    You on the other hand when made dean, were too busy to "take over staff training" and did absolutely zero. Until General Aladeen came around to pick your slack. Then you never supported him so everyone else had to cover for your laziness.

    See you in DT.
    3:Wax> ard and i snapchat all the time
    3:Wax> we play virtually tummysticks
    3:i.d.> da fk is that?
    3:Ardour> we basically are each others personal psychologist
    3:Shadowmere> i.d., Wax breaks keyboards playing SubSpace. Best not ask him what anything is.
    3:Wax> Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys.
    3:Wax> Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."
    3:Shadowmere> LOL
    3:i.d.> Oddly, that's close to what I thought it was...

    Best> I never cooked a day in my life

    Deft> beat by a guy who plays ss on his cellphone
    Shadowmere> Rofl
    Up in ya !> With his feet
    Deft> no kidding, redefining l44t
    Up in ya !> l44t feet
    Deft> l44t f44t*
    Up in ya !> Twinkle toes
    Deft> he had l33t f33t but he practiced


    • #32
      Just want to point out: When reckful was assistant head of Staff training before I ever joined the first time, he didn't do anything with that then. He didn't care for the job if I remember correctly. One of a series of jobs that he was thrown into without interest in.
      Former TW Staff


      • #33
        i think shaddowmere and shaddowknight are the same people, any name with shaddow needs 2 be fired ASAP


        • #34
          Originally posted by Sertifi. View Post
          That's like saying you should've never been promoted in the first place. When did you ever take calls? Even as a dean.

          It's not like I blindly choose the ZH to ER promotions. There have been plenty of people that would've gotten it due to their hosting but have since gone MIA.
          And I really wonder if you have any idea how Events work in the first place taking into account you never once promoted anyone from ZH to ER. You had what... 2 months to do it?

          Last month's hosting statistics were a lie considering 95% of them were TWDT related. 1 TWDT = 3 hosts or such.
          Then I hear you suggesting different <ZH>s without realizing none of them are around or doing much at all. Not that you'd know that because you never cared to take a look. If you did, you would've asked instead of "going to turban to drop the hammer".

          ...Have to start from somewhere.

          To your comment about "boundaries". I joined staff openly saying I don't want to be confined to just one department. I joined the TWL team as a <ZH> and then staff training. WillBy wanted me as his assistant for Events where he told me it's the best way to communicate and work with other departments. I was also wanted as assistant for staff training because I actually do shit, but that was a no go because I was already an assistant for a department.
          You on the other hand when made dean, were too busy to "take over staff training" and did absolutely zero. Until General Aladeen came around to pick your slack. Then you never supported him so everyone else had to cover for your laziness.

          See you in DT.

          Lemme break some shit down for you junior. You run Events your job is to make sure we have solid weekend events and to ensure ERs are properly trained. I could get pee pee sock to do this after like 20 minutes of talking to him. The hosting statistics for last month are only messed up on the ZH side because the stats dont allow for league hosts to be credited to them because in the past they were not allowed to host such a thing. You know because we had more manpower and what not. So we improvised to give credit where its due (btw all of you players owe jerome a huge shoutout cause thats like all he does in staff is host DT guy is a god.)

          Lets comment on my history since you apprently need to mention yours for w/e pissing contest reason. I joined staff as a ZH in 2011 anyone that knew me as a zh or trained me knew I always wanted to learn more interms of hosting i always asked for more of a challenge with it. I move to ER and stayed there for 2 weeks before moving directly to mod because of my work in 2 weeks with the training dept. When I was a mod I worked in training, I helped diakka with weekend event planning and hosting, I was a twl and twdop. I pretty much did everything short of dev that you could do as a mod at the same time and still hit 200 quota most months.

          Now skipping all the time as smod already Ill go straight to the dean stuff for you since I do nothing anyways. In the time I've been dean we removed the pub play time quota because it was a retarded relic from poid. We rebuilt the training department and while Ill admit I didnt have to do much in that area the only reason I say it is because Heaven came out of left field and was amazing at it. I knew within a week he would replace azovs old job. There were doubters about that from sysops but by god look at heaven right now hes probably the most useful staffer in the smod part of upperstaff atm. When we look at my hires while dean and my moves there were questions on some of them for instance the series of hires of beam racka weak and sooyoung. Each of them has performed well enough except racka. Racka did fine interms of doing staff stuff he just couldnt see past the ZH tag marking him as a newb w/e it happens. Ive been asked to axe beam by probably 20 people and while beam is a troll at times and has his issues hes a solid twdop.

          What else did we do as a dean let me think... Oh you bitch about losing your ERs lets go to that Warlord quit for personal reasons shit happens we'll survive. Mithrandia asked to become a mod to help out with bans and no offense but its mithrandia i dont know how you worry about losing a host when the guy lives and breathes events. It was a good idea to reward his efforts and give something extra for him to do as he wants. As much as I would love to go into me and upsters working relationship I wont as its subject to a ton of heat the last 2 days and I will say this. Up in ya was a very good counter to my personality interms of working out ideas and trying to implement new things and running the ship hes also a pretty cool guy bullshit with thats all Ill go into. Im not making the issues of it public. Ill wrap up this essay as I really dont need to say much else your already on thin ice with your fearless leaders and Im not going to get you into a heated debate on here that gets you axed as a last straw thing.
          5:LF> no the worst texts ever are having to explain to your gf why "megaman89" is demanding that I be somewhere at 3PM on a sunday

          5:fiS> you're lying, my mom doesnt even know how to poke

          pinkSTAR has been released from the kitchen long enough to serve you ?go elame3 -Reckful
          1:Cig <er>> ROFL
          1:fiS> LOL
          1:MAGI KOZ> hey population just spiked in here</er>


          • #35
            Originally posted by Shaddowknight View Post
            Just want to point out: When reckful was assistant head of Staff training before I ever joined the first time, he didn't do anything with that then. He didn't care for the job if I remember correctly. One of a series of jobs that he was thrown into without interest in.
            I just want to point out that I dumped more hours into training when i was a mod then any other department I've ever worked in for staff. I use to love that position to this day I never agreed with your promotion to it and literally removed myself from its existence when that change occured it wasnt a personal reason then it was just how new you were but I left it for good that day.
            5:LF> no the worst texts ever are having to explain to your gf why "megaman89" is demanding that I be somewhere at 3PM on a sunday

            5:fiS> you're lying, my mom doesnt even know how to poke

            pinkSTAR has been released from the kitchen long enough to serve you ?go elame3 -Reckful
            1:Cig <er>> ROFL
            1:fiS> LOL
            1:MAGI KOZ> hey population just spiked in here</er>


            • #36
              I saw Reckful do endless good work on staff whilst I was apart of it and even more after I quit. Whoever or whatever has caused him to leave should be addressed so it doesn't happen again.

              Do you play CS? PM me your steam man.


              • #37
                3:Turban> i think i made a mistake when i gave shadowmere more power
                1:Ogron> i can officially say that i am quitting tinder dude fuck that i met the most amazing girl ever
                1:Zidane> congrats man
                1:Ogron> yeah she is into star wars movies and plays little bit of LoL
                1:Ogron> AND we had a 10 minute make out session in my car
                1:Rough> AND this guy wonders why he is a loser


                • #38
                  everyone knows sertifi was hired to events so he could suck dicks all over peoples messagebot channels amirite
                  The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                  SSCJ Distension Owner
                  SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                  Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                  • #39
                    Man you guys are worried about the wrong things. Events are pretty much dead.

                    You know what staff should be most worried about? Teaching the new players how to use thing like " ESC+a" to find arenas just for example or many of the other commands, that new skool games don't have.

                    l help new players learn the mechanics of the game. Like when I see a new player newb1234 say "how do I change ship or change arenas" I see 5 staff members sitting in spec ignoring them but talking on private chats an stuff.

                    And I've noticed if no1 answers them they log off and NVR log back on. But if you help them learn the first hour they play, they tend to stick around.

                    That's what you fgt staff should be worried about. Ss isn't the same as it was in the past. Fuck all the nonsense. Staffs #1 priority should be getting activity in the zone, not killing it more. Fucking morons.....


                    • #40
                      i think its pretty clear and always has been that shadowmere is terrible at his job on staff. so according to tw staff protocol, its time to promote him further up!
                      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                      • #41
                        +1 for a brave decision Reckful, and for a good message. I remember how motivsted you were when you got the dean spot.
                        I haven't been there since a while now but I don't believe that shadowmere deserves all the hate he gets when the core problems still are the same as years ago.
                        As hard as it sounds, you're just another one in the list of good hearted staffers leaving within a year. Look who is left...
                        Props to them who still want to help and don't give up yet. +1 to turban who I always see getting involved with all kinds of different things trying to get results.

                        I still do believe MM is a good guy and I always be one to defend him. That one day he will go inactive was just a matter of time if you take a look at what kind of virtual issues he deals with every day. Imagine all this drama, everytime you log in you instantly have 5 people messaging you about 10 different issues while you are trying to get ahold of your x ?messages. And that when you only want to play a quick game of base after a day of work. Enjoying the actual game becomes impossible at a certain stage. Although, the correct choice would be to make room. But for whom? Who is there to support the zone and who would actually want to, at this point? Demonic again? Lol.

                        Beasty has been one of these people power tripping ever since he got back couple years ago desperately wanting the sysop spot. Absolutely poisenous. Have you ever seen him post on forums, getting involved with the public, explaining movements?
                        Beasty, I'm never going to forget how you lied to poid and threw me under the bus a year ago. Selfish, ego tripping. Huge God complex.
                        I am surprised to hear Krynetix is sysop still. Good to hear that, strengthens me futher in the belief that quitting is the only option.

                        Good going guys.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by LF View Post
                          So pretty much what I said/expected/mentioned when turban got sysop and staff made all these "big sweeping changes" to upper staff. Its still the same small group of 2-3 people being stubborn, micro-managing and sticking their nose in places where it doesn't belong. I still think turb is good for the zone but its pretty clear to see that he has far less say in the day to day operations than what was originally put forth when he was promoted. The fact that he has to make so many posts saying "I dont know but I will try to find out" says everything about the communication among the "staff royalty". Theres only like 6 of you sysops how hard is it to talk to one another?

                          Regardless of my opinion on the matter this simple fact remains... Another one gone and still nothing is changing/has changed. Why have a dean of staff at all if they don't get to manage staff as they see fit? Just to formalize the decisions that only the sysops can make?

                          Good luck with steam but its clear to everyone that isnt sysop that you have zero chance to succeed. If its possible to have a below zero chance, that is where you stand with poid organizing it.

                          Good luck Reck. I hate to say it but it seems to be the only thing I'm allowed to do anymore so here it is...

                          I told you so
                          Fuckin poid broke the +1 button so +1


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by WillBy View Post
                            Fuckin poid broke the +1 button so +1
                            Actually it was kryn. So fukin kryn broke the +1 button so +1
                            Trench Wars Player

                            “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by field View Post
                              Actually it was kryn. So fukin kryn broke the +1 button so +1
                              fkn dezmond his fault originally


                              • #45
                                It's always Dezmond's fault. Of course!
                                Former TW Staff

