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Changes to Public Arena coming June 10th

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  • #46
    Can you guys replace pub with distension instead?
    7:Ruhe In Frieden> wiat, how come everyone said jill was lebanese?
    7:raizin> LESBIAN, NOT LEANESE
    7:Almalexia> LOLIRL
    7:Ruhe In Frieden> lol
    7:CROW_CAW_CAW_CAW> hahah
    7:Berlin Wall> rofl


    • #47
      Originally posted by the block View Post
      The lack of X-Radar on the Shark was an oversight which has now been fixed. Thanks for pointing it out!
      Add "More TKing (slow or repped) flag-bombs from sharks" to the list in my "plan for defending flag against invisible ships with reps" question.


      • #48
        bring back supers


        • #49
          Originally posted by Eren View Post
          Can you guys replace pub with distension instead?
          1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


          • #50
            Should have mini adverts in pub telling people to join a squad for squad battles! Want these new players to stay? Twd is the drug...
            1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


            • #51
              Originally posted by Fork View Post
              Should have mini adverts in pub telling people to join a squad for squad battles! Want these new players to stay? Twd is the drug...
              for a player to get to Twd level takes a long long time, most newbs woulda boredquitted with the current pub b4 reaching that level.....

              you need a competitive game thats not that skill demanding, played casually and can be squadplayed


              • #52
                Hi guys,
                I think the changes made are not exactly what reflect the players opinion,
                We can debate for hours on what should look like the weasel and what purpose has the levi in the pub,
                but we have more important things to bring on the table,

                First, will the game survive?? I truly wish, but we might need some help from the players, not only the staff and Steam...

                I also questioned the lack of money generating from this game, we should consider ourselves lucky to have Priitk ( at some points, for hosting), but in the other hand, nothing went forward in the last 10 years. Hey, our budget is $2500. We can consider that broke... I am very curious to know how much per year it would cost to run the game away from Priitk...
                Generating money, with ads, t-shirt, Figurine (I'd like a Warbird figurine!!) and other junk, everyone loves junk! (it is probably late for that now, since steam project in coming)
                I have more ideas and I am sure you do too... Bring em up!

                Steam is a very good idea, BUT Do you really think 200 newbs will enjoy to be ass kicked by us? Somehow, we have to split the new players to the vet if you want them to stick around. We don't need 1000 players, we need 100 that will come back on a daily base... a pub just for the beginners, until they reach like 20 hours...? ( I don't know)
                I brought several players in the last years and none of them are playing anymore.. it's too hard, they don't understand all the commands or some guys are rude (just like me, Which is something I am trying to stop...)

                To come back with the pub changes; here's my thoughts;

                -If you put back the old weasel, I wish any ship could see them, allow wb to have x-radar when they reach 75 bounty... Nothing is more frustrating to get back-stab by Spock! when you are in fire...
                I enjoyed keeping an eye on my radar just in case a weasel come close...
                -Buy in the safe, it's a terrible joke! Ask any Terr what they think about it, It's PUB, not base or a tournament god dammit, allow the players to enjoy their pubbux...
                Maximum 2 decoys per life (wait 15 sec to buy a second in the safe. WASTE of time), hey 10 years ago, I had tons of decoy when I start the round with my points!! not the pubbux..
                -Removing !buys is kinda annoying, you should add !buys to open some people minds, Creativity is the key of success!
                -Have purepub, where you cannot !buy, disable the levi and more.. Have an arena where you can do everything ...!buy, levi, super, epidemic,
                -New !buys idea should come up!

                This is simply my opinion, but One thing I know, we have to work together if we want to keep this game alive....
                G P


                • #53
                  sharks need to be able to buy reps!!! 3 reps and might as well suicide to start again. ridiculous!

                  support psycho's idea that he order wb figurines from china and resell them with profit going to tw
                  LF> Winners of killothon are obviously best players in the zone

                  100+ Killothon victories

                  $25 Easter event winner

                  Real winner (stargazer ruined) $!00 step-elim

                  Runner up levi elim to 500 marathon


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by GET PSYCHO View Post
                    Hi guys,
                    I also questioned the lack of money generating from this game, we should consider ourselves lucky to have Priitk ( at some points, for hosting), but in the other hand, nothing went forward in the last 10 years. Hey, our budget is $2500. We can consider that broke... I am very curious to know how much per year it would cost to run the game away from Priitk...
                    G P
                    When I had the SSCC sever, it was $200/month. The server specs were comparable to the server priitk has for SSCU (I can't remember the exact specs, but I compared them back then). I did this for 4 years until I pulled the plug.

                    Sure you could get hosting much cheaper, but you won't get the specs required to handle multiple zones with a decent population with little/no lag. Plus, unless you have the server physically with you (which we wouldn't), you need to fork out the money to have a dedicated tech team at the datacenter of your server in case something goes wrong.
                    SySop SSCJ Metal Gear CTF


                    • #55
                      I'm very happy how pub is going myself. It's so nice and controlled again. That buy stuff was so chaotic. As far as sharks go they are a defensive ship and should do their 3 reps and die or try and get another green with a repel in it. The whole point of this game with greens is that you get to find your powerups on your own and do the best with what you have. So many players became spoiled by the store and the !buy "hacks". The game is so much better paced right now and it is showing the skill required to win games when freqs are even is about teaming and play rather then who has unlimited buys cause of pubbux. It's really fun now and nice to experience. It should really help control everything when the Steam launch happens I think .
                      TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                      TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                      TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                      TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                      TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                      TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by GET PSYCHO View Post
                        -Buy in the safe, it's a terrible joke! Ask any Terr what they think about it, It's PUB, not base or a tournament god dammit, allow the players to enjoy their pubbux...
                        Maximum 2 decoys per life (wait 15 sec to buy a second in the safe. WASTE of time), hey 10 years ago, I had tons of decoy when I start the round with my points!! not the pubbux..
                        -Removing !buys is kinda annoying, you should add !buys to open some people minds, Creativity is the key of success!
                        I disagree
                        getting buys to work only in safe is a step in the right direction ( or one step back in the right direction again )
                        this decreases the gap skill-level between pub and twd, twl etc.
                        when new players get dependent on buys, they'll have a hard time adapting in the squadgames
                        also it's good for the new players from Steam so they can just focus on their ship instead of the buys and money commands
                        Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.


                        • #57
                          You are right actually, I played a bit this week-end and I noticed a huge difference in the gameplay without the !buy
                          It's to break to habit of triggering a !burst or !port is a thought one.

                          Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, We need to have a !shufflevote system,
                          When the scoreboard is 0-3 it should automatically shuffle the teams,
                          I was in and out during the week-end and the same team was owning the FR... over and over...
                          and for some reason, every time I join in, it automatically send me into the winning team. ( then you hear; GP freq hopper..I'm like nooo, it's not true, the bot sent me here !! :\)


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by View Post
                            I disagree getting buys to work only in safe is a step in the right direction ( or one step back in the right direction again )
                            Yes. Pub basing should be about skill not spacebux.
                            Originally posted by View Post
                            also it's good for the new players from Steam so they can just focus on their ship instead of the buys and money commands
                            Fewer newcomers will quit the game when a veteran player beats them due to a system they haven't had time to understand (or earn the $$ to match) and looks like cheating.
                            Originally posted by GET PSYCHO View Post
                            Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, We need to have a !shufflevote system, When the scoreboard is 0-3 it should automatically shuffle the teams, I was in and out during the week-end and the same team was owning the FR... over and over...
                            The option to jump into a weasel that can bypass FR entrance defences has been removed. Without defenders being flanked or drawn off it should be easier to defend. I expect more static, boring games when populations are low and teams are stacked. To correct the balance we could try buying baseterrs when losing (buys are limited though) and freq-hopping via private freq when winning (if we cannot switch). Seems a bit lame though. A 3-0 autoshuffle and shufflevote system could help too but who has the patience to wait 3 rounds if the biggest active basing team wins the vote as you might expect?


                            • #59
                              As a Trenchwars Icon I say its all good. You can trust me I am iconic.


                              • #60

                                Besides the automation system (which is currently hard to improve as we lack developers), there are a lot of players already who try to balance the game and keep it fun for all. May it be by hopping on the weaker freq, clearing the mines in low pop time or anything else. Sadly we also have a big number of players who find it very attractive to exploit every possible flaw in the system to gain a short-term advantage or just like to annoy others. Unless that kind of thinking changes and shifts more to a fair play in the spirit of the game idea, we cannot really do more than just fix one symptom after the other with a risk of making it another abusable exploit. The alternative would be to drive a hard line of punishments on players, which might catch a lot of wrong ones.

