Originally posted by the block
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Personally i dont think making the weasel big was a good decision:
1) It used to keep everyone on their toes when weasel was small because they could enter in the flagroom from top/bottom/ sides... More of a challenge to defend the base.
2) Using the weasel was the last resort of claiming the flag when a team is clearly losing. Many times when there is only 30 seconds left before game is over have i jumped in a weasel/ sneaked in flagroom and managed to claim the flag and kept the match going for ages (keeping the battle alive). <---Now it will be very hard to do + games will be shorter. 3) Having a smaller weasle "looks" better and gives it a much unique appearance over any other ship... (more attractive to look at for new players).
There we go.... if you want games to be shorter (when its one sided)... easier to defend base for these old players who have been playing for years (less challenge for them) and a weasel ship that will be rarely used then keep it as it is
