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Pub Tuning 2017 #1 - Levis - Request For Comments

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  • Pub Tuning 2017 #1 - Levis - Request For Comments

    Hey folks. Here we are with another year of the spaceship game. We're constantly trying to keep the game adapting without changing too much of the core gameplay ... a delicate balance. I have some pub ideas I want to float past you. First is the Levi.

    Current status
    It's been about a year now since Levis have had L3 bombs, at the cost of 1/3 of their energy. I think most people agree that they're still deadly in the right hands, though, and that they can pose a serious threat to the livelihood of pub if players don't actively try to hunt them. Even hunting them can cause a flag game to dwindle, though, and arguably the flag game's at the core of pub.

    Then vs Now
    In the past, Levis had a much harder time greening because pub was in general more active in the spawn area. It was not easy to get to a safe, and even if you did, sometimes a weasel would be waiting for you to ruin your day in a highly comical fashion. Now LT teams are much more sophisticated, often with years of experience under their belts. Getting to safe rarely takes more than 1 or 2 deaths, and as we all know, once you make it to safe, you're nearly as good as attached. In the past, spawnkilling was a significant enough mitigating factor of Levi destruction. That's not the case anymore, especially when there are few players online, and a skilled LT can cause much of the arena to ragequit/spec.

    Tweak Ideas
    To compensate, we can go in a few directions. I have a few ideas to rework the Levi further into the Glass Cannon/squishy model (high damage + high risk of death if an error is made -- essentially, gearing toward it being a high skill cap/high learning curve ship).

    #1) -Energy, -recharge, -bomb fire cost, -bullet fire cost
    I'd like to try them with half the energy and recharge they have now, but also half the fire cost for bombs and bullets. Essentially, everything would be miniaturized in proportion to energy. It would feel exactly the same as it does now in terms of how often you can fire and how long it takes to recharge from 0 to full. This means Levis could be 1-shot by Lancs, and if not at absolute 100% energy, 1-shot even by Spiders and Terrs. It would also make Javs a much greater risk for them, as well as TKs from other Levis on an LT. This does provide a disadvantage for solo Levs, of course. But keep in mind that no disadvantage was so great as having L2 bombs! And that most ships are still able to basically 1-shot Levs already, so that it's more what's in their bag of tricks (reps, rocket, port, well-timed bullets/bombs) that can keep them alive anyhow. Mainly this change would help Spiders and Terrs... And they're underplayed as it is, so incentivizing them isn't a bad thing.

    #2) Shared Greens/Attach Limit
    The other move is to either reduce shared greens or to raise the attach limit. We could place shared greens at 10, 5, or even 0 (few people eat their greens for Levis' sake anymore, anyhow, as many are just TK factories). Or we could raise the attach limit to 25 or even 30. Both have roughly the same effect, which is to make it more difficult for a Levi to be able to attach. Raising the attach limit mostly means more grinding killing your friendly freq-switched terr after you make it to safe, whereas lowering the shared greens also means you won't receive as many tool refreshes or random full charges, and might not be as annoying overall for LTs. Shared green lowering does disadvantage solo Levis, but only those on public freqs. However, these are some of the worst and most annoying offenders for TKs. It may not be a bad thing to make it harder for them to survive long enough to get to the top of lower base, where they can then fire bombs at the base entrance while their freq is attacking.

    #3) Bomb speed
    Lastly, we can reduce bomb speed very slightly. This has the advantage of making it easier to guess when a bomb is about to pop the base, and means fewer TKs as well. Terrs can compensate for lack of speed by making moving shots. This has the effect of deincentivizing standing shots, which are currently the most common Levi shots, and require skill on the part of the Terr to set up but not much on the part of the Levi.

    Final point: L3 vs L2
    L3 bombs are difficult to balance in this day and age. We could go back to L2, but that seems to completely destroy the idea of what the Levi is. While not out of the question, I'd like to do everything we can to avoid having to go back down that road.
    "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
    -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment

  • #2
    Permanent pure pub or go home


    • #3
      Close the safes. No point in having them anyway. Would make it little harder for private freqs to green too. Besides that the shared greens/attach limit should change indeed.
      Major Crisis


      • #4
        Yeah I already said just chop the bottom half off the map.


        • #5
          Thanks qan for the time you put into this. However, the ship is by design not suitable for the basing aspect and no amount of tweaking (while keeping it "close" to its true settings) will get the job done.

          The question you should ask the community is: In what direction do you want pub to go? Basing or FFA doing whatever they want.
          TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


          • #6
            give the Lancasters more bullets or more energy


            • #7
              I think the most important part of any pub/balance change is to be incremental, and to avoid the sort of massive, sweeping changes that were the hallmark of many failures over the years. I learned this while developing and balancing the still very unbalanced Distension. What seems good conceptually is often riddled with problems in practice, making one small section of the population happy and another absolutely furious. If you have good, detailed arguments for major changes, they're definitely worth looking at and talking about, but some parts of pub are close to untouchable, because they're so ingrained in what the zone is.

              Originally posted by Major Crisis View Post
              Close the safes. No point in having them anyway.
              They're definitely a fixture of the zone. They're also still used to maintain high bounties. And people sometimes use them for, uh, "safety meetings." Honestly it's probably on the whole better to have people in-game but in safe than in spec, anyhow. If it just prevents LTs from having a safe place to return to, they'll find new ways to do what's needed, such as relaxing in the southwest/southeast near the rocks, where nobody goes.

              Originally posted by Rab View Post
              Permanent pure pub or go home
              Levis are a fixture of the zone. You can buy purepub for a recently-reduced price of $150K, though. (May reduce it further if it's not purchased often, and I'd like to raise the length of time it lasts for, to ensure people can get a few good basing games out of it.) Pool some $ with friends and buy it. For maximum effect, use it when an LT is being particularly annoying. If it's private-freq LTs causing problems, consider a buy of Sorta Pure Pub, which costs significantly less and only bans private-freq levs.

              Originally posted by Rab View Post
              Yeah I already said just chop the bottom half off the map.
              The bottom half of the map is a fixture of the zone. :> Pub's not just about basing, though basing arguably keeps the pub going more than anything else. (Dueling these days is also quite a big thing.) Floating around aimlessly in spawn is how most of us learned to play, and it still serves that purpose for new players. Some people think that newbies need to immediately win glory in TWD or they'll be lost forever. Honestly, the level of play in TWD is about a year away from even a dedicated player. Maybe newbie squads would work now that newbie squad caps can be borrowed in matches so they could play games that actually match their skill level. But bottom line, before people think about basing seriously, they usually like to screw around a bit in spawn, and that's OK.

              Originally posted by Leland View Post
              give the Lancasters more bullets or more energy
              The Lanc's pretty powerful as it is. Its afterburners are fantastic and very underused. Newer players tend to use it, but as TheSerpentMage proved back in the day, it can be incredibly destructive. I also had a summer maybe 4 years ago where I played pub several hours a night as a Lanc and got pretty great with it ... probably was the best Lanc in the zone for awhile (I understand how little that actually means, hahah), and inspired many people to start playing the ship during a time when the "NEWBS LANC" meme was going full tilt, though now I'm rusty as all hell. Bottom line is it's got its niche in pub, it's a strong situational ship and it's hardly in need of a buff.

              Originally posted by Jones View Post
              Thanks qan for the time you put into this. However, the ship is by design not suitable for the basing aspect and no amount of tweaking (while keeping it "close" to its true settings) will get the job done.
              The question you should ask the community is: In what direction do you want pub to go? Basing or FFA doing whatever they want.
              Yeah, it's not suitable for the basing aspect. But the blue terror is part of TW. I'm just trying to find ways to manage its presence, as always. And again, the basing aspect isn't all that there is of pub. Running as an LT and hunting, as well as dueling in spawn, are real and valid ways to play. I personally prefer a great base game, but my preference is pretty much irrelevant.

              How we might play pub is actually my next question!... the soccer game was sort of a trial, to see how people would tolerate some options other than constant basing. New thread for that though. Would like to try and settle this Levi question first. If the general consensus is that it doesn't matter all that much, I may just go ahead and try this.
              "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
              -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


              • #8
                rip pub, then


                • #9
                  Making changes that have a negative impact on lev players will reduce the amount of lev players.

                  These proposed changes will not increase the player base which is the issue.


                  • #10
                    I think adding stuff to try and make pub look more appealing and fun would give you the best outcome. If it was ever possible, can't we try showing a jackpot on the top of everyone's screen (including spec) as mentioned in an old idea thread of mine. The higher the jackpot rises, the more tempted players in spec would be to join in a win a share of the money or w/e. Make it so u have to join Freq 0 or 1 for a chance to win. The rewards at present is too boring and this jackpot replacement will make things interesting as I know people will just play to see how high they can get that jackpot
                    1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by qan View Post
                      They're definitely a fixture of the zone. They're also still used to maintain high bounties. And people sometimes use them for, uh, "safety meetings." Honestly it's probably on the whole better to have people in-game but in safe than in spec, anyhow. If it just prevents LTs from having a safe place to return to, they'll find new ways to do what's needed, such as relaxing in the southwest/southeast near the rocks, where nobody goes.
                      The point is that people can't sit in safe anymore. So high bounties do get hunted out. LTs get hunted down and can't hide as easily. I have seen LTs just go afk for 20 mins so the hunters get bored. And whats good about having people sitting in safe? I also see downsides to it, like make teams uneven. Often enough I have been on teams with 2-3 people in safe while the team exists out of 5-6 people. Yea, it really adds something to do the game that they can sit in safe.. If these people wanna sit in safe so badly, why not close it and make a !safe command which warps and freq changes them. Just the same for the people who wants a safe party so badly.

                      And about LTs running into rocks, I don't see a problem with it. If pub is busy, people are dueling often in spawn etc. Besides that the LT still can't get safe enough to not get hunted down. I haven't been in pub for 1,5 months or something now, just cuz there are always LTs flying around ruining the whole thing. If a private freq with LT is already bigger than the pub freqs, whats the point? Even hunting them down is kinda impossible. They are feeded with 1 minute again. Maybe it's also an option to set a max amount of levs with x players. If only 10 people playing, no levs are allowed. 10+ is one each freq, 20+ is 2 each freq etc. And I dunno if it's possible. But private freqs shouldn't be able to get bigger than pub freqs.
                      Major Crisis


                      • #12
                        I played base terr and did everything I could to even teams and get basing going in pub. No more. Levs usually ruin my efforts so I completely gave up basing in pub.

                        Instead, I've been playing solo levi almost exclusively. When people spawn in the base I can completely kill pub in about 10-15 minutes at most, every time (usually takes longer and isn't as reliable when people spawn outside the base). Yesterday it was 10 vs 10 and everyone was basing, 0 levis. I entered levi on private team and within 15 minutes it was 7 vs 7 with 5 levs total and only 1 team basing. Freq 0 won by default because freq 1 gave up and began to hunt me.

                        As long as you leave levs with L3's I can (and will) keep doing this. It's very simple to line up shot after shot that flies into base and hits FR walls from spawn. If you can't even CONSIDER removing levs then whenever I play and people are spawning in the base you should just assume the game will be killed (this literally has never failed). Levs have no place anymore in the way pub is played. They tk, force people to hunt them, and destroy the population (especially private freq LTs).

                        No more base terr for me and trying to even out teams, only levi until pub is dead.
                        (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


                        • #13
                          ?go newlev
                          The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                          SSCJ Distension Owner
                          SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                          Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by roxxkatt View Post
                            ?go newlev
                            ?go fuckyourself
                            3:kyler> who r u btw i keep wanting to ask people "who is 45th pres" but someone gonna say "trump"
                            3:45th President> do it
                            kyler> who is 45th President
                            nah> donald j trump

                            Downfall> Shoutout to forwards for randomly giving gunsmith results that made no sense and just made things harder

                            Jacklyn> holster is the thing that holds/carry the gun


                            • #15
                              i see nolife forum troll #2 still nolife'n it up
                              The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                              SSCJ Distension Owner
                              SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                              Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.

