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  • #16
    Yeh well how do you think i feel, I quit Tw staff because i stopped enjoying it and was fed up of the low quality of new staff. Any what happens? Everyone is like "OOOO YEH MAN YOU GOT AXED COS YOU CALLED GODDESS A WHORE" and then some smods start walking around saying "Yeh dude i axed Tigerex cos i am hardcore cool". And all i do is sit in elim and feel the vibe and get accused of being a cops/Dark wannbe!!! WTF HAVE I DONE! DON'T HATE BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE PART OF STAFF ANYMORE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME PLAY THIS GOD FORSAKEN GAME!


    • #17
      Big Ups to replacing a qualified staff member whos been in the zone for years with someone who babbles on and on about literally nothing and can't answer half the questions he gets because he has been playing all of a year.

      The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

      Originally posted by Richard Creager
      All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


      • #18
        Re: Cig's replacement.

        Originally posted by Kolar
        Ice Storm <ZH>, i'm not joking.
        Let's all quit playing now.. - Keeping it short


        • #19
          Originally posted by MaGi kOz
          $4 dollars says cig smoke wears briefs, not boxers.
          Pants are what made this country great
          Originally posted by Facetious
          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


          • #20
            Seriously staff what the hell is with this decision? Not saying you were in the wrong axing cig smoke, but hiring ice storm? There are plenty of better ZH's to make besides him.
            Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


            • #21
              aww Cig, I always enjoyed a Cig Smoke hosted turretwarz
              Squadless> I'M WHITE
              Squadless> only on the outside tho

              1:Lemmin> is there any reason why bongs have to be so strangely phallic?
              1:Lemmin> it's just these adverts in magazines with men sucking on these tube-like things that concern me

              7:Mr. Spam> any chubs want a twjd?
              7:Nickname> only with you, sexpot

              3:Sydi> ok that's enough mythical incest for now
              Both teams are ready. Game begins in 30 seconds.
              Scoobing> here it comes
              WARNING: Disconnected from server


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mayo Inc.
                Seriously staff what the hell is with this decision? Not saying you were in the wrong axing cig smoke, but hiring ice storm? There are plenty of better ZH's to make besides him.
                can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                • #23
                  no shit turretwarz was the shit...TK WARZ!, and that time i did a private freq LT w/ me, dele, and like 2 others..haha that was the shit

                  well actualy stab i am not realy sure of the reason the initial reason that Mr. Spam told me was that i was disruptive and mean to other staff who can honestly say that cig smoke is mean? lolz im nice to everyone. Then i talked to Weaver and weaver said that I wasn't disruptive and mean, but he couldnt do much bc he didnt hold alot of power in the "smod" circle. So i went to Mama after he came back online, and Mama seemed mad bc the original procedur is usualy to Warn the staff person, then Suspend, then Fire....but NO i wasnt warned or suspended it wsa just FIRED.....then i heard from another staff member that something was sed on staff chat that i was fired bc i got ppl to feed me help calls. now let me explain this to ppl who dont understand. U need a minimum of 40 help calls a month, now ther is 30 days in a month, so if u take 2 help calls which isnt very hard in 1 day, especialy when ur onlien for multiple hrs like me, u can get like 10-20 in 1 day very ez, so why would i get someone to feed me help calls.

                  so there are 2 out of the 3 reasons.

                  now the 3rd reason i heard from mr. spam (yes 2 @ the same time) was that i told some guy who asked for a 2 day bann to abuse help to get it. Which isnt true, the guy sent a help call "how do i get banned for 2 day, im goin on vacation" so i took the call and pmed him and told him that abusing help is a 1-3 day bann, and Tking is a 3 day bann (if 1st offence), then i get mr. spam, epi, 2d all asking me "wha tdid u tell him" and i was in the middle of a TWJD, so i quickly typed "i told him abusing help", so they took it that i told him to abuse help but that isnt how our convo went (me+the help guy), but NO they dont ask me to explain myself they jsu took it how it was

                  so now u choose out of the 3 reasons i listed Stab and make ur own decision bc i havnt decided which was actualy true if any of them


                  • #24
                    Moral of the story: You Elusive cocksuckers make George W. Bush look competent.

                    (I include you in this Spam, you sellout cunt.)

                    [EDIT]You're still absolutely fucking awesome, Ciggy.[/EDIT]
                    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                    • #25
                      there will always be problems when too many with powers are in the same squad :/
                      Originally posted by Tyson
                      There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
                      Originally posted by HeavenSent
                      Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
                      Originally posted by Izor
                      Women should never be working in the first place.


                      • #26
                        uranium <ZH>.......yeah doesnt sound right :/


                        • #27
                          Oh yes it's all elu's fault
                          Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                            no shit turretwarz was the shit...TK WARZ!, and that time i did a private freq LT w/ me, dele, and like 2 others..haha that was the shit

                            well actualy stab i am not realy sure of the reason the initial reason that Mr. Spam told me was that i was disruptive and mean to other staff who can honestly say that cig smoke is mean? lolz im nice to everyone. Then i talked to Weaver and weaver said that I wasn't disruptive and mean, but he couldnt do much bc he didnt hold alot of power in the "smod" circle. So i went to Mama after he came back online, and Mama seemed mad bc the original procedur is usualy to Warn the staff person, then Suspend, then Fire....but NO i wasnt warned or suspended it wsa just FIRED.....then i heard from another staff member that something was sed on staff chat that i was fired bc i got ppl to feed me help calls. now let me explain this to ppl who dont understand. U need a minimum of 40 help calls a month, now ther is 30 days in a month, so if u take 2 help calls which isnt very hard in 1 day, especialy when ur onlien for multiple hrs like me, u can get like 10-20 in 1 day very ez, so why would i get someone to feed me help calls.

                            so there are 2 out of the 3 reasons.

                            now the 3rd reason i heard from mr. spam (yes 2 @ the same time) was that i told some guy who asked for a 2 day bann to abuse help to get it. Which isnt true, the guy sent a help call "how do i get banned for 2 day, im goin on vacation" so i took the call and pmed him and told him that abusing help is a 1-3 day bann, and Tking is a 3 day bann (if 1st offence), then i get mr. spam, epi, 2d all asking me "wha tdid u tell him" and i was in the middle of a TWJD, so i quickly typed "i told him abusing help", so they took it that i told him to abuse help but that isnt how our convo went (me+the help guy), but NO they dont ask me to explain myself they jsu took it how it was

                            so now u choose out of the 3 reasons i listed Stab and make ur own decision bc i havnt decided which was actualy true if any of them
                            If that's all you got out of our conversation last night then I did a very poor job of explaining it to you. Find me online and we will talk more.

                            I was actually just talking to staffers wondering if I screwed up by acting so fast. Kinda dissapointing though, that you didn't waste anytime to come on here and flame me before a suspension could be made instead of an axing. You were a pretty active <ZH> after all.

                            Who got the boombeef?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mr. Spam
                              You were a pretty active <ZH> after all.
                              The best kind
                              The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                              Originally posted by Richard Creager
                              All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                              • #30
                                well i jsut takled to mr. spam sorta and i explained to him my night last nite wasnt really the best and maybe thast why i came rite here and started the thread rite away.

                                1st-i was on my way to work and my truck breaks down, therefor i cant make it to work

                                2nd-i recieve a phone call like 30 minutes b4 getting fired from staff that i have been fired from my job bc i didnt go that nite

                                3rd-then i find out im fired from staff

                                it was like a 3fer $

                                and i didnt get much from our convo spam what i got every time i asked u something wasnt a direct answer, i wasnt even sure why i was axed except for the abusing help guy i got that and i explained it to u...but the other stuff confused me and u never told me bout it...only when i talked to mama did i get a satisfactory answer that i sorta i just told u in game if u would of warned me that i did something wrong i would of tried my best to fix it and not do it again.

                                but as for now i suppose thats enough ranting and raving about me...i'll talk to u later in game spam and maybe we can fix our little problems.

                                and btw i know i was probably wrong by coming here and posting it :-x

