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Bye Randle

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Fatal|ty
    As a matter of fact magi koz, I believe it is, and I also believe hes pointing it at the part of your brain that makes you so ignorant, not because I directed him to it, but because your redundancy is so radiant it's singeing by eyebrows off.

    Now answer me this: Is my avatar "calling out" to you, in such a way, that would make you SOO distracted to quote me?

    OOO! Another look at logic. Explain why you clicked the quote button, then edited it to make it say what I and most other people call, "A desperate attempt at sarcasm" when originally, if you clicked the quote button, and left it at that, you would have done less work in the first place? The reason this is the most senseless thing ever put together is because you were to distracted by my avatar, but apparently not distracted enough to just click a button, then proceed to editing it. Any smart person wouldnt have even commented. You, my friend, are a moron.

    From now on, when you post, don't make yourself look like an idiot.

    EDIT: Oh yes. Furthermore, take a look at the word count in both my "seemingly pointless and distracting" post, and your sad attempt to get sympathy quote. Whos is higher?

    relax? you're taking something stupid as an insult which i meant as a joke. OBVIOUSLY i HAD read your post if I HAD to delete it to replace it WITH what I said. And the stupid thing is you posted only a measely 1 sentence, how could I have missed it?

    Originally posted by Fatal|ty
    Isnt this thread like, 3 weeks old?

    now tell me. is an argument worth it? is name calling me a bit too far? is somebody just "over reacting"? yes? Somebody needs to get a humor and learn to laugh more often.

    Why? You even SEARCHED up the logic in what I said and figured out something WRONG with it and used it as an INSULT!? WHAT THE HELL!? SERIOUSLY man... relax. All I asked was if that guy in your avatar was spike in a funny way by quoting you and changing it because what I said wasn't going to do ANYTHING about your avatar unless I changed it. But no. You had to take it to the head. You had to flip out? sheeeeeeesh man. People these days.
    Last edited by MaGi kOz; 12-06-2003, 06:59 PM.


    • #77
      anyways. where'd you get that avatar?


      • #78
        spike spiegal = cowboy bebop? only anime cartoon i've ever liked if so $$$. i've only seen like 3 episodes though, and im not man enough to be seen with a fucking anime movie coming out of blockbuster.
        1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
        1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
        1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
        1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes


        • #79
          Nah, i think its from the anime GeneShaft, i only saw one episode but if you look in the background wih the person holding the gun it looks like one of the charecters.

          Yea, i just had to jump in. Its snowing, its windy, a branch fell in my front yard. I can't get out, Tw is down and all i'm doing is chating with classmates on msn -_-.

          the tw down time doest effect everyone
          XXX is overrated.


          • #80
            Originally posted by iLDuce

            Randle... someone told him that I was a girl, and not more than 10 seconds later he pmed me asking me to cyber. After a moment's deliberation, (I have to admit- the offer was just too tempting) I told him no. He quickly responded w/ a "come on, it'll be fun" and then followed with "I moan as I lift up your skirt."

            Ok, may I just take this time to say... LOL!! and that's the most perverted thing I've ever seen. I'm done.. :eek:
            Value's Favorite Phrase - LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


            • #81
              Originally posted by Project
              spike spiegal = cowboy bebop? only anime cartoon i've ever liked if so $$$. i've only seen like 3 episodes though, and im not man enough to be seen with a fucking anime movie coming out of blockbuster.
              you should keep going. it's worth it. there are 26 episodes plus the DAMN HELLA GOOD movie that you MUST watch. If you're too ashamed to walk out of blockbuster with it, then go Download it or something using kazaa or mirc. IT'S WORTH IT. =)


              • #82
                Relaxed? who said im not relaxed?! of course im relaxed! R3l4x3d 1s 4ll 1 4m, f0r i have coffee(hmm, i seem to have leet-sp34k3d a whole half sentence) but yes i have coffee.

                Heh, ignore my giant post, i was having a bad day, and to top it off, io had no coffee. Plus, i was bored, cuz im sitting in Keyboarding class right now with my bitch-of-a-teacher and am done with what im supposed to do (gee i hope i dont accidentally log this) but she continues to make me get off the internet. This is what i do with my spare time in school.

                Ah yes, i got the 4v4t4r from another forum, figured id put it on this forum, cuz my other one was b0r1ng.

                wtf, l3337 5p34k is just fl0w1ng from the fingers! i swear 1m not try1ng t0. I keep r34ching up t0n th3 number5 f0r som3 re4son.
                Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion.
                Not to be mean or anything, but you're an illiterate dipshit.
                i can smell my eyeballs!
                My non-existent team will r0xx0r j00r b0xxx0rs!!1
                It's cute how you think this is a democracy.
                8,323,352,236,536,235,233,456 C00li0 P0ints!!1
                Shit bitch damn ass cocksucker motherfucker tits!
                St00bie = Stupid N00bie
                L00tard = Retarded L0ser
                Crampon = Crusty Tampon

                Last edited by Fatal|ty about 150 times because he can't fucking type.


                • #83
                  LOL m4gi p0st c0unt 888

                  wtf sp34k
                  Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion.
                  Not to be mean or anything, but you're an illiterate dipshit.
                  i can smell my eyeballs!
                  My non-existent team will r0xx0r j00r b0xxx0rs!!1
                  It's cute how you think this is a democracy.
                  8,323,352,236,536,235,233,456 C00li0 P0ints!!1
                  Shit bitch damn ass cocksucker motherfucker tits!
                  St00bie = Stupid N00bie
                  L00tard = Retarded L0ser
                  Crampon = Crusty Tampon

                  Last edited by Fatal|ty about 150 times because he can't fucking type.

