I join squads purely for the ladies. i jump from squad to squad in a consistent way to get as much online poontang as possible. Let me tell you, that buja bitch is one hot piece of ass.
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What do you look for in a squad?
jason, no other person can answer your question for you....
i happen to like Poison and its members...
but u said it wasnt right for you. so i think u could maybe try a more "fun" squad like... bunnies ?
or maybe even Ancients (but they dont base)
so i dont know what to tell you....- Jamie
1:POiD> has perish become any good ? cause he used to suck most of the time.. then do ok once in a while ...
Originally posted by TelC@t
Ideally, I would like to be in a squad with a lot of active vets who don't care about this game much.
By vets, I mean players with 2000+ hours usages.
The idea of 'don't care about this game' is that they don't get mad and after losing a sd.
It is always fun to hang around with a bunch of people who enjoy chatting more than playing itself. So they won't mind to get removed from belim or type killed when there is a nice conversation going on.
But of course when they do get serious, they can still pretty much own you in any ship
i haven't seriously joined a squad in forever though, i'd expect i'd join a squad where i know i'm needed. like oh, you could go be #8 on an "elite" squads list, or you could actually play on a squad maybe a rung below, after all, you don't come into this game to sit and watch other people play for you. the ppl on the squad also need to have the same interests in the game as you, wbs? javs? base? a mixture or all three?
next, i'd look at leadership and how the squad is run. afterall, what can you expect from a squad led by an ass?
here's a story for ya. . . i was on shinobi for a couple days. twd has never been something i've put too much effort into. . . anyways, after a game where i had gone like 3-10 say and we'd lost by 5, i think it was nethervoid that pm's me saying something like "you should pick up yer games, if you keep having bad showings dy will axe you". not his exact words but the message was clear. he was just giving me some friendly advice, but it reflected on the leadership. now, it may just be me, but i really wouldn't want to be on a squad, make friends, and then see myself or them kicked off cuz off cuz of some bad twd games.
next, did the squad captain fold the squad a week before the twl playoffs without warning, and is now remaking? is it a squad restarted by somebody every few months, only to die again a little while later? does the guy (or girl) in charge know enough about this game to lead. can they not only group together players, but can they LEAD?
i'd also look, hmmm, is that roster made up completely of squadhoppers? will they all leave if they have a chance on a better squad? so boom, stability.
finally, people can deny it all they want, but skill in tw is the same as looks in the real world. it might not be the determining factor, ie. ooh, the squad is ranked 1st or 3rd, doesn't really matter i wouldn't think. but no allstar player is gonna join *freddyvsjason* (no offence, i love the squadname) for example.
and that's what i would look for in joining a squad.
but i don't want to join a squad, so instead of looking for specific conditions, i try to maintain them.
ps. giving "the chat has to be good and the people have to be nice" as what you look for is the same as saying "well she has to have a nice personality", there's more underneath that you aren't saying, cuz nobody is going to stay on a chat full of dickholes that never talk, the squad is gonna die in a week anyways.Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
Philos> there is something about you
Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work
PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"
Bigwig for motherfucking presidenthttp://www.iownjoo.com/freeimghost/l...ature copy.gif
^^^ My new sig i wasted 10 minutes of my life making! W00tz for mE! :D:cool:
I am Plasma.
Last edited by abrasion about 150 times because he can't fucking type.
I think rand hit the nail on the head, several times.
It's a fact of life, you want to go where you'll have fun, enjoy yourself in both a league and non-league setting (I.e. have fun during games (not losing every game) but also have fun just dickin' around in pub/elim or any other events) and a squad that has a stable and predictiable future.The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard CreagerAll space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
Originally posted by Awesome
Well to answer your question, what I look for in a squad is one that doesn't put much emphasis on squad duels but can compete in them when they feel like it. Also a squad without assholes. Herc, PJ and I have tried to make Pirates that sort of squad and it seems to be working, our current members seem to think so.
Awesome> sorry we dont allow newbs try shriek
glad you all arent assholes.Mess> nice lame newb
vb> sorry practicing for twl
Originally posted by vb.
vb> can i join pirates?
Awesome> sorry we dont allow newbs try shriek
glad you all arent assholes....
I've found my biggest problem in coming up with a squad is simply knowing people. A whole new generation of TW players came into the scene, and I never really noticed. Now a majority of the current squads consist of all these newer players that I don't know, so I'm hesitant to join up with a bunch of strangers.
This isn't meant to sound conceited at all, but when you stop recognizing nine out of every ten players, I guess you can consider yourself a vet. It's too bad I'm so disconnected these days though.jasonofabitch loves!!!!
nope i didn't, and i've also never heard of you before.
you can try to bash me all you want, i couldn't care less. both you and i know i didn't say anything like that because i've never seen you before and i personally wouldn't say something like that.
the only part of what you said which is true is that no, you cannot join pirates....
Jason it's a very simple process to find a new squad.[list=1][*]Make a list of all the legitimate squads out there[*]Cross out all the ones who you absolutely hate or do not want on[*]With the 10-15 that're remaining, cross out the ones who are euro (if you're from north america) or vice versa[*]should leave you with a few choices, one or 2 should pop out at you as ones you think would be fun and that you got a shot at joining[/list=1]
I wonder if any squads ever did this before make some rule if they don't get over 10 kills per match they are gone. Geesh, that would mean per match; someone would be kicked.
You got 8-10, UNACCEPTABLE!!! Reminds me of a job I use to have, impossible to please.
Well I never been on a super duper elite squad before, just above-average mediocre squads...there was no pressure, all wild and chaotic.
So I have no idea how crazy it can get about match performance on these super-elite squads.
But Randedl is right, you have 1 bad 3-10 score round and you get blame after the match, that is not good. Especially, if you did alot to help the squad before. Yeah, I can't stand backstabbers...they are nice to you when you do good, but leave you when you do bad one time.
Personal twdd stats are not most important, Squad TWDD stats is; did we win the match overall?
All I know, if a squad mate does like below 5-10 rec, over like 5-10games, and have a real bad negative rec.... they don't get a chance on lineup unless they improve or in emergency situations (like someone is lagging bad). However, if they have a good personality and can accept this...we have no problem with this. But if they whine to twdd all the time in chat, and cause disruptions they are gone.
Thats what I look for in a squad, some form of organization and balance, but not too extreme (super strict) or not too laid back (wild-chaotic).
And yes, within the squad chat you have to have compatible personalities...people you can relate with and talk about other aspects of life.
For me a squad is an environment or sense of community.