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Spastic is not dissolving

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  • #31
    I just hope every squads slacks some people so we could get more squads to bd. I don't have the guts to create one (a serious one). I don't know how.
    We need skills to be scathered.


    • #32
      I believe Elusive planned on Disbanding from the start of the season. They knew it was there last season.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Pure_Luck
        it wasn't a fluke, Jackie who the fuck are you to say what is and isn't a fluke in TWL seeing as who u are. Spastic should win twlb again this season once they figure out their main lineup. RB will be the dissapointment this season coming up because you guys all have ego problems and will end up arguing and fighting when you lose.
        Don't take one persons opinion and assume they speak for their entire squad. You might have thought that before Jackie's comment, but I don't think that was the case.
        The song doesn't make your hands clap,
        The hand claps make the song


        • #34
          Originally posted by King's Sword
          This is exactly what elusive did after winning twld (even though they wanted twlj more)
          Actually, most of Elu wanted TWLD more.


          • #35
            Originally posted by A1 beat-down
            Don't take one persons opinion and assume they speak for their entire squad. You might have thought that before Jackie's comment, but I don't think that was the case.
            Exactly there are arrogant ppl on every squad. I can probably name off 2 ppl for each squad where ppl act or acted arrogant in the past. Some of course r alot worst then others but they are still around.


            • #36
              LOL jackie, you fuckface. You won't be on a squad that makes the playoffs much less wins anything. Make another post on how good you are and how bad you want to join a good squad. Saying that was a fluke is funny.


              • #37
                I hope u guys do dissolve, coz i dont like your lt organization.
                + then I can reunite with GReven il-vec and create a squad with pasco , whereever he is..
                Levs r gay.


                • #38
                  Condit is alive! I bet you are hiding in a cave with Pasco, practicing.
                  You ate some priest porridge


                  • #39

                    Originally posted by Pure_Luck
                    it wasn't a fluke, Jackie who the fuck are you to say what is and isn't a fluke in TWL seeing as who u are. Spastic should win twlb again this season once they figure out their main lineup. RB will be the dissapointment this season coming up because you guys all have ego problems and will end up arguing and fighting when you lose.
                    Yep it was a fluke. My thoughts about Spastic winning the twlb championship...even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Who the fuck am I? I'm your best friend.

                    Stinging words from a friend can be trusted, while kind words from an enemy are not easily trusted. --There's your chinese fortune cookie for today.

                    Yeah so basically what you're saying PL is that you left spastic b/c you didn't want to remove all doubt that it WAS a fluke that you guys if you're not on the squad and when you loose this season at least they can't say well it was just a fluke last year. Fear of failure is a terrible thing.

                    BTW- I secretly love you, this is just my way of pulling your hair and kicking you in the shins at recess.

                    Originally posted by Pyros
                    jackie, you're an idiot
                    Yeah. Guess it's not always good to go around hitting wasp nests with a short stick. But it seems really fun and a brilliant idea for those first few seconds.

                    Originally posted by Jamal
                    ]LOL jackie, you fuckface. You won't be on a squad that makes the playoffs much less wins anything. Make another post on how good you are and how bad you want to join a good squad. Saying that was a fluke is funny.
                    Hmmmmm. I doubt that Jamama. I didn't say how good i was. Just trying to piss off spastic. <3 for Jamal. In the past I did post asking how well people might think we'd do IF we qual'd for twlb...but it wasn't suppose to praise myself. I just curious as to what the TW intelligencia community thought. And we all know how valuable that oppinion is.

                    Any other comments whatsoever I can use to entertian myself with during my down time at work? These forums are great for filler time.
                    I came, I saw, I lagged out... :rolleyes:


                    • #40
                      What a useless thread. I need cundor to entertain me =/ ...


                      • #41
                        So...I heard Spastic is dissolving, is that true?
                        Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
                        i just wish it was longer
                        Originally posted by Cops
                        it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.


                        • #42
                          As long as we can keep our current lineup, Spastic will win TWLB again; I guarantee it.


                          • #43
                            I dont think u'll win TWLB again thats so hard to do nowdays, i can garentee if u keep same lineup u'll make playoffs and probably go deep into playoffs. But There are a few squads atm who are better then u if they have a good showup.


                            • #44
                              how could you say there are squads better than spastic when the last 30 games they have played against top squad they have lost around 5. And what squad would that be?


                              • #45
                                PalliesDisobligeMamboWhiteRabbitsIncuriaRejectedBa sers

