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TWSD (Trench Wars Spider Division)

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  • #31
    LOL the end of the world is arriving... a Spider Divisions. Why not make a 3vs3 cloaker / lev / lanc division aswell ? :sarcastic:

    And I dont agree with Nyamo. The poll is asking about MY opinion, why should I think about other people when asked MY opinion ?? My opinion = My opinion and not other peoples.
    So wtf.. NO to Spid Div. ROFL.
    7:Barton> hi tats
    7:Barton> still no smod?
    7:Barton> :(
    7:Tatsumaru uk> heh no
    7:Barton> guess u need to do more ass kissing

    3:Harder> we could be like tom cruise in top gun with team speak



    • #32
      If sd is put into place, I may just start playing Subspace again. For those who I know will do ?find Gemfire to see if im lying about quitting, I signed on yesterday to say hi to people I dotn have on aim or msn. :P


      • #33
        Originally posted by Anduril.
        LOL the end of the world is arriving... a Spider Divisions. Why not make a 3vs3 cloaker / lev / lanc division aswell ? :sarcastic:
        maybe because the spider is a dueling ship...(for example TWEL.. wb, jav, spid) i dont see whats so funny about this idea. a 3v3 spid duel could work well, maybe in a jd type map with less walls


        • #34
          im not really a big fan of this idea
          i always really saw twd only as a qualifying place for TWL and i really dont wanna see a TWL-S
          but whatever, could be fun to try for a bit. seems like a league for basers so they can say "hey look, we're not 1 leaguers anymore"
          ps: for the record, i voted 3v3


          • #35
            Keeping it small is good, you don't have to deal with the huge amount of spawns in the same way, and it's a lot shorter. Thus, more appealing to the public.
            6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

            Originally posted by Dreamwin
            3 league vet


            • #36
              Originally posted by Leaf
              Hell no, spiders are for base :chair:


              • #37
                Old farts won't argee with something new. I'm a old fart myself, yet I would find this idea to be very nice. Map would be some kinda of narrow base, not some wb empty space humping.
                Endless space, endless exploration.


                • #38
                  spider is a great dueling ship...for 1v1 or 2v2 at MAX

                  for those who didnt even play any ?go spidduel, you shouldn't even vote or talk here. a 5v5 spid duel can turn to a swarming contest in less than 3 mins. When 1 guy from the team is out, its pretty much over for the team. and there is NO WAY for a person to win a 1v3 (heck, even 1v2) duel.

                  As much as i like spidering, i'd rather go for a lanc league, rather than spid league

                  and nyamo.. the vote is here to ask for our OWN opinion. Then how is voting 'no' stupid?
                  1 + 1 = 1


                  • #39
                    Ya, personally I love spider, but I don't think the league would take off. Ever since ?go spidduel was started I've seen it actully being played about twice. Nobody ever wants to do it.
                    Phillie> lag isnt skill btw F-35
                    Kthx> yes it is, newbie.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Leaf
                      Hell no, spiders are for base :chair:

                      They're now, but we can change that!
                      Go TWSD!!!!

                      - Don't think about the past.
                      For now, do what you're supposed to do! B)


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Nyamo
                        They're now, but we can change that!
                        Go TWSD!!!!

                        lets not :headbang:
                        Originally posted by Kolar
                        My reaction:

                        ;1;Holy Shit
                        ;1;Al Qaeda took care of method for us


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by bubbles19518
                          Ya, personally I love spider, but I don't think the league would take off. Ever since ?go spidduel was started I've seen it actully being played about twice. Nobody ever wants to do it.

                          last time I checked there is a ?go javduel and noone plays it either... so why are you using ?go spidduel as an argument against a SD?
                          Ban Ikrit


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Anduril.
                            LOL the end of the world is arriving... a Spider Divisions. Why not make a 3vs3 cloaker / lev / lanc division aswell ? :sarcastic:

                            And I dont agree with Nyamo. The poll is asking about MY opinion, why should I think about other people when asked MY opinion ?? My opinion = My opinion and not other peoples.
                            So wtf.. NO to Spid Div. ROFL.

                            But with your own opinion you can still ruin other pleasure.. =(

                            - Don't think about the past.
                            For now, do what you're supposed to do! B)


                            • #44
                              just do it

                              At the moment 30% of "voters" dont want spidduel. So that means that 70% of ppl are interested in some form of SD ( bah, looks like Secure Digital), so lets try it!
                              I think taht it might be usefull to implement !challenge:3?-6? and we will see what will be popular. I guess that many squads who have 4 ppl on would choose rather DD then SD so i would allow that 3 players.
                              Maybe 2v2 too, but it doesnt sound like "team" game anymore.

                              And to spiderduel: It would help if ppl will be informed about it when they enter Zone - something like We have created new arena where u can spidduel! go spidduel! because its mostly dead.
                              Last edited by Volny; 11-05-2004, 11:28 AM.
                              Plutarch: "To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult."


                              • #45
                                I voted for 3v3 but i think 4v4 could be done too. If u go any higher then that its a massive spawnfest and lots of stray bullets. Keep this league nice and tighty dont need more then 4! Also will this be in a base type map or in an open area like twdd?

