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The New TWSD (twsdx)

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  • #16
    Personally i really like the idea of this league and by the sounds of it its shapping up just like i imagined. The movable flag and fortified basing allows for a dimension of tactics that other leagues simply dont have.

    I think the ;eague would be played by dueling and basing squads with no or little damage done to other leagues. I think this could become the most skillful and tactical league which is also fun to spectate. Looking forward to playing it and developing tactics.

    Eeks idea of 3v3 is also fair enough. Perhaps lower this league to 3 or 4 player games?
    Makelele> whos camping
    Sumpson> mitch
    KiAN> Mitch mind not camping?
    Lemar> mitch
    Mitch> shut the fuck up and get in


    • #17
      I would say make it 3v3, any more than that is gonna be rape for the unlucky spid who gets spawned by like 4 or 5 =P

      besides, is already painful enough to find squads who have 4 on to DD/JD... make it 3 so they have that option open so they dont have the excuse of saying "LETS DD AND JD INSTEAD OF SD". But if the squad only has 3 people on, then if they want to TWD, SD is the only choice which can therefore boost its popularity amongst the less active squads to get games going and have fun.
      AcidBomber <ER> ^-^


      • #18
        I think an important part of the game style has been left out of the description. The game will no longer be to 50 deaths as reaver alluded to. Instead, the plan is to have a 10 minute point race. 10 points for non-flagging kills and 20 for killing while holding the flag.


        • #19

          Recent trials have been done and ppl asked about posting suggestions...
          Please leave them here...

          We're fixing the bot currently, hope to have it going after TWL.
          PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

          Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
          Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

          3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


          • #20
            I think twsd just got saved by all the new aspects of the league.

            1:Shaun> if my girlfriend had a dick
            1:Shaun> mmmm


            • #21
              Originally posted by kthx View Post
              I always thought spiders would only be a good league if you made them one shot kills, made them faster, painted them gray, and then changed the arena to a rectangular style arena with asteroids in it.

              It's hard to fit another league into TW's already bloated system, basically basing squads will be better at this league than anyone else, but Basing is already TW's least populated league so it just cuts basings playerbase down a tad to any of them who find spiders more entertaining. It is already hard enough if you run a three league squad to keep the peace between the warbirds who want to dd, the javs who want to jd, and the basers who want to bd, adding a group of spiders to this who whine about wanting twsd won't help matters, especially when a squads spiders would rather TWSD than base, and the other 4-5 basers (Sharks, terrs etc) want to base. I basically just see this league not doing to well for those reasons mainly. Also Spiders aren't considered an "elite" ship like birds or javs so I doubt you will get alot of support or demand from many of the older players. I know when you first start this up you are going to want to shove it in my face about how well its doing, but give it a few months before you say anything.. I predict this to become the TWIL leagues championship, 10-14 newbie squads who will try really hard, and then a squad like -Final- or Syndicate just raping them so they can brag about getting a quadruple crown or something.. Which will just kill the league even more.
              First, I'd like to say that warbird is ONLY considered "elite" by warbirders. That is equally true for javvers and basers. People say they consider the ships they're best at to be the elite ships, so they feel better about themselves. You have to look at the bigger picture. I don't think TWSDX is a replacement for basing at all. Other than the fact that basing takes so much strategy and team effort, I think one of the reasons it appears less active than the other divisions is because of the amount of players it takes (7v7 or 8v8 to be considered "real" basing). Now, imagine if a basing squad had 4 spiders online. They wouldn't have anywhere near enough to base, but they could TWSDX.

              On another note, I see the potential for alot of strategy in TWSDX. Like for instance, a squad could purposefully feed kills to their player with the flag by weakening all the attacking spiders and letting him finish them off. Or like at the start, 2 spids could attach to another 2 spids, who could warp at "GO GO GO!" along with the last spid warping. All 5 spids are right at the flag with 2 of the 5 at full energy ready to rush for the flag.

              I really enjoyed playing this tonight, and shit, it was the most fun I've had in TW in a really long time.
              3:Maurauth> lets all be rastafarian
              3:Screamo> As long as you supply the weed for our "religious ceremonies"
              3:Emery> im a rastafarian muslim atheist
              3:Maurauth> so you get high whilst blowing shit up
              3:Maurauth> but not because gods tell you to?


              • #22
                First of all, I agree with Acid. It would be most fun 3v3. 4v4 max. Honestly, even on the old twsd map 5v5 is pretty much whoever gets lucky and kills more at the start. If it's 5v5 i think it's gonna be campers' game.

                Also, I beg of you, get rid of the brick. Why is it that, the pub/twbd spider settings have to be altered for twsd. That's inconsistent. I realize that Jav in twjd doesn't have shrap, but adding a brick on a spider just changes things so much.

                That is all.
                lukas93> ed if talks come to your door and black if you do not already six!


                • #23
                  The point here is to change things. The bricks are here to make the average player lifespan longer and promote mobile basing.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Dameon Angell View Post
                    The point here is to change things. The bricks are here to make the average player lifespan longer and promote mobile basing.
                    It's a good plan, the bricks should stay. They're an important part of integrating a new league without it being too similar to the last.

                    1:Shaun> if my girlfriend had a dick
                    1:Shaun> mmmm


                    • #25
                      Why does everyone keep referring to the laying of a brick as "mobile basing"?

                      There's absolutely nothing mobile about a brick... It's stationary...
                      3:Maurauth> lets all be rastafarian
                      3:Screamo> As long as you supply the weed for our "religious ceremonies"
                      3:Emery> im a rastafarian muslim atheist
                      3:Maurauth> so you get high whilst blowing shit up
                      3:Maurauth> but not because gods tell you to?


                      • #26
                        Why are these bricks consdered a "mobile base".. they are 3 long and only last like 10 seconds.... How can you make a "base" when its lasts 10 seconds?
                        Spacely> kidnapper!!! we have you surrounded!! put down the candy and let the lil boy go


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Dethdefire View Post
                          Why are these bricks consdered a "mobile base".. they are 3 long and only last like 10 seconds.... How can you make a "base" when its lasts 10 seconds?
                          Strategy when teaming.
                          we've seen it done during trials, teams block themselves
                          into areas to stop the other team getting in.

                          But mainly the best one i saw was in a corner the whole team
                          bricked around one another, stopping any shots getting them
                          and giving them those seconds of advantage saved their flagger
                          and also allowed them to eliminate the other team.

                          Originally posted by screamo View Post
                          Why does everyone keep referring to the laying of a brick as "mobile basing"?

                          There's absolutely nothing mobile about a brick... It's stationary...
                          The 'mobile' base is more referring to being able to use them around the map.

                          Originally posted by midoent View Post
                          Also, I beg of you, get rid of the brick. Why is it that, the pub/twbd spider settings have to be altered for twsd. That's inconsistent. I realize that Jav in twjd doesn't have shrap, but adding a brick on a spider just changes things so much.
                          The reason they were added to the spider was because we wanted
                          a new type of game play totally differnt from playing wb's in spiders...
                          Or basing with just spiders for that matter...

                          Would you agree that we've managed that?

                          5vs5 may be a good point, it'll be a question i'll be looking into when doin more trials where ppl play 5vs5 to see if its too many to play.

                          Last edited by RiiStar; 10-13-2007, 09:58 PM.
                          PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

                          Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
                          Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

                          3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


                          • #28
                            Will be removing the flag speed decrease penalty and leaving a thrust penalty so u cant thrust and run...

                            Also flag will be in mid but not fixed center like it is currently so it might spawn
                            in a radius of center to fix a different bug...
                            PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

                            Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
                            Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

                            3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


                            • #29
                              3 cheers for RiiStar. \o/
                              3:Maurauth> lets all be rastafarian
                              3:Screamo> As long as you supply the weed for our "religious ceremonies"
                              3:Emery> im a rastafarian muslim atheist
                              3:Maurauth> so you get high whilst blowing shit up
                              3:Maurauth> but not because gods tell you to?


                              • #30
                                TWSDX, Improvement?

                                Yes, definetely improvement. You sculptured a playable new league out of the void. With new features such as a mobile flag, bricks, the possibility to attach, the Spider Dueling can finally become something worth looking at.

                                Of course, the arena still needs some work. I've noticed some sort of brick bug, I can't seem to get two bricks placed on top of each other. And the flag seems to dissapear at times. Also: when the flag carrier leaves the arena, the flag dissapears for one minute. Any way this can be avoided to keep the ten minutes short game worthwhile? Another thing that could potentially be of help to players; enhancing the matchbot with a function like !rules, so it becomes more clear how points are given out.

                                My main issue with the arena however, is how the ship settings are so extremely different from the usual spider settings (base). I personally would like to see the normal base-spider settings in TWDSX. It seems very confusing to have four different arenas using four different spider settings. Base and TWSDX use fixed energy damage, but the two have entirely different ship settings. Duel and TWSD both use random energy damage, but they too have entirely different ship settings. My suggestion is to use the base spider settings, since these have been used for a really long while, and are very well balanced.

                                Anyhow, good to see some progress in my former (and still) favorite arena. Keep up the good stuff, and keep me informed. Message me if you happen to need any help.


                                Hakkinen B)

