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The New TWSD (twsdx)

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  • Code:
    |                               K |    D |   TK |    Points |   FT |  TeK |    Rating | LO |
    |                          ,------+------+------+-----------+------+------+-----------+----+
    | Disoblige               /    60 |   60 |    0 |       900 |   10 |    0 |       -80 |  0 |
    +------------------------'        |      |      |           |      |      |           |    |
    |  Anton                       17 |   28 |    0 |       310 |    1 |    0 |       -89 |  0 |
    |  BrokenFist                  22 |   13 |    0 |       260 |    4 |    0 |        23 |  0 |
    |  Might                       21 |   19 |    0 |       330 |    5 |    0 |       -14 |  0 |
    |                          ,------+------+------+-----------+------+------+-----------+----+
    | Sage                    /    60 |   60 |    0 |       970 |   10 |    0 |       -69 |  0 |
    +------------------------'        |      |      |           |      |      |           |    |
    |  Dutch_                      23 |   19 |    0 |       440 |    3 |    0 |        -5 |  0 |
    |  Lagua                       20 |   25 |    0 |       300 |    4 |    0 |       -53 |  0 |
    |  Mr. Beige                   17 |   16 |    0 |       230 |    3 |    0 |       -11 |  0 |
    That needs some fixing. Blatant rip off from base end stats. First off nobody will EVER tk in a spider. TeKs is useless since there are no terriers, get rid of it. Flag touches works, but it should be renamed to something like "flag grabs" to reflect better how it works in this game. Lastly the rating looks severely flawed. In needs to be changed as well. An idea for that would be:
    Points earned - Points given + 50 for each flag grab.
    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


    • Originally posted by Jones View Post
      i watched 2 rounds and i drew the conclusion that the team with the flag can run around in one of the corners with the help of bricks until timer goes out, given that they know 1. how to use a brick efficiently and 2. can concentrate their fire on the same guy.
      That would pretty clever except that they would all run out of bricks, and then that wall would quickly be timed out.
      Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

      5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


      • The time a brick is alive could be lowered, allowing you to have
        valuable seconds to live etc but not camp behind it for a good period of time?

        The bot had to be modded to basiclly combine base and dueling,
        we never thought about the end stats at all only focusing on
        getting the game play done and into live testing.

        The Ratings are prolly a good point...

        Do you have suggestions about the camping Jones?

        Any other ideas/suggestions to look into?
        We can Mod the map and settings simply enough...

        I mean this has only been going as a live test in twd for a month or so,
        it's still not a finalized thing...
        Last edited by RiiStar; 10-31-2008, 03:49 AM.
        PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

        Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
        Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

        3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


        • I think it's pretty stupid to claim that the defending freq is the ones getting an advantage of bricks. The attacking team has the exact same brick, and they should have the brains to use it as clever as the defensive team. Take the theoretical situation of the defensive team building up walls in a corner that I see has been used before. The defensive team goes to a corner and puts up their bricks. If the attacking team hides behind the natural walls for as long as they can before the defenders gets a chance to break out they can put down their bricks after the defenders has put up theirs. Put them down in an opening between the walls and then the attackers will have blocked the defenders in the corner with a clear line of fire on them. I can't really picture a situation where the attackers are unable to use their bricks equally good as the defenders. No offense Jones, but I don't see how you can see how the game works out without even playing it. As you said you watched two rounds from spec.

          Another suggestion for the end stats is total flag time for each team.
          Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

          5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


          • I haven't given it a ton of thought but say a team manages to get the flag and they run and hide for a decent portion of the game, say 1/5 of the game. During that time they manage to rack up 15 kills as well. You could make it so that killing the enemy flag carrier gives points roughly equal to 10-15 kills. That way it doesn't pay as much to just run and hide as the other team can catch up to you in points by just killing your flag carrier.
            1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
            3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
            3:Best> see it coming
            3:Best> sad


            • Reaver, that is the answer! Make killing the flag carrier worth like 5-10 times as much as a regular kill. The map should be tweaked just a bit also. The top right and bottom left portion are just too crowded. Make it more open so camping is not as big of a problem. This league could easily be the best one in tw if it's setting are perfected.
              3:Steadman> ive been a leader in every league of legends and basketball game ive ever played in


              • I have not had much time to put into this of late with the TWL site taking most of my time...
                I'll look into the kill points, and perhaps changes to map when i can...

                PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

                Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
                Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

                3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


                • I love the SD matches and wish more squads would take an active part in playing it.

                  So far the only problem i seen was with about 1 minute to go, the flag carier lagged out and the flag never came back.
                  8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


                  • Originally posted by raizin View Post
                    I love the SD matches and wish more squads would take an active part in playing it.


                    • Originally posted by raizin View Post
                      I love the SD matches and wish more squads would take an active part in playing it.

                      So far the only problem i seen was with about 1 minute to go, the flag carier lagged out and the flag never came back.
                      If the flag is lost, duke it out! It is possible to win with kills.
                      It's not something we can fix unfortunately, as we can't lower the time it takes the server to respawn the flag...
                      PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

                      Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
                      Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

                      3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


                      • Originally posted by RiiStar View Post
                        If the flag is lost, duke it out! It is possible to win with kills.
                        It's not something we can fix unfortunately, as we can't lower the time it takes the server to respawn the flag...
                        riistar with the new strategy, once up by 1000 points lag out

                        2:Lance> OMG
                        2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                        2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                        Creator/Co-Creator of:

                        ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                        New Maps are in production...


                        • Originally posted by HateTheFake View Post
                          riistar with the new strategy, once up by 1000 points lag out
                          Yes, i noticed once pounded got a lead on us in round 3, they specd 1 person which made it almost impossible for us to catch up.

                          How about 50-100 point penalties for every 30 seconds your team doesnt have 3-5 people in it (depending if its 3v3 4v4 5v5) or some kind of penalty for speccing.

                          How long is the respawn for the flag?
                          8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


                          • I like the idea of removing the timer, and having a points race only. I feel to pressured with a time limit.

                            The brick timer is fine. Shortening it will just make it super pointless.

                            Awesome game though. My new favorite.
                            Whos got the crack!?


                            • Loopholes in TWD

                              We found a loophole in my favourite league (or ignite did): TWSD

                              As we all know TWSD requires the most tactics in all divisions but there is one tactic that can be compared to... CHEATING AND LAMING!

                              This is how it goes: You shoot few spiders and make the point lead. Then you spec (whole freq) and let the time run out. It has been used few times near the end to make sure the speccing team wins if its a close game.

                              I say it needs to be fixed! Any ideas? 50 points per lagout enough? What about unintented lagouts?

                              I hope we will play TWSL next season!

                              Thanks to Ignite for being so innovative. Anything for a win huh? :wub:


                              • How about having the bot add up ingame stats instead of players that are out of game.

                                IE: Once you lagout the bot removes your points from the board. And when you rejoin the game your points are added back. Kinda like TWDD/JD does with the deaths. This will screw people over who lagout at the end of the game, which is the problem I see.
                                Trench Wars Moderator

                                TWDT-B Season 3 Champion: WOOT

                                6:Centurion <ZH>> afk embalming babies
                                3:royce> i wish i knew how to penetrate
                                1:Markmrw> i feel like i need a dick all of a sudden
                                1:Markmrw> fuck wrong chat!
                                1:Markmrw> :O
                                1:RaCka> ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????

