Qan i know its too hard to add this in twd and i see that you've added a staff hosted version of it in javduel but could you make it so:
1) An assistant who cant get a game in twd comes here and types the command: :javduelbot:!challenge world:3/4/5
2) Advert is displayed to everyone: %squadtag is challenging anyone for a 4vs4 TWJD match. Type ?go javduel and type :javduelbot:!in to play.
3) Players entering type a command :javduelbot:!in and they add added in for the other team. If team is full and a player types "in" are put on a waiting list as a sub.
4) Soon as 3 random players type the command- an advert is pmed to squad: Javduelbot> A game of 4vs4 TWJD verus THE WORLD will start in ?go javduel in 30 seconds. <- this should prompt the squad to come there where the assistant can add them in. (May whoever starts the game becomes the cap).
5) If someone lags 3 times/ or doesnt return to the game within 30 seconds- the next player who typed "in" (when teams were full) is subbed in. If noone is on the waiting list (as a sub)- a player who simply types "in" will instantly be subbed in for them.
6)Advert for this only happens once every 20-30 mins? To prevent abuse.
If you can't make it so a cap isn't required for the World squad then:
First captain is the assistant/ cap who types :javduelbot:!challenge world:3 (advert is displayed telling everyone- The squadtag is challenging the world for a squad game etc). The challenge will work if the player is registered to twd/ signed up to a squad/ and they are an assist/ cap of that squad (to prevent abuse or new players from being curious and typing the command to see what happens. This captain can only add in players with the same squadtag.
Second Captain is the random player that types :javduelbot:!cap
This captain can add in anyone including players from the other squad (perhaps if players on the squad type :javduel:!myfreq then it means they can't be added to the world side- this prevents abuse: I.E, purposely adding people on the other squad so they don't have enough to start the game).
-Soon as a random player types :javduelbot:!cap then an advert is pmed to squad: Javduelbot> A game of 4vs4 TWJD verus THE WORLD will start in ?go javduel in 30 seconds (Note: without these adverts it is very difficult to motivate players on the squad to come javduel unless you really spam chat... A TWD style advert should be good enough)
Reason for this idea:
Atm i'm finding alot of squads failing to get a game started and players on that squad log out. We need to somehow make it so squads can easily find an alternative if no squad accepts (to keep that squad logged on longer).
The challenge idea would be an interesting one, except it might mean a lot of excessive zoners. Could have a delay between challenges, of course, but ... it still might be a bit much/open to abuse. At the moment here's how it works:
Anyone entering wbduel/javduel/spidduel/fighterduel sees a message saying to send a ?help call if they wish to start a squad v world match. (Base doesn't display it because it must be started manually, but you can still do squad v world.)
Staffer does !squadcap playername, locking that team so that only the player's squaddies can join. NOTE: The player does not need to be cap or asscap in order to cap for squad v world, as it's not as formal as a TWD match; in fact, anyone ?squadjoined can play -- they don't even need to have registered.
Zoner is sent out saying that a squad v world match is beginning in ?go arenaname. I may need to change the message to make it clear that players are able to come join the world team. This zoner did not send out previously, because I wanted to be sure the feature wasn't buggy before it began adverting. (I should also add a chat message sent out over the alerts chat channel, come to think.)
Players will hopefully come to the arena (have yet to see how much of a draw it is; may take time before people understand what it is/how it works). First to request cap is given cap of the world team by the staffer.
Picks begin, game starts, etc. Standard rules apply.
I'm hoping the zoner will be enough of a draw. But basically, the squad needs to have enough to play and have all go to the arena in order to start the mode. This does also mean that a staffer has to be available to do squad v world. Not ideal, of course. If it becomes standard enough, perhaps we can set up an automated version. Only worry would be that someone would start up the mode and not have enough to play, or do it out of spite to block a game from going, or just to send out a zoner, possibly with a Very Naughty squadname (heh).
Originally posted by Welfare
Why is fork not staff? Guy has so many good ideas and helps out newbies, he's 300 times more useful than the average staffer
Originally posted by Undercut
he is staff x)
Originally posted by Welfare
o fuk him then
"You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
-Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
Is there a way for someone on the squad team to get team cap if that player leaves? Also is there anything stopping someone from spec claiming it with !cap or has that been properly blocked off for the squad freq?
Mostly just asking if using !cap has been modified for this from the usual way it would work, to check squadtag for squad freq when the cap of it leaves.
but ye fork seems like the most useful staff member
1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good
1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs
Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.
Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.
Is there a way for someone on the squad team to get team cap if that player leaves? Also is there anything stopping someone from spec claiming it with !cap or has that been properly blocked off for the squad freq?
Mostly just asking if using !cap has been modified for this from the usual way it would work, to check squadtag for squad freq when the cap of it leaves.
If the cap on the squad side leaves, another will have to be assigned via !t1/t2-setcaptain (they'll need to do a ?help call). The ability to !cap for the squad side of squad v world is disabled. However, after !squadcaptain is set, the world side should I think be able to still do !cap to claim captainship. (Don't have the code in front of me ATM, but pretty sure that works. If not, staffer will assign after setting cap of squad side.)
"You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
-Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
We just tested this in javduel with the squad Play, and my initial thoughts are that it is just a regular javduel in every way except you can't even add players unless you have some extras hanging around with the squad tag. Also, I am pretty sure it was double zoning, one for a squad vs world zone, and one for javduel starting.
If a squad shows up to challenge with only 3 players maximum, that means they are limiting javduel to 3v3 every single time they issue a squad vs world challenge.
Lots of people showed up and were very upset/confused that they couldn't be added into the not-at-all full game (a problem people probably wouldn't be upset about in twd).
I understand this is somewhat of a coding nightmare for qan, but I think this makes much more sense for this addition to be in twd, bc players can/will already go to javduel when there are no jd's at the time only requiring the call of just with the regular "javduel is starting" zoner.
Sure, this new zoner might attract some people out of the ordinary into the arena, but they might leave as quickly as they came when they realize DragonGuard only has 3-4 players so they have 0% chance of being added to the "world team" unless somebody bails.
You should be using this as a way to keep twjd's flowing in twd, in open squad challenges (much like the open duels in pub) ... it only stands to limit javduel as is, at least unless there is some sort of bonus incentive added to the function, such as a pubbux prize for winning as a squad and/or defeating a squad, or a public announcement that a "squad was conquered 50-32", or something of that nature.
Well tested this out in javduel- works well (but only coz i'm staff and i can easily start this where other people i can see won't be bothered to do help call)
Opinions from players:
godZERO> should get pubbux or something if they win Fork> Could be abused tho i guess godZERO> Wondering why this was in javduel qpR> y dis not in twjd then... me not think this is the place tho beam> why u 3v3ing when ppl want to play... no one wants to javduel vs world man Commodo> I think there should be an open challenge function in twjd where any squad can challenge any 4 players beam> i dont care if u cant do it in jd/dd turban> I agree with beam there's no reason to play here.
The problems i found (when playing 2 games of play vs the world in javduel) was just:
-Many people turned up and started moaning all game to be added when it was 3 vs 3 (squad didnt have enough for 5 vs 5).
-requesting for staff to start it will prob demotivate people to try this out (in my opinion)
-Found a problem after game was completed: Say it was dragonguards (freq 0) vs world (freq 1) and game ended, well when 2 normal people cap it for a normal game- players on freq 0 are added to dragonguards still. Dream Suggestion (long term goal)
I think for this to 100% be sexy/ addictive though like you said- requires too much hard work:
-if could be added to any twd arena
-Registered Assistants/ caps could start this on a command
-Advert goes to the world + to your own squad (like a normal twd has started).
-players could just type !in and they would be added.
...even this wouldn't quite get people hooked until u either add in a squad bank accounts where they could get money for each win OR some seperate points system/ rank system away from twd but making it so people on "the world" won't purposely lose so that the squad can keep getting squad cash/points.
?possible ways to prevent "the world" from purposely losing for squads to gain:
1) Both teams get rewarded equally (Maybe each player gets equal amount of pub cash) but rewards only happen after the game has been 100% completed.
2) Game has gotta be 100% completed. World side gets spacebux where squad side gets (points/ squad cash).
3) Perhaps there could be a ranking system based on the number of games played though it will prob make things less competitive.
4) Perhaps getting rewards could happen randomly. The odds are 1/10 games of getting a nice reward meaning after playing 10 squad vs world games- u should get a nice reward (if you have good luck- u could be rewarded 2/3 times after playing 10 games). ?if this should be the same for both sides. Perhaps each player gets 1-5k each (including world team) when this lucky reward happens. I would play 10 squad games in a row just to see if we get lucky. (If you're really unlucky- u might not get these rewards after 15-20 games played).
-This idea of luck rewards could be expanded: Squads could unlock some kind of symbols/ mini pictures viewed on the twd website. If a squad gets lucky- they are rewarded with a super rare picture (like a diamond) If they unlock 2 more gems then 4 players in that squad could receive pub bux tickets depending on how rare the pictures unlocked are.
Ty for making this happen in javduel btw... really appreciate ur hard work. Could be the start of something really interesting.
Tried to get a world game (earlier today) but only 3 players on paladen showed up (2 went afk). The match started 3 vs 3 but people again were moaning that there are more players who wish to play... "stop ruining the fun" and in spite of this- the 3 world players purposely specced and threatened to report me for ruining javduel hehe. I was forced to !stop game and start javduel normally . I guess this will only work when there is 5 players on the squad team :*(.
1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far
id like to see a dd/jd/bd where it runs like ?go base with caps and anyone can be drafted regardless of whatever squad theyre on
could be hosted or automated
would be nice for people who want to play but dont want to deal with all the squad bullshit
The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.
SSCJ Distension Owner
SSCU Trench Wars Developer
Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.