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  • #61
    heya pv


    • #62
      Sounds good

      Good job myth lets hope twd is run better then twl this year.
      2 time TWLD runner up.

      If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


      • #63
        Bleen Too!

        Yes Myth is Doing A TON of work, but clap for Bleen too! =/


        • #64
          I didn't read all of this stuff, but it sounds good.


          • #65
            Is your avatar a Spoon album? Kick ass.
            Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


            • #66
              Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
              Is your avatar a Spoon album? Kick ass.
              They told me you were the only non-listening-to-rap Pallie. They didn't lie.


              • #67
                Yes they did lie to you lol just look at concs name. Every listen to jurrasic 5? He plays it on his radio show all the time.
                2 time TWLD runner up.

                If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


                • #68
                  What, are people only allowed to listen to one genre of music?


                  • #69
                    we all know that people that listen to a mix of music are retarded. now stfu newb.


                    • #70
                      ok mr. rabbit


                      • #71
                        The first version of the practice bot has been tested in SSCU Trench Wars yesterday, in the shape of a priv basing bot.

                        It didn't work out very well due to constant and many lagouts and people leaving. Also the !help command bugged so the captains had a hard time figuring out how to manage their team.

                        Apart from that the bot did very well, compared to the automated twl hosting. It wasn't slow, never lagged out, keeps track of exact scores, substitutes without trouble.
                        Also it's a lot more customizable.

                        I will update the bot tonight.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Mythrandir
                          I will update the bot tonight.
                          For faster updates send pizzas to ....
                          gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                          gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                          gravy_: round the nurburgring

                          XBL: VodkaSurprise


                          • #73

                            so there's a bot, and we can be like:

                            !sub Alavi for Fiction

                            Or so.. i don't know of exact commands yet -_-

                            And it would work? Without any staff supervision... it could get to be more troubles if each squad starts an argument and no one from staff was there to witness a mistake on the bot's part.


                            • #74
                              Mythrandir should get salary
                              Originally posted by Diakka
                              Lets stop being lil bitches


                              • #75
                                Yes, each team has one or more captains. The captain arranges the lineup, and indicates when he's ready.

                                Available commands for regular players and captains right now are:

                                !myfreq - puts you on the freq of your team
                                !notplaying - command for everybody. Nobody will be able to pick you if you send this to the bot
                                !setcaptain <player> - for captains only; hands the captain position to another player
                                !list - show all players currently rostered on the team
                                !add <player>:<ship> - add player in the specified ship number.
                                !remove <player> - removes player from your team
                                !switch <playerA>:<playerB> - switches the ship between those two players
                                !change <player>:<ship> - change the ship of a player
                                !sub <oldplayer>:<newplayer> - substitute oldplayer with newplayer


                                Ofcourse, there will be supervision over the bots and games until we can be sure that the bots work fine 99% of the time.
                                If the bot messes up in a TWD game, a squad can appeal, if they provide screenshots. The worst that could happen then is that the game will be declared void.

