timed all the way. Playing twlb once a week sucks enough as it is, now imaginging playing three weeks in a row to teams that will smash ur face each week, and basically only getting to base 15-20 minutes a week (not talking about pallies, because there is only liek one or two, not three squads that can smash our faces).
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TWL! Important Poll #2
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Asia Minor> see you sunday fuckers
Asia Minor> maybe not
Asia Minor> i hope you guys lose
bloodzombie> I hope your mom fucks you while you sleep
bloodzombie> every time you have a wet dream, it's really your mom fucking you
bloodzombie> remmeber that next time
bloodzombie> seriously
Im with rand, even when im getting blown out i still like to take the opertunity and take advantage of the time left as practice in breaking into base vs a better team. I also agree TWD games are no where near the intensity and competativness as TWL. 7 outa 10 times both squads dnot have ther best lineups on where as in TWL they'll proly have atleast most of there ppl online._o_2NASRALLAH
I do not agree with some of the people saying they still want to play 30 mins when outplayed. I simply think playing is boring, if you get raped hardcore. Just shooting up that cram, ugh.... But maybe I just hate losing too much1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
Originally posted by DesperateI do not agree with some of the people saying they still want to play 30 mins when outplayed. I simply think playing is boring, if you get raped hardcore. Just shooting up that cram, ugh.... But maybe I just hate losing too muchbut if my team break into the cram 1 more time and into base, even if we dont hold base, it was a good practice of breaking the cram vs a better team. Some squads arent active enuff to BD every day or close to that, we take advantage of every opertunity.
nobody likes to lose
but i would rather get my ass kicked one week, have half an hour to evaluate and hopefully fix what's wrong, and then not get my ass kicked the next.Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
Philos> there is something about you
Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work
PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"
The thing is I just think it's incredibly boring to get assraped in base, even if it probably is good practice.1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
Originally posted by Randedlnobody likes to lose
but i would rather get my ass kicked one week, have half an hour to evaluate and hopefully fix what's wrong, and then not get my ass kicked the next.Mr 12 inch wonder
Originally posted by MatteyIf you're practicing in TWLB then you're pretty much out of contention.
twld, melee lost a couple games during the regular season, including one to diso. we took that knowledge and kicked their ass in the playoffs.
a squad will, more than likely, get better as the season goes on. why should we get in the way of that?
plus, *if* shipchanges are incorporated, or even with subs, if your team is kicking ass why wouldn't you change some things around for the last little bit?Last edited by Randedl; 03-10-2004, 03:44 PM.Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
Philos> there is something about you
Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work
PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"
Originally posted by Randedliplus, *if* shipchanges are incorporated, or even with subs, if your team is kicking ass why wouldn't you change some things around for the last little bit?
I don't think ship changes are allowed. I think they should be, but I don't think other people do.http://www.trenchwars.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15100 - Gallileo's racist thread
"Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo
Timed race would be best if we could implement a way to make records somewhat meaningful (I'll think more on this).
For the meantime, points race would be okay, but only if the delta is at 250k, aka first to 125k. Anything less would be a blurb, just like any other ?go base game.5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead
I dont like the fact of just a time. Its all about the points in basing. we shouldnt change it. You will just get everybody throwing themselfs on the flag.
And yes you can shoot me for this, but I dont like point race, because I like to compare records and stuff. not saying that I play for rec. I play for win. But in the end I just like to compare it and stuff. and in point race you cant because not every game last aslong.Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
That isn't really true. You get most of your points when you have the flag, and all winning teams will have the flag for the same amount of time.1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
Ya but like gall said im with him. I like to look @ The stats and stuff to, records such as reaching 200+ kills in spider, or an elite rec in terr. With this points race stuff especialy i .go base where the limit is so low games r over in like 15 minutes u get about 60 kills on av in spider. Like Gallz said, we mite be weirdos but that is something i like, to watch a TWLB game and say "WOAH Bram has 210 kills! what a sexmachine" or soemthing like that, its exciting. Or to see a terr 60-0 or something like that is amazing to see and witness.
Sry bram if ur offended but ur an elite sexmachine!_o_2NASRALLAH
Originally posted by Cig SmokeYa but like gall said im with him. I like to look @ The stats and stuff to, records such as reaching 200+ kills in spider, or an elite rec in terr. With this points race stuff especialy i .go base where the limit is so low games r over in like 15 minutes u get about 60 kills on av in spider. Like Gallz said, we mite be weirdos but that is something i like, to watch a TWLB game and say "WOAH Bram has 210 kills! what a sexmachine" or soemthing like that, its exciting. Or to see a terr 60-0 or something like that is amazing to see and witness.
Sry bram if ur offended but ur an elite sexmachine!
1.) Pure luck has already said 70k WILL NOT be the limit in TWLB. A more reasonable estimate would probably be 120k (the approximate average for non-forfeit wins last season).
2. So you can't compare old stats with new. Big deal. There will still be awesome recs to see, they'll just be different. You guys are making it sound like there won't be anymore stats, or because the stats are different they won't be as impressive. That's bull shit. Someone scoring 10 points in a soccer game is at least as impressive as someone scoring 30 in a basketball game. Sure there'll be a period of uncomfortability, but there will STILL be stats, they aren't going to explode in flames or anything.