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Let's hear it for the lag, shall we ladies and gents?

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  • #61
    Disq has always been ont he Sika train. When Sika was banned after the 3fer cripples game disq was the one who immediatly unbanned him.

    EDIT: For the record, does Sika probably cheat - yes. Should any of you really care - No.

    If he's going to cheat on an internet game that I hope (i really do hope) you play for fun and not because you're some total loser, then who cares if he cheats, it just makes him look more pathetic if he does. However i've seen some people that we all knwo definatly cheated and never got banned, so i don't see how you can think of banning someone who just possibly might be cheating. He's not the first person to lag.
    The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

    Originally posted by Richard Creager
    All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


    • #62
      Its not about us caring if he cheats or not bc yes that makes him pathedic, but other ppl are banned for cheating all the time weather its lag cheating, standby trick, tking, teamin in elims and all that is all considered cheating. Gaining an unfair advantage to win. TWL is about fun and compatition, if sika and others are cheating in a TWL game that ruines the fun for others simply bc they are making the playing field even more uneven then it already is.

      Why acnt moot play? I thought he was choosing to sit out himself?


      • #63
        It's been a constant for about 3 years now that Sika lags like hell. And Domi's current lag is completely ridiculous. It's like he can teleport and shoot in a single motion and ignore everything between him and where he ends up.
        - k2


        • #64
          it worries me that twl referees are so opinionated


          • #65
            Everyone can see it why cant the TWL staff see it? or why isnt anything done about it.


            • #66
              Zoclon, i live in northern finland, i have the best connection out here and 140ms ping isnt that bad, that last post was just showing the worst lag i could have if hopone is giving me ping. normal lag is about this: PING Current:150 ms Average:160 ms Low:140 ms High:590 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.1%
              © ♥ Hannes


              • #67
                The issue over whether we should care if someone cheats or not is pretty simple. Yes, we should. Why? Because it takes away from the fun of the game WE play. Whether or not any of the -Final- people cheat is a different story, which I don't care to touch.


                • #68
                  Whiney Nerds

                  cough cough..... all of u morons talk about how domi lagged through bullets to break that last cram... i was there... i watched the match..... i have fine lag.... domi fired the bomb before he entered the cram... so u guys can just stfu i guarentee if u guys had sika on your squads you wouldnt be whining so just shut up


                  • #69
                    sika is obviously an extremely talented player, hes also extremely good at taking advantage of his spiky lag. in ld's he rushes hard. if sika is rushing at you, you dont want to fire at him, because no shot, no matter how perfect, could be counted on to actually kill him when hes moving that fast. but neither can you sit there dodging back and forth waiting for him to slow down to a speed where a hit might actually kill him, because at any given moment he might suddenly appear pointed right at you with a bullet that started 2 inches from his ship headed right for you, and obviously his aim is pretty fuckin elite. so the only thing you can do is run. personally i dont think that his lag ruins LD's that he plays in. if you are playing -f-, you just need to know that if sika is hot, he must be avoided until the endgame, and hopefully your squad has played well enough that you will have a 3v1 or 2v1 against him and be able to finish him off. im confident that syndi has a good shot at beating final in LD playoffs, even when sika is playing and lagging his ass off, in fact, id rather not see him banned, because it removes one of the few challenges we have in LD.

                    im not going to comment on the cheating thing, because the only time i was ever on a squad with sika was in dsb on templar and i can attest that when the dsb server was in finland and close to him, he didnt have any sort of bad lag, which makes me think that atleast in dsb he wasnt inducing anything intentionally. and about other zones i just have no idea.

                    the one thing that i agree with the basing ppl getting annoyed about, is the fact that -f- puts players like sika and domi into the exact ships that most fuck up the games when laggy players are put in them (shark and jav). to me, domi in jav is almost understandable since the guy has great base jav skills, even minus the lag. but sika in shark just seems like a slap you in the face attempt to abuse his lag in the worst possible way. you are putting one the of most talented players in SS in a ship that requires the least talent in SS, the decision doesnt make any sense other than that it is an attempt to abuse his lag to make the game unfair.
                    There exists a fine line between hard partying and destitution.


                    • #70
                      shark requires some talent. I do think its harder to be a GREAT shark than a GREAT spider.
                      1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                      1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                      1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                      1:Vitja> afk
                      1:Underground> haha vit
                      1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                      -Sk8 site and forums:


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Cumulonimbus
                        it worries me that twl referees are so opinionated
                        My claim still stands uncontested. If you feel that I am too opinionated, please feel free to speak with any of the players involved in the numerous TWL matches I have hosted to date. I assure you that not a one of them will say I was unfair whatsoever, nor was I at all derelict in my hosting duties.

                        I think the problem here is that some of the players expect me (I won't speak for other staffers.) to be 100% neutral in my opinions OUTSIDE of the game. That's just silly. I'm certainly entitled to my opinion just as much as the next guy. My opinions only become a problem when and IF I allow them to be carried over into the game, thus affecting my judgement and actions as a ref. This doesn't happen. As I said before, I can be an abrasive prick, but I do have a very strong sense of integrity, one that I wouldn't dare undermine for the sake of a game.
                        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Underground
                          shark requires some talent. I do think its harder to be a GREAT shark than a GREAT spider.
                          imo there are two things that require "talent" in SS, aiming and dodging. therefore shark requires very little talent.

                          everything else that makes someone good, such as game awareness, teamwork, knowing to do certain things in certain situations, knowing what not to do....all of that is practice/learning/knowledge, and are things that pretty much anyone can attain if they put the time in and arent idiots.

                          so when you say its "harder" to be a great shark than a great spider, that might be true if you are talking about a player who is talented trying to become one or the other, because basically any talented ss player will be a good spider, but only one who works hard to learn how to shark properly will be a great shark. but if you are talking about what's harder for a person who just sucks at computer games (yes there is natural ability involved), or is even mediocre talent-wise, then becoming a great spider isnt just "harder", it might be impossible...whereas pretty much anyone who is reasonably intelligent can become a great shark. the end.
                          Last edited by Escalate; 06-14-2004, 12:40 PM.
                          There exists a fine line between hard partying and destitution.


                          • #73
                            I'm not going to touch this "talent" shit again, but I have to agree with one point; intentionally putting your most laggy players in ships like shark or jav is so crooked, I can't believe it. -Final- isn't the only squad that does this; there are lots of other TWBD (maybe TWLB) games when people put their 350ms wonder in jav just to exploit his lag.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Joe
                              cough cough..... all of u morons talk about how domi lagged through bullets to break that last cram... i was there... i watched the match..... i have fine lag.... domi fired the bomb before he entered the cram... so u guys can just stfu i guarentee if u guys had sika on your squads you wouldnt be whining so just shut up
                              .?squad joe


                              • #75
                                Shark takes no talent stabwound. It did, it doesn't anymore.
                                The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                                Originally posted by Richard Creager
                                All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.

