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Let's hear it for the lag, shall we ladies and gents?

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  • #76
    Disagreed; but like I said, not touching that shit.


    • #77
      Wish I had the same lag as Domi/Hannes/Sika.
      Only the loyal count.


      • #78

        you realize its just as hard to play with lag as it is an advantage?


        • #79
          I don't know if sika cheats or not, but if he does, maybe he'd stop if we asked him nice?
 - Gallileo's racist thread

          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


          • #80
            Originally posted by Joe
            you realize its just as hard to play with lag as it is an advantage?

            true, but stupid.

            the whole point is that lag ruins a game. Whether it's hard for you or easy for you doesn't matter, the skill is removed. it's just not fun to play against someone that could start teleporting.
   - Gallileo's racist thread

            "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


            • #81
              Originally posted by Nickname
              Shark takes no talent stabwound. It did, it doesn't anymore.
              Terrier doesn't take skill any more either, those new terrs just sit in the same spot the whole game. </sarcasm>


              • #82
                Originally posted by Joe
                you realize its just as hard to play with lag as it is an advantage?

                Having been on both ends of the lag spectrum, that's complete horseshit.


                • #83
                  What Wadi said.
                  1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
                  1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
                  1: cundor> dude
                  1: cundor> i already told my parents
                  1: Desperate> LOL
                  1: Cremation> HAHA
                  1: bram> :)
                  1: Da1andonly> LOL


                  • #84
                    I have been playing with Domi and Hannes for the last two years. I have been playing with sika for the last year. I think it's wrong of you fellas to accuse of of cheating because we beat you. Our skills work on teamwork and our ability to aquire teamwork with each other. For instance, almost all the -final- team has been on a squad with another player on the -final- squad. In fact, 5/8 of our starting base team played together over two years ago with Light. We were the winning team then. Before that, 1/2 of our base team played for the origional -Final- and almost all of our players have played around 4+ years. We have developed skills in the online game and strategies that have been perfected. We have evolved with the game to play as a team. You guys need to understand that we are a team just as you are a team.

                    In response to Sika and Domi's lag: When the server was in Finland their ISP actually lagged them more than currently as it is in america. In fact, they have better pings and ?lag than I have ever had in this game. When I was playing on a cable modem, everyone complained about my lag. Now that I have 56k again, people have backed off. Which is strange because I lag about 2x now than when I used to; Because of this, I am going to get cable again (as well as other reasons). Sika, Domi, and Desperate have an ISP that is a cable company in Finland. This discussion has been made. Ask any Finnish person about this ISP (I forget the name) and they'll tell you it's better to have a dial up connection than this. But, the ploy is that it is cheap.

                    The only clear reason I can see you guys complaining about Sika and Domi's lag over people like Desperate's is that Sika and Domi are dominant players. They have played for many years in many zones and they have accumulated skills. If Desperate was able to play at the level of Sika and/or Domi, you would turn the tables on to him.

                    Hannes: Well, hannes lives in the Finnish forest where it is cold all the time. He has to hunt reigndeer via a complex system of strategically placed ladders and pulleys. His computer is made of two paper clips, pieces of gum, and tin foil. If you live in a rural area, you know how hard it is to get a connection--Let alone the broadband he has. I guess, he really doesn't have any choice with what lag he has. Some games he can't even play. I remember since 2 years ago, he has some days where his computer's ISP give him such shitty lag that he can't even enter pub. Sometimes, his lag is fine and he can play. We never know, and we rely on him to tell us if he can play. But, when he does, his lag stays under the lag limits.

                    Notice, that all three of these players haven't lagged out all of TWL (with exception of staff speccing them and a server crash) in TWL matches.

                    I saw the Cripples game. I saw the -Final- vs. Disoblige game in the TWBT. He posted that picture as a joke in response to all the complaining about him. Remember the mop.exe joke? Well, I saw that the shot was clean and the three cripples were just mad that their team was losing to another team. That's because I believe the cripples were undefeated up until that point.

                    I saw how sika was banned after that TWBT game. Well, I am biased because when Light beat Disoblige I was immediatelly banned by Boki as well as sika was--then unbanned seconds later. I was playing the same ship as sika, terrier. So, I can say that it's bullshit to ban someone for "lagging" when they don't breach the limits set. The limits as they are are very strict with an average of 300 ms ping being specced.

                    Jason, you can whine and complain all you want. How far has it gotten you in the last 2 years? What's the point? -Final- just is better than the other squads, and usually on a regular basis because we've played with each other so long. We are here to stay and play this game just as you. You should accept this or, you can continue to bitch. In fact, I remember you getting axed from staff for your childishness and abuses of powers the first time. Whatever, it's your waste of time. And yes, you are a biased and childish host. We don't need that shit when we want to have our games played; just in the same way as Zero Hour didn't need you ripping off another webmaster's website to make its squad site.
                    Last edited by Mitch; 06-15-2004, 11:10 AM.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Mitch
                      I have been playing with Domi and Hannes for the last two years. I have been playing with sika for the last year. I think it's wrong of you fellas to accuse of of cheating because we beat you. Our skills work on teamwork and our ability to aquire teamwork with each other. For instance, almost all the -final- team has been on a squad with another player on the -final- squad. In fact, 5/8 of our starting base team played together over two years ago with Light. We were the winning team then. Before that, 1/2 of our base team played for the origional -Final- and almost all of our players have played around 4+ years. We have developed skills in the online game and strategies that have been perfected. We have evolved with the game to play as a team. You guys need to understand that we are a team just as you are a team.
                      Just a note: I think it's rather juvenile to assume that the people who are accusing you of something are "just jealous." For example, I've never played against Sika. Am I jealous of his ability in the spaceship game? Not really. Do I think he has abused his lag (whatever that means) at least once in the past, based on times that I have observed games in which he was in? Yes, I do. Obviously, I can't speak for the last year, so I'm not claiming anything, but to wave away all criticism with a "we're better than you, therefore you're wrong" is silly.

                      The rest of your post (barring personal attacks) I have no complaint with. The Hannes thing, in particular, is pretty hilarious.
                      Originally posted by Ward
                      OK.. ur retarded case closed


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Mitch
                        And yes, you are a biased and childish host. We don't need that shit when we want to have our games played.
                        We can sit here and play the "you suck! no you suck" game all day long. I don't like Sika. I have no problem with the rest of -F-, and that's that. I understand that you interpret my ill will toward Sika as a threat to your squad. It's a perfectly logical reaction. I wish I could convince you that I'm a big boy, and certainly mature enough to overlook my dislike of a player for the sake of my own integrity and the integrity of the league. I doubt I'll be able to do that though, so you will continue to have someone other than me host your games.

                        As far as your personal attacks on me go, I've already said this something like three times, but I want to say it again. I take pride in my integrity. I don't apreciate people taking pot shots at it simply because they don't like me. I have never been biased toward any squad in a league setting. I have never acted childishly whatsoever while acting as a league ref, not that I act childishly in any other setting for that matter. I take league shit just as seriously as PUSHER himself because I know it is imperative for me to do my job and do it right so we can continue to keep TWL rolling along smoothly, as well as keep up it's continued success. On top of that, I'm fully aware that my actions speak for the rest of my fellow staff members, and I'll be damned if I would ever allow them to earn a bad rep at my expense.

                        I wish you, along with the rest of -F- (And yes, Sika is included in that grouping, believe it or not.) a successful second half of TWL Season 7. -F- is a fierce competitor, and I'm sure you/they will be a strong contender in the playoffs in all three leagues.
                        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Desperate
                          I might lag, but at least I don't cheat.
                          how do we know? your lag is pretty shitty. lag cheating? (
                          RaCka> how can i get you here
                          death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                          RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                          death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                          • #88
                            first of all u are all laggots. i feel like a cripple over here because i almost never have a ping above 60 or a ploss above .1. true unadulterated skill baby.

                            and sometimes i feel like anyone can shark because it is mainly knowledge based, but there really can be a big difference between sharks. it still takes skill. there can only be one BEST way to do something, right? we will always have an idea of what that best way is, and we will always strive to achieve it. if you change basing significantly in effort to make something require more skill, you will begin to see patterns develope in a couple months and pretty soon it will look like eveyone is doing the same thing and no skill is required. skill is required though, you can't memorize exactly what to do in every situation because there is almost an infinite ammount of situations.
                            Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                            apt>yes u can wtf
                            apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                            apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                            apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                            Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                            apt>ill show you pictures
                            apt>next time I masturbate


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Jason
                              We can sit here and play the "you suck! no you suck" game all day long. I don't like Sika. I have no problem with the rest of -F-, and that's that. I understand that you interpret my ill will toward Sika as a threat to your squad. It's a perfectly logical reaction. I wish I could convince you that I'm a big boy, and certainly mature enough to overlook my dislike of a player for the sake of my own integrity and the integrity of the league. I doubt I'll be able to do that though, so you will continue to have someone other than me host your games.

                              As far as your personal attacks on me go, I've already said this something like three times, but I want to say it again. I take pride in my integrity. I don't apreciate people taking pot shots at it simply because they don't like me. I have never been biased toward any squad in a league setting. I have never acted childishly whatsoever while acting as a league ref, not that I act childishly in any other setting for that matter. I take league shit just as seriously as PUSHER himself because I know it is imperative for me to do my job and do it right so we can continue to keep TWL rolling along smoothly, as well as keep up it's continued success. On top of that, I'm fully aware that my actions speak for the rest of my fellow staff members, and I'll be damned if I would ever allow them to earn a bad rep at my expense.

                              I wish you, along with the rest of -F- (And yes, Sika is included in that grouping, believe it or not.) a successful second half of TWL Season 7. -F- is a fierce competitor, and I'm sure you/they will be a strong contender in the playoffs in all three leagues.
                              Jason, if you take pride in your integrity then why make yourself sound so biased as a staff member? Hard to respect someone of that status when they are literally hating on a player or team. Lets say you'e a Pistons fan, what if int he NBA Finals one of the refs admits he hates one of the Pistons players and laughed at the Pistons as a team saying, "I'm glad I wasn't there to fuck them over with my bias, you suck. haha". Get the point? You probably wouldn't want that particular ref making the calls in the NBA Finals. It's a kneejerk reaction when you see someone biased, at your status, making those comments. I'll chill out, but maybe you should chill out and prove you're not biased against the whole squad. Because like I said, that previous post you would be hard pressed to say otherwise.
                              RaCka> how can i get you here
                              death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                              RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                              death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                              • #90
                                I don't like Death Row's avatar. :down:
                                Only the loyal count.

