how do we know? your lag is pretty shitty. lag cheating? (
Well I guess I can't prove it to you, but I care too much about this game to cheat. I think some people that know me agree on that one.
The reason I participated in this whole discussion is that I don't like Sika's (and Domi's) lag, and I totally think they could be lag cheating. From what I've heard, people complain more about their lag than mine, and as Mitch said, we have the same ISP.
Of course, I don't know any of them, so I can't be sure of anything.
I just stated my opinion from my point of view.
However, you were better in the TWLB, you got potential to go far in all leagues.
1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
drow, just forget it. Either you didn't read a majority of what I've written, or you're too thick-headed about about all of this to listen to what I've had to say. Your analogy makes no sense, and you'd know that if you read my explanation of that tongue-in-cheek post you keep referring to.
My feelings on Sika are basically what vyk said. I've seen him play in ?go base, I've seen him play in meaningless matches, and I've seen him play in matches where stuff is on the line. I personally don't think his connection is completely kosher. Can I prove it with *lags and charts, and graphs and signed affidavites from expert witnesses with 20 years of IT experience? No, but personal experience would suggest that he does _something_ to his connection when he needs an edge. It isn't like Mootland Farmer where he's just laggy all the time, it changes depending on the weather or some other random factor.
Just my two cents. Maybe he has his dog chew the wires during squad matches or something?
drow, just forget it. Either you didn't read a majority of what I've written, or you're too thick-headed about about all of this to listen to what I've had to say. Your analogy makes no sense, and you'd know that if you read my explanation of that tongue-in-cheek post you keep referring to.
Sure, I'll let it go. But if you admit in a previous post your bias wasn't there to fuck the squad over, or your personal dislike for a player, don't take it personally when I say, I wouldn't like for you to host any of our games. Its common sense, you would have to be the 'thick-headed' one if you honestly expected a different reply. =/
RaCka> how can i get you here
death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
if jason says one more word in this thread, he'sa complete hypocrit (sp?). I myself witnessed him lag cheating and him not denying it in a go base game. He is a fucking whiner 2 faced little fag. He can go fuck himself. DIe you little bitch and cry some more about lag, maybe learn to shark before you cry, TK your terrier some more.
<3 drow, to hell with all of this. I don't need to be in some grudge match with you over something so meaningless.
RaCka> how can i get you here
death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
Hannes doesn't cheat, i'm 100% sure of that.
I doubt Domi cheats very strongly.
I think Sika does cheat, just because it happens in premier too, but i don't care either way.
The only TWOTIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard Creager
All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.