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"How do we fix TWL?" - An open discussion

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  • #61
    You're being sarcastic, but in reality, it would be awesome.. I'd totally fly a pepsi banner for cash. - Gallileo's racist thread

    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


    • #62
      if you could actually get people to pay, that would be a pretty kick ass idea.

      Asia Minor> see you sunday fuckers
      Asia Minor> maybe not
      Asia Minor> i hope you guys lose
      bloodzombie> I hope your mom fucks you while you sleep
      bloodzombie> every time you have a wet dream, it's really your mom fucking you
      bloodzombie> remmeber that next time
      bloodzombie> seriously


      • #63
        Originally posted by Ephemeral
        - staff gets paid and can be held accountable for the jobs they are responsible for
        haha that'd be wicked. maybe we'd have people learning just a bit more about how to host before going into games so that Jason <ER> and THE PUSHER aren't the only hosts we'd trust to host our games


        • #64
          guys go around calling old ladies, if you include "benefits cancer children" i'm sure they'll donate millions

          internet de la jerome

          because the internet | hazardous


          • #65
            Originally posted by bloodzombie
            I said before we've got guys that don't really play TWL because they're not as good as our starters, but I don't want them squadjoined but not on the roster, then they're not part of our TWL team. They're part of what we are whether their ship is in there or not, and if we win a championship of any kind, they're part of that too.
            Oh, bz, I've never felt this way about a Subspace player before. You really love me, don't you.
            5:gen> man
            5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


            • #66
              Originally posted by destroy
              Holyshit guys, do you really expect people to read all of your fucking essays on a cumputer game league?

              The leagues are fine just as they are now. It's definately not the league's fault that Shriek decided to cheat and that whipe/eliteclan/saiyansoldiers have had bad captains and have dissolved.

              Let's just fucking shoot the spaceships.
              LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Amen Desty! damn my respect just went up for u 100%
              I love everyone in the Trench Wars community! EXCEPT ONI LINK!!


              • #67
                I agree with zer

                And i also agree with crven that all we need is a winter league.


                • #68
                  About limiting the number of teams in twl

                  It's a bad idea.

                  In every major sports league there's always teams that do poorly and have the gross losing records. Just by limiting the number of teams you don't remove this aspect.

                  Look at the bottom 3-4 teams in each division. If they have bad recs and remove them, take away the wins the other squads received from beating them. The other top squads then basically have even records. You need the doormats.

                  If a league removed the bottom teams each year, the natural progression would be to widdle the league down to very few teams, like 4-6? That woudl suck.

                  Pull your heads out of asses and think for once. :eek:
                  I came, I saw, I lagged out... :rolleyes:


                  • #69
                    I don't know if it's been said, but the reason TWD = TWL roster is prolly because of the bots, are they both using the same information to determine eligible players?
                    Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


                    • #70
                      Cancel TWL.

                      Have all squads have a massive orgy in a dm arena, and whoever wins gets to be champion.


                      • #71
                        About TWD howabout limit the number of times a squad can play another squad per day of hour or whatever. I think there can be a rematch game and then the two teams have to play the other teams. I think this would encourage more variety in who plays who, instead of one squad using another for points, or a certain group of squads just playing each other all the time.

                        Also I think TWD and TWL rosters shouldn't be seperated. People in the TWD roster will want to play TWL and will jump to whatever squad that will let them the first chance they get. And even if you limit the TWL roster for "competition" if there's still a bunch of people tied to the TWD roster there will be no effect on TWL because no one is leaving the actual squad to help other squads that need it.

                        I do like the relative sizes for how many and what leagues a squad competes in, but Vyk your numbers may need to be tweaked.

                        The capitalizing on the league thing would be cool.

                        Finally, I read everything but I am also very high. I still don't have an answer of how to fix the league and what exactly the problem is and now isn't the time to do it for me but I will be back.

