Originally posted by Da1andonly
No announcement yet.
Three Basing Powers Will Emerge . . . Again?
Originally posted by ZerzeraWindreaper + Desperate, now that would scare me.1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
Originally posted by pv=nrti hate you vyk
Originally posted by Cig SmokeVykro: well ya, theya re always "competative" Thats not the question at hand. The question is how competative. I personaly dont think that much of them as of now. I think they are alot weaker then they were this past season (losing P_L and such) and they werent that strong this past season either. They mite improve andprobably will until TWL roles around, but i dont think they are a basing power like voth mentioned them as.
they are*
a lot*
and probably*
by the time*
Well, that was delightfully obnoxious. I feel better now.
The problem with WR last season was inactivity and apathy, which will either continue into this season or won't. As for last night's game, that shouldn't have been playedOriginally posted by WardOK.. ur retarded case closed
Originally posted by ZerzeraI am sure Windreaper can learn! :P1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
Originally posted by Cig SmokeAura: BasingCrew will be another season like last season (if u even get in) You guys gotta get active to get in, and without everest in terr you guys are alot weaker then last season. He was the real strongpoint on the team. Get a decent terr and maybe you'll pose more a threat. I luv marchey from dsb, but he isnt exactly a great terr.
2. There is no doubt in my mind why we wouldn't get in.
3. Everest has already been replaced. Once boris learns diffrent burst spots and such he will be amazing. He has already showed us how qualified he is even with his lack of TW knowledge.
Oh, yeah. Who ever said that other squads have friendship...not like BC. It's a lot closer atmosphere since its such a small and stable roster. BC FRIENDSHIP WILL PREVAIL!! FU IF YOU THINK DIFFRENTLY! Except cig...you fathered my sisters children..OH GOD NO =((((
Originally posted by VykromondWell, if you had terriered Brookus, I wouldn't even have made that post, so... I love you, PV.
For lack of a real response:
they are*
a lot*
and probably*
by the time*
Well, that was delightfully obnoxious. I feel better now.
The problem with WR last season was inactivity and apathy, which will either continue into this season or won't. As for last night's game, that shouldn't have been played
NO, the problem with WR is everyone always overrated them. Every single year they say they are a top contender, only to fail us at the end. Last season with PL and others i actualy thought they were a good contender also, but they didnt end up that way. They'll have another mediocre year.
Gall: I didnt think he did tht well either, but who did they get to replace him? WPE, ya i like her as staff and a person but she isnt near the terr pilot that P_L is, and what did she do thsi season? Did she even start a game in terr this year? I think as bad as P_L did terr last year, its definatly a downgrade in that area. Even if inactivity was the only problem like vyk said, its still a problem that would prevent them from being a basing "power"
Aura: ROFL bout ur sisterand i hope boris can terr, i like BC always have bc they are friendly guys (cept sumpson who thinks he knows me) but i just dont think he'll be near as productive as everest was.
btw your profile is lloyd banks, and that shit is whack, cuz i know you arent from NY so i doubt you even know what "the rucker" is.7:RaCka> yo
7:ph> hi
7:RaCka> LOL PH HI
7:ph> oops
7:ph> i mean FUCK YOU ****ER
7:ph> fucking freudian slip
Lol How can i tell if its a joke or not with u putting a smiley or some sort of emotion after it? I cant see ur face on forums, or see the mode in which ur typing. Its hard to tell if ur joking or not. Next time just put a "" behind it and i'll be able to tell
I wasnt really meaning to say: P_L sucked wouldnt be hard for wabbits to replace him.. I was more making a statement that I didnt think P_L did to great and I heard alot of the "spastic is gonna rock again next season we got P_L back" if he plays like he did this twlb they could better use Necro..
And I havent been in the game for a couple of weeks so I dont know about the activity in wr, but if Arrogance still plays, and I mean that as in not being really inactive, or turbonium.. If they both brush up their terr they have a pretty good terr. Even proj could terr if he wanted to. Problem with WR (if you see this as a problem) is they are becoming alot like pallies, the we dont give a damn and we just play style. With means they probably wont put alot of effort in trying to brush up their terr. I mean, if the people in Pallies would actually really try and keep on top of their game, they would be even better.
If anyone could follow that I salute you.Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
I'm alittle late in this response, but I been to the rucker and lloyd banks is still shit. As for terring this season, I don't think I did bad. We never had good sharks on WR and that stlil remains the weakness of the team. Most of last season was us being inactive and such. On Spastic this season we have alot of old members back. Should be interesting to see how we do.Last edited by Pure_Luck; 08-31-2004, 11:47 AM.
Originally posted by VykromondCig Smoke: learn to take a fucking joke.
it was a good one, nontheless.5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
Originally posted by Pure_LuckI'm alittle late in this response, but I been to the rucker and lloyd banks is still shit. As for terring this season, I don't think I did bad. We never had good sharks on WR and that stlil remains the weakness of the team. Most of last season was us being inactive and such. On Spastic this season we have alot of old members back. Should be interesting to see how we do.jasonofabitch loves!!!!