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Decennium for twld?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by PaulOakenfold
    We already know where your squads stand after 2 months.

    Actually last week has been a funny week for mystery where it seems that loyalty only counts for periods where the squad is doing well, when it goes bad for a little people seem to bail out. Ofcourse when a captain dissolves a squad he gets all the blame, even though there were good reasons for my actions in the past all people still blame the captain, not the players. Just like soccer. If players dont show up for a team, have a lack of interest, sometimes its good if the trainer says bye to the team bc his efforts are not appreciatated.

    As for recent events, Mystery has to fix his problems otherwise I wont take my squad into TWL. We are not like certain other squads who just recruit massively and take in every pilot and we dont feel like just recruiting anyone just because we are having some difficulties, but our current situation is too shitty. And that underlines again how sad this game is sometimes, you can be very active and winning all squads in dd and be number #1 by a longshot, and then its still not enough. Too many little kids in this game I guess. And ofcourse people give up various reasons when they leave, allways to justify themselves.

    Anyways, bottomline, you have no idea where we will be standing or standing now, because time will tell what will happen. I dont know the answer yet.
    .: Website, Reseller & A. Hosting

    Roxy :


    • #32
      Originally posted by PaulOakenfold
      We already know where your squads stand after 2 months.
      ROfl thats mean pauly. Nas is trying and seems to always have a TWL calibur squad in both javs and wbs. I dont know how since alot of his squads did fail...but he does it and i always wish him luck bc running squads are hard and suck.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Nasir
        We are not like certain other squads who just recruit massively and take in every pilot
        You should try this, it's fun actually.
        You ate some priest porridge


        • #34
          Well its ezier to do that for a basing squad bc it doesnt take as long to get good in spider as it does a jav/wb. So squads who basicaly just base (rb, inc,bc, etc) can just mass recruit to get a roster and stay active, then the players cna get good over a month of constantly playing spider. I dont think incuria really mass recruits just anyone anyway.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Sleepy Weasel
            man we just lose to everyone.
            i still think you're a winner

            i believe in you

            keep reaching for the stars
            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Cig Smoke
              I dont think incuria really mass recruits just anyone anyway.
              Yah we do.


              • #37
                Im as good in Warbird now in 3 months as I was in spider after 1 year. You are talking shit about base again Cig Smoke.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Nasir
                  Lol people in Incuria and Decennium talking crap about the twd system and about TWL, dont make me laugh. We will see where you all will be standing in a month from now.
                  You cant say shit, whatever squad your on just before twl will fold.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Acidmouse
                    You cant say shit, whatever squad your on just before twl will fold.
                    Yes I can because

                    1) its 'silly' if squads who normally will never qualify for TWL are pointing at eachother saying that got shitty records and play bad squads to get into TWL, and say that TWD / TWL sux.

                    2) suppose I make squads that die eventually, who cares ? It doesnt harm TWD, lots of squads get to play eachother and there are a lot of TWD squads that die fast, just because I like to organise a group of people doesnt mean means we should care if it dies. Its just a game, life goes on.

                    3) If Scrotals still existed I would still be on that squad, but they are long gone. You are just lucky you found a squad that was worth staying on for a long time. And if you ever would make your own squad you will find out what kind of shit you might get into.

                    and finally, I wonder why I even respond to such a post. Its so ez to say something like that, people that never try in anything will never get trashed, thats how it is. Somehow i seem to be a public figure that people care so much in what happens with me or my squads.
                    .: Website, Reseller & A. Hosting

                    Roxy :


                    • #40
                      'twas all bullshit i wrote
                      Last edited by Cyrus; 11-21-2004, 09:17 AM.
                      Cig Smoke> He spelled since "sinse" LOOOl

                      YTRE> i wish newbs likes you who think they are vet like hazuki wouldn,t talk like necro


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Nasir
                        1) its 'silly' if squads who normally will never qualify for TWL are pointing at eachother saying that got shitty records and play bad squads to get into TWL, and say that TWD / TWL sux.
                        Why wouldn't we enter normally? Apart from Venom I think we played everyone, and only couldn't beat Mystery. Not that it matters, but I think we just happen to be amongst the 16 best squads, and that doesn't say anything how far we are up in that top 16 or how much difference there is between the 5 best squads and the rest. I have yet to see a competition in anything where all teams are of equal strength and no squad is absolute best.
                        I think what a squad really is about is keeping true to itself and it's members, and that means staying alive when you aren't the best too.
                        You are just one pathetic nerd that doesn't know how to get along with other people unless it's winning games together.
                        You ate some priest porridge


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Nasir
                          Actually last week has been a funny week for mystery where it seems that loyalty only counts for periods where the squad is doing well, when it goes bad for a little people seem to bail out. Ofcourse when a captain dissolves a squad he gets all the blame, even though there were good reasons for my actions in the past all people still blame the captain, not the players. Just like soccer. If players dont show up for a team, have a lack of interest, sometimes its good if the trainer says bye to the team bc his efforts are not appreciatated.

                          As for recent events, Mystery has to fix his problems otherwise I wont take my squad into TWL. We are not like certain other squads who just recruit massively and take in every pilot and we dont feel like just recruiting anyone just because we are having some difficulties, but our current situation is too shitty. And that underlines again how sad this game is sometimes, you can be very active and winning all squads in dd and be number #1 by a longshot, and then its still not enough. Too many little kids in this game I guess. And ofcourse people give up various reasons when they leave, allways to justify themselves.

                          Anyways, bottomline, you have no idea where we will be standing or standing now, because time will tell what will happen. I dont know the answer yet.
                          your core of players are just as un-loyal as in Egyptian, no offence nas but you're leading another dead horse on a journey he cannot make. Make pot shots at Incuria all you want but atleast are core is loyal.
                          it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                          • #43
                            Squad Mechanics

                            As for recent events, Mystery has to fix his problems otherwise I wont take my squad into TWL. We are not like certain other squads who just recruit massively and take in every pilot and we dont feel like just recruiting anyone just because we are having some difficulties, but our current situation is too shitty. And that underlines again how sad this game is sometimes, you can be very active and winning all squads in dd and be number #1 by a longshot, and then its still not enough. Too many little kids in this game I guess. And ofcourse people give up various reasons when they leave, allways to justify themselves. - Nasir

                            Squad commitment [in serious competitive squads] usually comes down to a few primary factors - edit: (as I started typing this I noticed it became a lot larger than I expected, so it may be few factors, but the explanations are pretty lengthy)

                            First factor is the reputation of the squad. If the squad has enough reputation/image it'll overrule any other factor. -Final- was a good example of that. An elitist squad of old, it didn't need leaders or any type of leadership to survive and dominate. Psychological and morale factors had no relevance either. It may have been a big ego clash on the inside, but that's what kept everyone there in the first place.

                            People tend to be insecure and lack assertiveness, which makes reputation and image a driving force both ways. Hard for people to commit to a squad that gets slammed all the time for instance.

                            Supposing the squad doesn't have any particular image/reputation revolvements, then the squad will balance into a pendulum of positive and negative phases (this cannot be avoided unless the squad falls into the previously mentioned state of sufficient reputation/image, where one's hunger for a good image will overrule any morale or psychological factors), which will be unconditionally regulated through relative assessment and adjustment [to be explained in the following series of paragraphs]. In a case like this, as Nasir said, it doesn't matter how good the squad is or how many wins they have or how well they dominate.

                            Regardless of the fact that this is some online asteroids space wars league clan battle game, these psychological aspects still reside at the core of things such as squad well-being etc.

                            The human psyche revolves around relativity. It's a survival aspect of the mind which automatically readjusts ones' goals and values in regards to the current surrounding state. It's a motivation factor.

                            Suppose you are a beggar on the streets. Five cents is an ok amount for you, 50 cents is nice, five dollars is amazing. Suppose you win the lottery the next day - 10 million dollars. Regardless of anything you’ve learned during your struggles on the streets, not to take money for granted etc, eventually within a month or a few months of living in that state, five dollars would be nothing to you, 1,000 dollars would alright, and your goal would be to income a couple of thousand at a time at the least.

                            Due to this mechanic, there is no feasible way to reach a final state of satisfaction. This plays a big role with ambitious and competitive squads, and is a large influence on the mood factor.

                            Suppose a squad is decent/average. It wins about a 3rd-ish of it's games. The people on the squad have a certain 'expectation level' adjusted to this success rate. As long as the squad keeps winning about a 3rd of it's games they are concent, it if wins a bit more, they are happy, if it loses more they become depressed.

                            If the squad however, starts becoming a lot more successful overall, suppose a few new good players join, or the existing players develop much more efficient tactics, and the squad gets into a big winning spree and wins 80 % of it's games, the 'expectation level' goes up. At this point, two things have impact primarily - the squad rate of improvement and the actual level of squad success. Both will be explained after the following paragraph.

                            Very high rates of squad improvement (how much a squad improves over a set amount of time) can prove dangerous or deadly for a squad, (Mystery will be my example squad for this) by setting a rate of improvement expectancy that a squad cannot commit to.

                            The first impact is the rate of squad improvement (how quickly the squad overall improves). This causes people on the squad to subconsciously adjust an expectation for how quickly the squad should keep improving. If squad improvement slows down, or stops, this causes discontent.

                            Unfortunately, many squad improvement rates are just temporary aspects (a new player or two), and it simply causes a temporary shift upwards, and then remains at that heightened level. If the squad improvement wasn't very substantial or happened really quickly, then [people on the squad] typically don't have enough time to really adjust their expectation level for the improvement rate.

                            However, in a scenario where the squad just starts improving and improving, people's [on the squad] improvement rate expectation adjusts. That means if the squad's improvement slows down or halts, it can have negative effects on people's morale, even if improvement halting stops the squad on a level considerably higher than it's previous.

                            With Mystery, it gained some key players over a lengthy yet steady period of say 2.5-3 weeks, which kept it at a steady and high improvement rate. Once it reached it's peak caliber, the squad no longer improved. This was no doubt an influence on the squad morale, insignificant or not.

                            The second factor, squad level of success, probably has more impact in a case like this. Let's go back to our average squad example, where the squad's overall success level went up, and it now wins about 80 % of it's games.

                            In this case, the people's expectation level has gone up. Instead of being content with winning a 3rd of the squad matches, the squad will only be content with winning about 80 % of it's matches, anything lower will generally produce negative morale, and anything higher will usually produce positive morale.

                            What caused Mystery's downfall then? Well what directly caused it's downfall would be the inability of Mystery's players to recognize and cope with the inevitable morale drops that periodically happen due to the relative adjustment mechanic I've explained earlier.

                            But what caused the sufficient morale drop in Mystery's case then? I would say it was what I would call the emotional shock aftermath, which follows the end of a lengthy and high improvement rate streak.

                            After getting a bit used to the pleasurable and high rate of improvement that Mystery players were bathing in, a few players could no longer cope with the sudden halting, and left. Them leaving in turned caused the halt to begin a degenerative movement, which caused even more extensive morale drop in the rest of the squad players, and made a few more leave as well. And from there on the escalation proceeded in a hard-to-stop chain of events that people could not adjust to so quickly.

                            I guess some people may have trouble understanding that, so let's review. Why did the players leave? Because their expectation level went too high, and upon sudden and abrupt changes, they become too emotionally disturbed and felt that they could fix that by leaving the squad. And even though I am just using a squad that this happened to recently, that doesn't mean it's only applicable to Mystery. This happens with squads all the time.

                            What they failed to acknowledge is that they came aboard the squad when it was worse off than the level it was at when they left. So really, the main reason for leaving was simply the disturbing emotional feeling that accompanied the sudden shift in squad progress from what they got used to. This is a typically experienced outcome.

                            Even the first generation Rusher experienced this same outcome. Rusher grew to a TWL playoff roster caliber within a week or so, and had a very high morale growth and players were very hyped up. I knew it was a very unhealthy thing but there wasn't anything I could really do to prevent it anyway. In environments like this, it's very easy for little 'bumps' to blow people off their high-horse and get real discontent. Much like a hang-over. And one day when I was out of town for the weekend a few successive bumps caused a similiar non-avertable chain reaction.

                            So all my rambling comes down to this - how can players become more loyal, and squads be more successful with surviving? Well, the positive/negative pendulum I descibed above cannot be avoided, [only ignored and/or outweighed through a very high reputation that the squad may have] and the only real way to help squads survive is for players to simply accept these mechanics brought up in this post, and come to understand that negative swings in squad performance only feel negative in regards to the person's adjusted levels of expectancy, and that by simply bearing through it...the players on the squad will again readjust their expectancy to a comfortable level, and the squad will pull out of it's depression.
                            Awesome> i'm 20.. and definately bigger than you... where do you live, if i ever take a vacation there i'll come beat you up 7:Ripper> hahah
                            7:destroy> he'll come to smash you with his keyboard
                            7:death row> lol keyboard. must be thug =(((
                            7:LofTy> Rofl Drow

                            Sika> 5:Rich> i went bowling with lofty irl

                            death row> just throw in a disclaimer: drunk lofty, cannot be responsible for drunk lofty's opinion.


                            • #44
                              sirius, I guess the way u tried to get their players into Rusher wasnt really fair. Yes, they told me about it.
                              1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                              1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                              1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                              1:Vitja> afk
                              1:Underground> haha vit
                              1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                              -Sk8 site and forums:


                              • #45

                                Only players I ever asked to join Rusher from Mystery was Killermech (around the next day he joined Mystery), and TntKilla. I've never seen 90 % of Mystery players before in my life, and everyone else wasn't worth getting. Get your info straight before you come here talking nonsense.
                                Awesome> i'm 20.. and definately bigger than you... where do you live, if i ever take a vacation there i'll come beat you up 7:Ripper> hahah
                                7:destroy> he'll come to smash you with his keyboard
                                7:death row> lol keyboard. must be thug =(((
                                7:LofTy> Rofl Drow

                                Sika> 5:Rich> i went bowling with lofty irl

                                death row> just throw in a disclaimer: drunk lofty, cannot be responsible for drunk lofty's opinion.

