Lots of captains get good lineups every time they start a squad, but they all seem like the same group of cocky assholes every time. if you're recruiting a bunch of cocky assholes just because they're good at the game, your squad won't last.
That's why we limit our cocky assholes to just sleepy weasel and hellzno.
Thats true but still winning is #1 to alot of ppl in this game and they dont realize that they need stability b4 winning in starting a squad. I wouldnt put na$ down as one of my top squadcaptains...but i dnot think he's a horrible one like some ppl are trying to make him sound. Like he said atleast he tries to get squads up and running, thats more then most ppl in tw.
I don't like the fact that on halloween, people tend to give out packets of raisins rather than candy. That's going against every principle that halloween stands for: Firecrackers, vandalism, and cavities.
I personally used to always make squads and they would always die, i always dissolved after losing my best players. When i started rapid with piston nobody thought we would last but we kept it alive, and what ive realised is that one, two, or even 5 people dont make the squad. Just like BZ said, talent comes and goes, and as long as you stay alive you will get a chance to recruit good players. Its easy to give up when good people leave or when you start losing matches but if your patient, good things always happen. Plus im having alot more fun in ss now that ive been on Rapid for a year straight, ive gotten to know people really well and its alot better then just being on a squad with randoms. If you keep a squad alive everyone becomes friendlier with each other and you develop a better squad environment overall, and the new recruitments tend to catch on and have a good time with everyone else.
Thats what ive gotten from leading one squadron for a long time.
I personally used to always make squads and they would always die, i always dissolved after losing my best players. When i started rapid with piston nobody thought we would last but we kept it alive, and what ive realised is that one, two, or even 5 people dont make the squad. Just like BZ said, talent comes and goes, and as long as you stay alive you will get a chance to recruit good players. Its easy to give up when good people leave or when you start losing matches but if your patient, good things always happen. Plus im having alot more fun in ss now that ive been on Rapid for a year straight, ive gotten to know people really well and its alot better then just being on a squad with randoms. If you keep a squad alive everyone becomes friendlier with each other and you develop a better squad environment overall, and the new recruitments tend to catch on and have a good time with everyone else.
Thats what ive gotten from leading one squadron for a long time.
i hate you greatly and i hold the squad together even though im on the squad for no real reason other than i want to be on a squad with aerin
violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk
[Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
[Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life