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Week 5: Again!

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Randedl
    disregarding the context, how am i biased?

    i can call you an idiot all i want, that doesn't mean i can't read a fucking rule.

    and you wonder why i call you an idiot.
    Rand, dont worry about it, the fact that Awesome is voicing a negative opinion is a positive vote in my book. I'd be very worried about someone who Awesome supported becoming a TWL op.
    There exists a fine line between hard partying and destitution.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Epinephrine
      Rand do you really want to do it?

      Running TWL is one of the biggest bitch jobs in all of Trench Wars. Unlike the other portfolios, in TWL you get flamed non-stop even when you're doing a good job.
      i'd totally do it.

      i have enough people who hate me as is it seems. at least i'd be able to employ my reasoning and hear feedback rather than just give negative feedback to people who aren't listening.
      Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
      Philos> there is something about you
      Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

      PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


      • #63
        Bah, if Rodge would quit that'd ruine everything. The problem with this season is the lack of people like Rodge who give a lot of their time to this game and to the people. Of course there will always be people who bitch about everything and that shouldn't be taken too seriously. TWL staff needs to be strong.

        I've been dissatisfied about many things in this league but generally I'm not whining about anything. People should realize the people running it are doing it for free and are not gaining anything. The use of common sense is recommended for everyone. Try to think the situation from the view of a TWL staff member or just a spectator who's not part of any squad participating... - Keeping it short


        • #64
          Yo Rodger Rabbit man,
          I dont mean to criticize the way your running TWL man. I think you would just have to make decisions faster, like the manual hosting was a waste of time in my opinion. Someone said that this is an internet game that we ALL play for fun which is very true, and we shouldn't take for granted that someone is willing to spend their time to operate a league. I mean, the game has trees in fukkin space, i mean, thats just krazy messed up right there. Rodge man, just reconsider, and stop taking everyones bullshit here, I appreciate what you do.

          This is to my brother death row, hey bro, chillax man. You beat them once, im sure if you guys try, you can beat em again. I mean, Rodge has to make a call because of how staffs run the game. The littliest error can favor an advantage to any squad in the game.

          (edit :Mulk already said some of this shit up there ^ ) To make this season better though, I really think we have to stop bashing the people that run this free game. I mean, If i was doing this shit and I had people bullshitting me and telling me that im an idiot, hey, I'd fucking stop running it to. I think the rules should be payed attention to a little bit more as well, they are there for a reason =/

          Lets go on with the season, only thing I ask is that we have this week off (easter), I have a family to tend to and im sure most of the people here do too.
          All in favor of having this week off, Reply with the secret code 'wysiwyg'.
          I found a nickel and I bought a fishing pole, Then I sold some fish, got a raft, fished more, sold massive fish, sold raft, bought a ship, hired a first mate (awesome), picked up a crew, won TWL.....


          • #65
            Lol. wysiwyg. I'm not gonna be there this weekend because of the vacation.
   - Keeping it short


            • #66
              i think we should replay the TWLD game between Rusher and Disoblige. The lagouts were and still are a pretty big issue in TWL. If I remember correctly, we both had lagouts, preferrably more on Rusher side.. which is a matter of one point or not :-p
              Last edited by swim; 03-23-2005, 01:55 AM.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Mulkero
                Lol. wysiwyg. I'm not gonna be there this weekend because of the vacation.

                who cares? you're squad can't even win a fucking game...drop thrill from twl and let Rejected basers least they would win a game or two.

                Originally posted by Swimkid
                i think we should replay the TWLD game between Rusher and Disoblige. The lagouts were and still are a pretty big issue in TWL. If I remember correctly, we both had lagouts, preferrably more on Rusher side.. which is a matter of one point or not :-p

                P.S. swimkid, you're full of shit newbie if you think that game should be replayed..take your loss on a free 2d online spaceship game like a man..pssh pussy.. <_<
                Last edited by Rogue; 03-23-2005, 01:57 AM.
                "I'm a fucking walking paradox, no I'm not
                Threesomes with a fucking triceratops, Reptar
                " - Tyler the Creator
                Yonkers video -


                • #68
                  it was a sorta joke dumb fuck, we all know how much of fag laggots u guys r... i really dont care about the loss newb, nice prediction of 15-10... u did awesome... we'll see how things go in the playoffs... but u know ur newb lags wouldnt have stand the new bots...


                  • #69
                    ignoring the lagouts the host was slow subbing out SaiyanSoldier, resulting in an extra death, for diso's side which in a 50-49 game could've had an impact on the end result.
                    Displaced> I get pussy every day
                    Displaced> I'm rich
                    Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                    Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                    Thors> prolly
                    Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                    best comeback ever


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Hercules

                      This is to my brother death row, hey bro, chillax man. You beat them once, im sure if you guys try, you can beat em again. I mean, Rodge has to make a call because of how staffs run the game. The littliest error can favor an advantage to any squad in the game.
                      I'm fine now, Herc. I was just a little pissed at first, because we played a fair game and they took away a win that we earned. So when that happens, just kinda hard to take this system serious, ya know? But it's cool.
                      RaCka> how can i get you here
                      death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                      RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                      death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                      • #71
                        i dont understand how only people who appealed can replay, yet as of last weekend all we knew was that the game would be hosted manually. if there is no other way to play the game on that given day, why appeal? there is only a 24 hour period to appeal, but you come out with this after that. Dont get me wrong, from what i understand it was great game and with a 50-49 score, rusher seems like they earned the win. but that makes no sense, cuz there really isnt grounds to appeal because it was hosted manually, that was a staff decision. whatever. gg
                        1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
                        1:Jack Kiefer> 22
                        1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


                        • #72
                          I don't really see the point of all this extreme whining here. If you won once, aren't you supposed to smack those newbies again?

                          Before TWL started everyone was going nut crazy cause they wanted to play REAL GAMES1@~!! Well, now is your chance to play an extra game. Shut up and win/lose again.


                          Rodge: ignoring the lagouts the host was slow subbing out SaiyanSoldier, resulting in an extra death, for diso's side which in a 50-49 game could've had an impact on the end result.

                          TWLD - Disoblige vs Rusher
                          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                          There wont be another election for president.
                          Obama is the Omega President.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Randedl
                            disregarding the context, how am i biased?
                            Probably because you're on pallies, and we're a bunch of cheaters who can't be trusted. You guys are all complaining too much. The important thing is everything worked out well for Pallies. Huzzah!

                            P.S. Watched the "Pallies" Mr. Show sketch tonight. Good stuff.


                            • #74
                              wysiwyg. I really need the vacation, but more importantly, Rodge needs it many times more. Let's stop the flaming and give the guy a rest. He's doing way more than his share, and at least I'm truly thankful for that.

                              Please don't quite Rodgeeeeeeee!
                              6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                              Originally posted by Dreamwin
                              3 league vet


                              • #75
                                Instead of just blaming, I'm at least providing possible solutions to stop this from happening:

                                Main fault: The bots went down. Oh dear, but these things seem to happen and to be 'accepted'. So let's do manual hosting, fair enough.

                                Next fault: The manual hosters themselves. Some fucked up but it's ok, it happens. However, what could have been avoided is putting an <ER> who has never hosted a manual game, in charge of a TWL manual game. At least wait until we have someone experienced enough, 'prevention is better than cure'.

                                Next fault (but indirect): Untrained <ER>s. Just make sure an <ER> is capable of hosting without a bot. Slip back a few years ago, if an <ER> hadn't manually hosted before, you'd die of laughter.

                                It's not entirely Rodge's fault afterall: Manual hosting is absolutely fine, if things actually go smoothly. And that's up to the hosters themselves. Whether a manual-hosting fuckup is big enough to warrant a replay is an issue I'm not going to get into however.

