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Hot or Not

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  • #61
    Originally posted by brookus
    Cig Smoke for Not-writer : "lol u guyz r all nerds... nun of dis maters cuz its just a space ship game... lolz"

    All we'd need is a cable-pulling icon and we're set.

    sorry for the double post but this seriously made me laugh out loud
    1:Hydride> who we play next week
    1:ReNdErED> Pandora
    1:ReNdErED> gulp
    1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map

    1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
    1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
    1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
    1:cranium> talk about a feeling


    • #62
      i think this season is going to be very interesting there is a lot of new faces that are battleing to get into twl and if they make it watch out they can pull off a few upsets. I watched loads of twl matches last year i ddint play cause i sucked but this year were going to make it and comeout with a few upsets.
      [Aug 18 01:02] Creature: embarrassed u lsot to riverside, jsut wanted to come online for first time in many months to express my opniion. mad embarrassed 4 u


      • #63
        Have they taken down the racist hot or not thing written about me yet?

        I was notted, and it hurt, also, I was called white, which hurt most of all.
        carpe diem


        • #64
          Originally posted by Ekko
          Have they taken down the racist hot or not thing written about me yet?

          I was notted, and it hurt, also, I was called white, which hurt most of all.
          at first i thought you were asian, sorry ekko
          Originally posted by turmio
          jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
          Originally posted by grand
          I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


          • #65
            you were hurt, cause you made like 50 threads over it.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Sumpson
              what codec did you use and what program?

              I have been using SnagIt and Camtasia Studio, both work fine but the file size is always huge.
              Well basically it's the best to first take the video without encoding it, it'll end up REALLY HUGE, but you don't waste processor time to encode it on the fly. After you have the match recorded just encode it with a video editing software. Kuukunen probably knows best in diso what'd be the right choice, given that he's taken all those high-end multimedia classes B)
              6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

              Originally posted by Dreamwin
              3 league vet


              • #67
                Lets record hot or not with microphones. People record their shit on a .wav file or something and then you could post them here. You could also do the writing then a .wav file too or whatever. That would be some change for a while.


                • #68
                  I am HOT! You are NOT!


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Dragonscale
                    Lets record hot or not with microphones. People record their shit on a .wav file or something and then you could post them here. You could also do the writing then a .wav file too or whatever. That would be some change for a while.
                    Wow DS, this is the first clever thing i've heard you say... I agree with Dragon, it would be cool listening to it on a .wav file

                    I vote for necromotic to do the hot or not through the microphone "da fuk that kid vys owned 20-3, how he do it jesus fuk" I yhink it would be funny, does anyone agree? Yo, don't flame me; opinions are like assholes, everyones got one. (Just some have got bigger one's "Cig Smoke")

                    p.s I wouldn't mind doing the not section for twld
                    Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

                    - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


                    • #70
                      I'll write either WB's or Base. Doesn't matter if it's Hot or Not; both would be great, just Not would be fine too. Don't put me on Javs, I don't really know anything about them.
                      Originally posted by Ward
                      OK.. ur retarded case closed


                      • #71
                        I don't care who does it or how, aslong as it gets finished this season and not stop after 3 weeks :P

                        Ciggy is hot btw! :wub:
                        Jason> God said, "Heh, I'm gonna give Eve some nice titties."
                        Dyers eve> God wanted me to have nice titties?
                        Superstar> Yes eve, he does want you to have nice titties. To bad he placed them on the wrong spot. Cup C size balls.


                        Greetz Dyers eve

