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4 spid limit and 3 rounds-thoughts?

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  • #31

    make matches 3 rounds, but lower the time limit for each round, not sure the time limit but if its 30 mins per round, lower it to 20 and if its 20 mins per round lower it to 15 mins. This will make for faster pace action and also allow us to fit 3 rounds in within an hour. Just a thought.

    1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
    1:Eelam> ROFLMAO


    • #32
      k so a 3 league squad as dice would have to play roughly 5 hours on a sunday? who has time for that especially since we have a few multi leaguers. if you vote for the 3 rounds your stupid save it for the playoffs like pascone said. Scheduling would be a complete fuck up.

      4 spid limit? no

      why give people a chance to beat dice

      edit: nvm we'd get necro or domi back

      1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
      1:waven> is if im going to prison
      1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


      • #33
        I'm very skeptical about a 3 rounds system for regular season. The league should encourage squads to focus on more leagues, not the other way around. This is promoting the seasonal 1league squads more than the long-lasting 3 leaguesquads that have given TWL a face in all these years.

        If you really do want it to work, you need to realise you have to change the scheduling-system entirely.
        3 rounds can take over 1 hour. So the traditional time slots aren't good. Even if the scheduling would go right; no one wants to be playing an LD at 1, lj at 3 and an LB at 5. That's just too many hours. ALso the chances of a scheduling screw up are huge; and then you get squads having to play and LD at 2 and LB at 3, which could easily collide.
        I'd say a set schedule would be the only solution: 1:30, 3 and 4:30 (or 2, 3:30 and 5). But then you basically can't let captains schedule anymore, because letting scheduling for 3 leagues with only 3 timeslots is impossible. So probably LJ at 1:30, LD at 3 and LB at 4:30 would be best for all.

        I'm against a shiplimit. But I go way further than that, I'm against any ship restrictions, other than a maximum of 8 ships. If someone wants to use 5 terrs and 3 levis, be my guest. But I also want no shipchange limit (or increase the limit by A LOT). It's ridicilous that squads are discouraged to use a jav or a wb, simply because you hardly have any shipchanged to risk losing..
        Of course you might get squads starting with 8 terrs, and all bursting, porting all over, then changing 7 players to sharks when they get FR, but I'd say that's just great. :P


        • #34
          You could make TWL-B a best out of three 'point' game. Where you set a time target - 5 minutes for instance-. The moment one team reaches the target the timer is reset and everyone is warped into safe and back into flagroom again.
          This way the game continues and wouldn't take as long as re-picking teams etc. would. On the other hand it wouldn't be a 15 minute one-sided cram. (or 3x15). Just a concept.
          You ate some priest porridge


          • #35
            1 round, 3 rounds are a wast of time for everyone

            if u are going on with the 3 rounds then good luck in finding enough hosts

            no spid limit, if ppl want to spider with 1 terr & 7 spiders let them :P
            SSCU Trench Wars Local BanG Operator
            SSCU Trenchwars SModerator
            Trench Wars Extreme League Head Operator
            Trench Wars Divisions Operator

            1:Rudy> We don't let Barton out much
            1:Rudy> He has a habit of touching things he's not supposed to
            1:Rudy> Like fire, and boobies


            • #36
              Yes Do It Like This!

              My opinions which are the bestest choices of course:

              1. :wub:

              4 spid limit! Its time to make squads be little more creative with their lineups. Also, does someone REALLY want to watch LOOONG BORING CRAMS?

              Don't you ppl remember how it used to be? Basing that is...back in the day when pallies, disoblige, light..etc played, and used special ships way more often than squads do these days... and fun stuff would happen every time.

              Now compare that to the 5 spid cram games? Which one is more fun to play in and more entertaining for spectators? Interesting games need fun stuff and things to happen for most ppl to really watch them, not just hang in spec in the arena. I rest my case.

              2. :fear:

              3 rounds for dueling leagues, one little longer round for basing. It doesn't matter if the basing round is a bit longer, not like its any more effort to host it if it lasts 5 more mins for example.

              Is it really that hard to set up twl using the twd bots or something very similar? Would be ideal format, at least for ld and lj.

              If you don't agree you're a silly farty pants goose-egg gobblin know-nothinger tennsi coach.


              • #37
                i pretty much like everythign that bram said.

                especially about the ship restrictions being removed altogether. i like it lots

                1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                • #38
                  no 3 round and no spid limit.


                  • #39
                    1 round
                    8 spider limit


                    • #40
                      1 round.

                      This is TWL, not BWC or TWDTB.....if a squad has their best lineup with 5 spids....they should be able to use 5 spids....if a squad has their best lineup with a jav or wb, they have the opportunity to play that lineup.

                      This is TWL where squads try to show their best, not every1 has a necro or domi for a special ship.....KEEP TWL THE WAY TWL HAS ALWAYS BEEN

                      peace, love, and spaceships B)
                      zidane> big play
                      Omega Red> dwop sick
                      mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                      WillBy> ^^

                      1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                      1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                      cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                      • #41
                        fine, no problem wiht a 5 or 6 spid lineup,

                        can we just modify it to allow additional ters or sharks as well?

                        if a one ter 3 shark and 4 spid lineup is better than a 1 ter 2 shark and 5 spid lineup, it shoudl be allowed too.

                        best lineups win, not best lineups using only 1 ter and 2 sharks.

                        if you want to have no spider limit, remove limits entirely

                        1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                        • #42
                          why have any ship limits in TWLB at all?

                          Surely the real skill in twl is winning whatever the opposition... If you can make Levi and Weasel work for you (highly unlikely), why should you be stopped. Why have a 2 shark limit? Why limit to 1 terrier?

                          Edit:basically same point as above ^^
                          Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                          Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                          Kitty> true

                          I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

                 - The Offical Flabby Website


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Raspi View Post
                            My opinions which are the bestest choices of course:

                            1. :wub:

                            4 spid limit! Its time to make squads be little more creative with their lineups. Also, does someone REALLY want to watch LOOONG BORING CRAMS?

                            Don't you ppl remember how it used to be? Basing that is...back in the day when pallies, disoblige, light..etc played, and used special ships way more often than squads do these days... and fun stuff would happen every time.

                            Now compare that to the 5 spid cram games? Which one is more fun to play in and more entertaining for spectators? Interesting games need fun stuff and things to happen for most ppl to really watch them, not just hang in spec in the arena. I rest my case.

                            2. :fear:

                            3 rounds for dueling leagues, one little longer round for basing. It doesn't matter if the basing round is a bit longer, not like its any more effort to host it if it lasts 5 more mins for example.

                            Is it really that hard to set up twl using the twd bots or something very similar? Would be ideal format, at least for ld and lj.

                            If you don't agree you're a silly farty pants goose-egg gobblin know-nothinger tennsi coach.

                            there are no long crams anymore due to the removing of 2 certain tiles, which
                            makes it considerably easier to push the terr away from the cram
                            TWDTJ Champion Fall Season 2022 (6.5 *)


                            • #44
                              A quick running-tally:

                              3 rounds?

                              Yes: 13
                              No: 14


                              4 Spid Limit?

                              Yes: 7
                              No: 17


                              No limit at all



                              • #45
                                No 4 spid limit, let teams play the lineups they'd like to play.


