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Poll: Should TWL Round 2 start Jan. 3-4th?

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  • lol - just lol people

    I tried to write another post 4 times, but I don't see another post on this thread that I'd like to dignify with a reply

    Communication is a wonderful thing nowdays people. We have sqdmessages, zoners, forums, private chats, private messages, msn, cell phones, house phones, e-mails. Anyone who isn't informed (and not on some deserted island), is suffering from a lack of good squaddies. Keeping people informed is easy, use one of the above methods. Less whining here in the post, more telling people in game about the change.
    7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
    7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
    7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*


    7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
    7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

    1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
    1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


    • Im pretty sure that people dont want their squad captains to call them during christmas dinner or holiday.

      "Hello it's captain douchebag from SS Trenchwars, unlike the decision made earlier, TWL continues already at 5th jan. So please stop your vacation and come back to TW at once."

      And why should people even check their emails for a mail "TWL returning earlier than decided" when it was made pretty clear that the weekend is off. Should they just in case check the mail for everything during vacation? I sure hope not.

      PS: Im sorry that I voted yes to the poll, but TWL should continue 5th jan, just without this poll.

      PPS: If the real majority got to vote then there is no problem tho.


      • Hi I just thought this was interesting. Lots of you are making the comment that everyone who would vote no for this poll arent here because they thought TWL was off this weekend. But when we look at the number of votes for the "TWL breaks poll," where people had 2+ weeks to vote, there are LESS number of votes than for this one, which only lasted for less than a week.

        97 to 107 so far. Makes you think...of course I havent compared the polls to see who voted in each, but you get the point


        • Originally posted by Phred View Post
          PPS: If the real majority got to vote then there is no problem tho.
          Good thing I added the Get away free card.


          • Originally posted by Phred View Post
            Im pretty sure that people dont want their squad captains to call them during christmas dinner or holiday.

            "Hello it's captain douchebag from SS Trenchwars, unlike the decision made earlier, TWL continues already at 5th jan. So please stop your vacation and come back to TW at once."

            And why should people even check their emails for a mail "TWL returning earlier than decided" when it was made pretty clear that the weekend is off. Should they just in case check the mail for everything during vacation? I sure hope not.

            PS: Im sorry that I voted yes to the poll, but TWL should continue 5th jan, just without this poll.

            PPS: If the real majority got to vote then there is no problem tho.
            you know, im sorry... but who the hell takes a month long vacation? shut the fuck up

            no one does that's who

            there is no vacation after new years, the holiday is over

            the people that are still on a holiday frankly need to get a job and a career, because the vast majority that DO go to things like work, college, school etc WANT it to start on the 4th... so you jobless bums that want to take your month long holiday can take it, but TWL will go on without them


            Originally posted by Summa View Post
            yes let me sit all by my lonesome here while everyone moves in around you, very sociable. and you are wrong, it is the 5th when most start up again. i don't understand where class came into this and how me being classless refutes any point i make, but sure!

            EDIT: Also the poll was started on the 23rd of December and the decision was made on the 28th of December. I do not think that is ample time given to decide such a thing, especially for those of us who were away for the hollidays. I left on the 16th and got back yesterday, and I am going to go on a whim and say others are probably in similar shoes. Ample time was DEFINITELY provided here, 5 days....yup.
            1st. January starts the second semester, douchebag. If you haven't made friends by now then you really have no reason to think you will all of a sudden lose out on making any by playing one hour on a sunday

            2nd. I called you classless because you saying the whole "I told you so" argument just proves your a classless piece of trash, instead of finding solutions you just complain about those that MAKE decisions for you, and you would rather berate them for actually trying to help and make a decision unlike yourself who might I add royally screwed up TWDT so badly your first time running it that you shouldn't have any say so in how Mirror runs TWL in her first season running the show

            3rd. Yes the poll was quick, in fact I did not even vote at the time, I was exactly like you, just got online on a whim and found out the date was moved to an earlier time. Unlike you however, I am completely fine with it. You would rather have the poll run for weeks and weeks til its past the 4th and then you would never have to have made a decision. This is why you are never going to be TWL Op. Stick to screwing up TWDT.
            Last edited by Exalt; 12-31-2008, 10:32 PM.
            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
            RaCka> mad impressive


            • Why do people care so much if they miss a weekend, seriously...
              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


              • DIe thread ! Plspd"
                (Paradise)>dj sage
                (HELLZNO!)>is he good, ive never heard his music
                1: Dynasty> LOL
                1:vue> LOL
                1:Cap> LOOL


                • Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                  you know, im sorry... but who the hell takes a month long vacation? shut the fuck up

                  no one does that's who

                  there is no vacation after new years, the holiday is over

                  the people that are still on a holiday frankly need to get a job and a career, because the vast majority that DO go to things like work, college, school etc WANT it to start on the 4th... so you jobless bums that want to take your month long holiday can take it, but TWL will go on without them.
                  Good thing you missed my point only by mile. So thanks for the essay worth shit.


                  • Originally posted by Phred View Post
                    Good thing you missed my point only by mile. So thanks for the essay worth shit.
                    My sentiments exactly.

                    EDIT: And I love how you feel the need to insult people amidst your arguments to make them seem stronger or more effective exalt. It doesn't help the fact that you are spewing garbage. The simple fact is that you are not understanding of other people's situations because they do not effect you and your life. Thus they do not matter in your eyes and your opinion supersedes others'.
                    TWDT Head Op Seasons 2, 3, and 4
                    TWL Season 14 & 17 Head Op
                    Season 13 TWLD Champion, Seasons 13 & 14 LJ Champion

                    Winston Churchill: "That is the sort of nonsense up with which we will not put!"

                    Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
                    - John F. Kennedy

                    A sadist is a masochist who follows the Golden Rule.
                    Originally posted by kthx
                    Umm.. Alexander the Great was the leader of the Roman empire, not the Greek empire guy.


                    • Originally posted by Summa View Post
                      My sentiments exactly.

                      EDIT: And I love how you feel the need to insult people amidst your arguments to make them seem stronger or more effective exalt. It doesn't help the fact that you are spewing garbage. The simple fact is that you are not understanding of other people's situations because they do not effect you and your life. Thus they do not matter in your eyes and your opinion supersedes others'.
                      whatever dude, you know I'm right, no one takes vacation for a month long, and if they do the rest of us shouldn't have to wait til they decide to get back before TWL starts back up

                      also classes starting on the 5th do not matter whatsoever, and 90% of the people in TWL are in college and they all vote for TWL to start back up on the 4th, im sorry your situation is different but no reason to punish anyone else because you have "real life" things going on. We all do. Get over it.
                      RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                      RaCka> mad impressive


                      • My classes start on the 12th.
                        Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                        • what's sad is you are all arguing over this...stfu and find something better to do
                          TWL-J Season 11 Champion
                          TWL-J Season 21 Champion
                          TWL-B Season 21 Champion
                          TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
                          TWDT-D 2017 Champion
                          TWDT-J 2017 Champion


                          • Originally posted by Phred View Post
                            Good thing you missed my point only by mile. So thanks for the essay worth shit.
                            exalt is right, they call ppl losers who have lives and have to be back to work LOL go figure. the truth is, half the ppl who want to wait are kids on vacation with mommy and daddy

                            ps. thanks for the shit english phred

                            haista vittu faggot


                            • Originally posted by Money View Post
                              exalt is right, they call ppl losers who have lives and have to be back to work LOL go figure. the truth is, half the ppl who want to wait are kids on vacation with mommy and daddy

                              ps. thanks for the shit english phred

                              haista vittu faggot
                              For fucks sake. Exalt dodged the point twice and now Money joins the club? I never said anything about twl starting too soon cause of holidays, I guess my english was so bad that idiots like you couldnt understand it.

                              I was referring to Knockers post about emails and phone calls inside the squad. At least I wouldnt want anyone to call me during christmas dinner that twl starts sooner than expected, but I guess some people takes this so seriously.

                              PS: I dont belong to the half which has long vacation, but nice try. Faggot.


                              • Originally posted by Phred View Post
                                For fucks sake. Exalt dodged the point twice and now Money joins the club? I never said anything about twl starting too soon cause of holidays, I guess my english was so bad that idiots like you couldnt understand it.

                                I was referring to Knockers post about emails and phone calls inside the squad. At least I wouldnt want anyone to call me during christmas dinner that twl starts sooner than expected, but I guess some people takes this so seriously.

                                PS: I dont belong to the half which has long vacation, but nice try. Faggot.
                                I didn't reply to your point before because I honestly didn't think anyone would take it seriously. First of all, because we're talking about the 4th of January. Who the fuck has Xmas dinner then? Secondly, you took that way out of proportion. I agree, anyone calls me to play a video game during my Xmas dinner I'm not going to be happy. Leaving a text, on the, let's say 28th, saying the date is the 4th? Thats not rude, it's just smart. I also mentioned like 10 different methods of communication. You chose to pick the one most personal and make it out like I was ridiculas. My point, as you keep saying, was dodged. Bad communication in twl level squads is their own problem, no one elses. Get some forums. get your main guys on msn, whatever. it isnt hard.
                                7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                                7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                                7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                                1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                                7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                                7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                                1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                                1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now

