Those roster caps are very dumb as mega stated above. I see what you're trying to do. You're trying to make it so less people are on the squads competing in TWL so that more people will be available for your new Amateur League. I get it, it's cute. Unfortunately the Amateur League was attempted once before when the zone regularly had 450 ppl in it, and it didn't work then. Doubt it will now. However, the big problem is this: 10+ yr players don't care about actually playing, they just wanna be on squads with their long time friends. So if you make ppl trim rosters this hard, a lot of players won't join another squad just to play, they'll stay on their squad with their friends and continue to enjoy the game. All you're really doing is preventing bad salty vets like Beam from playing his 1 TWLD match a season vs the worst opponent in the league, and the entire squad laughing @ him as he fails.
But hey, if you think its worth a shot.
But hey, if you think its worth a shot.