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TWLB Finals - WTF decision?

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  • This has all came down by people who are not on either squad: for example Rule & Rise Against continuously arguing when they don't know what is going on nor played TWL this season and people who dislike Pandora. It is so easy to gang up on person here and everyone on here is doing so on Zidane, of course we are going to dislike each other in this game and this is one of the reasons why the competitive atmosphere is high.Sadly enough, it's the people outside of dice and Pandora causing all of this + dwop crying up a storm if you read every page of this topic. I think it's time to move on folks as this game doesn't pay you to play or has a major impact on your life.
    1:Ogron> i can officially say that i am quitting tinder dude fuck that i met the most amazing girl ever
    1:Zidane> congrats man
    1:Ogron> yeah she is into star wars movies and plays little bit of LoL
    1:Ogron> AND we had a 10 minute make out session in my car
    1:Rough> AND this guy wonders why he is a loser


    • Originally posted by Undercut View Post
      The post i replied to had absolutely nothing to do with TWLD at all, I replied about the situation regarding dwopple in TWLB.
      The only thing addressing you in my comment was the first half, the second half was for zidane
      M_M God proposes a redo of TWLB finals for a fair outcome where neither team suffers due to the poor staff decisions, starters not being able to play, bot screw ups, server routing issues and lag. TWLB Season 18 was an embarrassment and Trench Wars deserves a fair and great end to the season.

      zidane> Pandora (he really means zidane) does not agree with what you have proposed M_M god, because methinks dicE would win and I cannot live with that. I am just a big ole' puss.


      • Holy shit i found a pic of Rough.

        He looks Rough.
        zidane> big play
        Omega Red> dwop sick
        mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
        WillBy> ^^

        1:Chief Utsav> LOL
        1:Rule> we dont do that here.

        cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


        • SSCU Trench Wars TRIPLE CROWN WINNER
          SSCU Trench Wars
          Triple Threat
          SSCU Trench Wars TWEL Top 3 Finalist
          SSCU Trench Wars Starting Spider Melee 2003
          SSCU Trench Wars TWLJ Champion (2x)
          SSCU Trench Wars TWLD Champion
          SSCU Trench Wars Michael Schumacher of Racing2
          SSCU Trench Wars Unprecedented Balancing KING
          SSCU Trench Wars TWLJ Top Stats 3 years running

          MAD shoutouts to MUH BOYS atm


          • Reckful> that never should of came up because this game never should of been played I tried to reason with Apok to schedule it ANY DAY OR TIME HE WANTED FROM NOW UNTIL 2020 FOR ALL I CARED. Him and skepsis decided to instead guilt pandora into even playing that day which honestly shows alot for ease, myth and zidane trying to show some sense of sportsmanship and taking them on when they didnt have to at all.[/QUOTE]

            You are an idiot, you scheduled it for that day and Fierce said that they couldn't play a week from now like everyone wanted.. they were planning on dealing with their own rl things after Sunday, it was supposed to be played Sunday you can't just cancel a game like that after we waited for hours without adequate notice.. You didn't let dice play their round 3 another day when they couldn't show all their starters.. You biased pos, for all we know they yelled at all their possible starters to go afk or esc + q like they did to Vati..

            When Pandora claimed they couldn't show their "clutch" sub or Spezza, we said we couldn't show Welt and would have to put Last Standing in.. Also, why is it that Pandora says they can't play because all their starters aren't there, you want to rule in their favour for postponement but as soon as we say we can't show our starters after Sunday due to people going inactive you say "well then, I guess you're handing your title to Pandora" wtf? You just keep proving a point that you're biased, and I already knew everything that you just logged me so you wasted your time, it doesn't help your case at all.. it just proves the game should have been played and you're a biased pos.
            Last edited by Rise Against; 04-02-2014, 06:24 PM.
            M_M God proposes a redo of TWLB finals for a fair outcome where neither team suffers due to the poor staff decisions, starters not being able to play, bot screw ups, server routing issues and lag. TWLB Season 18 was an embarrassment and Trench Wars deserves a fair and great end to the season.

            zidane> Pandora (he really means zidane) does not agree with what you have proposed M_M god, because methinks dicE would win and I cannot live with that. I am just a big ole' puss.


            • In their defense it was scheduled at 5 pm, not whatever time it started (830 or w.e). afk now
              1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

              menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
              JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

              1:Cape> Why did u axe req
              1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


              • In my counter argument, what day was TWLD scheduled for? Sunday.. therefor it should be played Sunday.. And they were complaining about not playing at 7, and wasted 30 mins - 1hr just talking
                M_M God proposes a redo of TWLB finals for a fair outcome where neither team suffers due to the poor staff decisions, starters not being able to play, bot screw ups, server routing issues and lag. TWLB Season 18 was an embarrassment and Trench Wars deserves a fair and great end to the season.

                zidane> Pandora (he really means zidane) does not agree with what you have proposed M_M god, because methinks dicE would win and I cannot live with that. I am just a big ole' puss.


                • M_M God, your proposal is absolutely ridiculous and it's pretty shocking that it's coming from the head of the zone. We never claimed we can 'beat dice whenever', we know how good Dice is and we knew we were underdogs going into this weekend and even going into this TWL. We played the TWLB finals and we won ALL THREE ROUNDS. Why is Dice getting so much favoritism from everyone when they didn't even win a round? We offered to complete the 18-11 game to finish so everyone can be happy that we got 20 minutes. To suggest scrapping more than an HOUR AND A HALF of gameplay in the TWLB finals for a complete restart favors Dice entirely and completely disregards everything we did to win that title. No, we do not accept that bullshit offer. We are still willing to play out the rest of round 3, but if you read Downfall's post you'll realize we really only needed 30 seconds to win that game.

                  I understand staff is trying to play damage control to keep Dice around and suck their dicks, but you can do that without coming up with bullshit ideas that completely undermine how well the players played on Pandora to try and win what everyone believed to be the TWLB Finals. The zone was fine without Dice last season and it will be fine without them again. This is also Pandora's last season. Who gives a shit? Apparently Dice came back to play one last season together, doesn't that mean they were quitting whether they won or lost? They made it to the finals and got outplayed by Pandora. If they've lost interest in subspace then that's fine, it's happened to thousands of people who have played this game.

                  Here's a quote from Stayon yesterday:

                  (Stayon)>and i have no problem admiting you guys were better sunday for sure

                  So, what's the problem here? Yes, Dice is the greatest TWLB squad of all time, but we were better last Sunday. Isn't that what matters? We're the champions from last season and we're the champions again this season. Nobody would have Pandora's back if this whole scenario was flipped. Do you really think you would see Rise Against arguing for Pandora and liking every post that agreed with him like some stupid 13 year old girl on Facebook because Dice needed 2 minutes after dominating us but somehow Pandora could have came back despite losing every previous round? I doubt it. Pandora would be the laughing stock for trying to even argue this dumbass shit. Learn to take a loss like a man and congratulate the other team for outplaying you.

                  I remember when Pandora beat Dice in the semis of TWLB and went on to play Penetrate in the TWLB Finals. We had 3 of our most important players (Menel, renzi, sarger) not able to play because of lag and we ended up losing that game after being up 6-0 in round 2 when the lag started. We took the loss like fucking men and congratulated Penetrate for winning even though we weren't at our best. Shit happens man, Pandora has played the TWLB finals at a much larger disadvantage than Dice just did and you never saw an appeal.
                  PattheBat> steadman your name is literally "a mean std"
                  ogron> CM,OPN NMKAN


                  • Originally posted by Rough View Post
                    This has all came down by people who are not on either squad: for example Rule & Rise Against continuously arguing when they don't know what is going on nor played TWL this season and people who dislike Pandora. It is so easy to gang up on person here and everyone on here is doing so on Zidane, of course we are going to dislike each other in this game and this is one of the reasons why the competitive atmosphere is high.Sadly enough, it's the people outside of dice and Pandora causing all of this + dwop crying up a storm if you read every page of this topic. I think it's time to move on folks as this game doesn't pay you to play or has a major impact on your life.
                    You clearly don't know what you're talking about as I played in TWL and I do know a lot about the situation because I was there, and I wouldn't have cared if Pandora won if it was fair.. Also, you are almost as biased as Reckful.. don't you have something better to do like falsely accusing staff of taking money bribes from dice? I can't listen to a word you or zidane ever speaks, you guys must be blood brothers or something.

                    The funny thing is if this happened to you guys you would appeal and cry on forums 0.5 seconds following the incident.. And you would probably get Reckful to replay TWL because you guys are bffs and he always gives what Pandora wants.. Unlike you guys, dicE doesn't care but it still doesn't make it fair or excuse what Reckful did
                    M_M God proposes a redo of TWLB finals for a fair outcome where neither team suffers due to the poor staff decisions, starters not being able to play, bot screw ups, server routing issues and lag. TWLB Season 18 was an embarrassment and Trench Wars deserves a fair and great end to the season.

                    zidane> Pandora (he really means zidane) does not agree with what you have proposed M_M god, because methinks dicE would win and I cannot live with that. I am just a big ole' puss.


                    • Originally posted by Mythril View Post
                      M_M God, your proposal is absolutely ridiculous and it's pretty shocking that it's coming from the head of the zone. We never claimed we can 'beat dice whenever', we know how good Dice is and we knew we were underdogs going into this weekend and even going into this TWL. We played the TWLB finals and we won ALL THREE ROUNDS. Why is Dice getting so much favoritism from everyone when they didn't even win a round? We offered to complete the 18-11 game to finish so everyone can be happy that we got 20 minutes. To suggest scrapping more than an HOUR AND A HALF of gameplay in the TWLB finals for a complete restart favors Dice entirely and completely disregards everything we did to win that title. No, we do not accept that bullshit offer. We are still willing to play out the rest of round 3, but if you read Downfall's post you'll realize we really only needed 30 seconds to win that game.

                      I understand staff is trying to play damage control to keep Dice around and suck their dicks, but you can do that without coming up with bullshit ideas that completely undermine how well the players played on Pandora to try and win what everyone believed to be the TWLB Finals. The zone was fine without Dice last season and it will be fine without them again. This is also Pandora's last season. Who gives a shit? Apparently Dice came back to play one last season together, doesn't that mean they were quitting whether they won or lost? They made it to the finals and got outplayed by Pandora. If they've lost interest in subspace then that's fine, it's happened to thousands of people who have played this game.

                      Here's a quote from Stayon yesterday:

                      (Stayon)>and i have no problem admiting you guys were better sunday for sure

                      So, what's the problem here? Yes, Dice is the greatest TWLB squad of all time, but we were better last Sunday. Isn't that what matters? We're the champions from last season and we're the champions again this season. Nobody would have Pandora's back if this whole scenario was flipped. Do you really think you would see Rise Against arguing for Pandora and liking every post that agreed with him like some stupid 13 year old girl on Facebook because Dice needed 2 minutes after dominating us but somehow Pandora could have came back despite losing every previous round? I doubt it. Pandora would be the laughing stock for trying to even argue this dumbass shit. Learn to take a loss like a man and congratulate the other team for outplaying you.

                      I remember when Pandora beat Dice in the semis of TWLB and went on to play Penetrate in the TWLB Finals. We had 3 of our most important players (Menel, renzi, sarger) not able to play because of lag and we ended up losing that game after being up 6-0 in round 2 when the lag started. We took the loss like fucking men and congratulated Penetrate for winning even though we weren't at our best. Shit happens man, Pandora has played the TWLB finals at a much larger disadvantage than Dice just did and you never saw an appeal.
                      You did not take the TWLD round 1 "loss" as men as many of you babies went crying to Reckful to null it even though it was 35-25 with atleast 2 Panda's on 9 (ppl in spec saying 3) before the lag was a factor.. Of course, he ruled in your favour.. again

                      Actually, if the same thing happened to Pandora then yes I would be arguing in their favour due to fairness.. I would be arguing for "Pandora" with respect to you, Ease, Under, a few others (not zidane though). I am a little bit disappointed with how LB turned out because it should have been a good one yet we got a shit show in terms of bot failures and server problems / staff problems. My main argument is showing how biased and incompetent Reckful is, and that dice got the short end of the stick because they didn't have the exact amount of allotted time to fight for the title. What you guys are also forgetting is that in round 3 dwopple (due to how long things took because of bot issues) had to leave and cripple had to shark.. How is that not a factor to Pandora beating dice in round 3? You guys were the better team round 1 but I wouldn't say you were the better team Sunday, I would have to see each team's starting line up in playing their regular ships.. NOT MEGAMAN JAVING, maketso warping because bot crapped out, and CRIPPLE IN SHARK, 3 huge points.

                      Also, don't shit on M_M God for trying to save the integrity of TWL cause right now everyone is thinking what happened on Sunday is a complete joke/laugh fest
                      Last edited by Rise Against; 04-02-2014, 07:10 PM.
                      M_M God proposes a redo of TWLB finals for a fair outcome where neither team suffers due to the poor staff decisions, starters not being able to play, bot screw ups, server routing issues and lag. TWLB Season 18 was an embarrassment and Trench Wars deserves a fair and great end to the season.

                      zidane> Pandora (he really means zidane) does not agree with what you have proposed M_M god, because methinks dicE would win and I cannot live with that. I am just a big ole' puss.


                      • "The only reason it was played was because your captains had this conversation with pandora. Best quote from it is:
                        T Apok> Sorry but our final decision is that we're playing today or not playing at all
                        So again fact check your bullshit lies before you bring them here. Your captains forced an issue that never should of came up because this game never should of been played I tried to reason with Apok to schedule it ANY DAY OR TIME HE WANTED FROM NOW UNTIL 2020 FOR ALL I CARED. Him and skepsis decided to instead guilt pandora into even playing that day which honestly shows alot for ease, myth and zidane trying to show some sense of sportsmanship and taking them on when they didnt have to at all. "

                        Just the way you write this shows your clear favoritism of Pandora "tried to guilt trip pandora into even playing that day". Fierce and Apok had every right to want to play after being delayed for hours. Pandora had a right to want to postpone. Its not for you to post the logs, and try make Fierce caps look bad when they know they wont have availability of a full line for weeks.

                        Zidane Rough etc can try to point out discredit anyone who has a different opinion here, but we all know that you screwed up the most important day in TWL, and don't have the capability to be the head of TWL. I dont have to be a TWL active player to have an opinion and voice it.

                        It really comes down to making sure fair and legitimate decisions are made for all squads involved and you have not done that.


                        • TL;DR but this has probably been the worst TWL in the history of this game in terms of competition and staffing. On a side note, if Dice is really retiring then props to you guys for being one of the most consistently dominating multi-league squads in history.
                          1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                          1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                          Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                          Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                          Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                          • Originally posted by Mythril View Post
                            M_M God, your proposal is absolutely ridiculous and it's pretty shocking that it's coming from the head of the zone. We never claimed we can 'beat dice whenever', we know how good Dice is and we knew we were underdogs going into this weekend and even going into this TWL. We played the TWLB finals and we won ALL THREE ROUNDS. Why is Dice getting so much favoritism from everyone when they didn't even win a round? We offered to complete the 18-11 game to finish so everyone can be happy that we got 20 minutes. To suggest scrapping more than an HOUR AND A HALF of game play in the TWLB finals for a complete restart favors Dice entirely and completely disregards everything we did to win that title. No, we do not accept that bullshit offer. We are still willing to play out the rest of round 3, but if you read Downfall's post you'll realize we really only needed 30 seconds to win that game.
                            You shouldn't be confusing favoritism with trying to end TWL in the way it is supposed to and what people deserve out of a league such as this. I couldn't care less if this had been you, Pandora, dice, or $flabby$. And you should know better than to accuse ME of favoritism. I offered both squads a chance to, for once, have a fair way of showing who's better and deservedly so the winner of TWLB Season 18. You guys can even keep your already earned TWLB titles from last sunday, I know dice couldn't care less about that right now and just want a fair, lag free, bot server stable, chance of beating you in a manner which should be normal and represent TWL and the zone in the way it's supposed to. I am merely dissapointed and disgusted by the way this has all played out and I think both squads players deserve the satisfaction and chance of beating each other in a fair way, with no interference, a stable bot and without the lag, staff hiccups and usual bullshit that has been all around last sunday's matches.
                            Retired SSCU Trenchwars Head Sysop

                            1:24> they'd rather add afks than me
                            24 is in for Freq 1 as a Warbird.
                            1:M_M God> gg

                            help: (renzi) (Public 33): is it possible for a washing machine to cause a wireless connection to lag?

                            Candy King, -C4L-


                            • M_M God what Pandora players deserve is the satisfaction of winning TWLB, not having the head of the zone come up with ridiculous proposals. We already showed who was the better team last Sunday when we won, I'm not sure if you even watched the game based on some of the stuff you're saying. Asking to replay anything after it's over only favors the team that lost, so I'm not sure how you're surprised by being called bias. Pandora, more specifically everyone who played, feels they won 3/3 rounds and deserved that win 100%. It's unfortunate there were delays and a player had to leave, but that isn't the first time it's happened and I'm guessing it won't be the last.


                              • just put an asterisk next to this entire season and get this shit over with already. need 2 join sharknado.
                                1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                                1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                                Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                                Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                                Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.

