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TWLB Finals - WTF decision?

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  • Say what you will about Rule but he is a good judge of character. Everything I have read him say in this thread I agree with.
    I am glad dice are quitting. Would have placed a bet they would have had to post somewhere to advertise it for attention. "we don't care about the win, bla bla let pandora have it, we weren't trying but they are the try hards bla bla."
    Hope they don't come back. If they do, just spam them with "thought you quit?", if they don't - good.

    I miss the times when the decent pro squads weren't just a bunch of trolls.

    Pandora.... There is a few on there I really like, but they have some of the biggest trolls that have ever played this game. If you win and you are a bunch of trolls, the victory is meaningless. Pandora, try win a season without shit talking anyone including off season? That would actually be a harder task for you lot than for me to triple crown alone 1vs5.

    This game used to be full of good players who were competitive and respectful with regards winning and losing and it then meant something.
    Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

    ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

    TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
    TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider

    TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present


    • Originally posted by Ardour View Post
      Say what you will about Rule but he is a good judge of character. Everything I have read him say in this thread I agree with.
      I am glad dice are quitting. Would have placed a bet they would have had to post somewhere to advertise it for attention. "we don't care about the win, bla bla let pandora have it, we weren't trying but they are the try hards bla bla."
      Hope they don't come back. If they do, just spam them with "thought you quit?", if they don't - good.

      I miss the times when the decent pro squads weren't just a bunch of trolls.

      Pandora.... There is a few on there I really like, but they have some of the biggest trolls that have ever played this game. If you win and you are a bunch of trolls, the victory is meaningless. Pandora, try win a season without shit talking anyone including off season? That would actually be a harder task for you lot than for me to triple crown alone 1vs5.

      This game used to be full of good players who were competitive and respectful with regards winning and losing and it then meant something.
      You're so fucking pathetic.

      Last time I remember, I started this game approximately 6-7 years after you did. I have double your titles, probably triple, I have more finals and playoff appearances, MVP's, Playoff MVP's and Finals MVP's than you probably would've had in your career x3, people respect me, and people know what me and my squad can do in basing.

      If me or my squad wanted to show case anything, we would've done it a LONG time ago. If WE WANTED to show case RETIREMENT we would've done it in a separate thread, it's only me and mega that have typed anything about retirement on this forum you blind retard.

      Yeah, I announced retirement, uninstalled, so fucking what? If I wanted to come back I'd GLADLY come back.

      These past two-three seasons, yeah player level has declined, but that does NOT mean competition has. I am more than willing to bet this generation of players can easily demolish any old player. Two different generations of pace game play.

      Last time I remember you're some washed up scrub from -F- that use to neg 24/7 and got benched for finals multiple times. Before you come here and talk like you're something, just remember a kid that started at 12 years old and has 7 less years played than you has become something you never will be in this game you worthless shit talking idiot.

      dicE IS the best basing squad this zone has ever seen. We don't have to say "We don't care, let them have it, and retire" to show case ANYTHING. This zone knows what we have accomplished.

      So from a player who has been FAR more successful than you, kindly shut the fuck up and fuck off, "old timer".

      - cripple

      TWLB CHAMP x4 dicE


      • No worries, Pandora is going to dissolve after the season is over with most of us either making our own squads or joining a new one. Horray!


        • Sorry to hear that Turban, congrats to Pandora for being the most active TW squad of all time!

          Formed 2005, restarted 5x

          3x TWLB Finals Runner-ups
          2x TWLB Champions
          2x TWLJ Champions
          1x TWLD Champions

          First and only Triple Crown Champions
          As One


          • Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
            And rule, I'm sorry that a few years ago Zidane talked shit to you in twdd like everyone else does, but can you do us all a small favor and buck the fuck up and shut the fuck up about it? People are trying to give heartfelt farewells and discuss the intricacies of trench wars basing, somethings you don't know a god damn thing about. Rise against, why don't you take all those +1's you're sending Rule's way, turn them sideways, lube 'em up real good, and stick them directly up your candy ass, Jabroni.

            Hey Vatican - I said I was done posting here, but you just can't keep my name out of your mouth can you. You present yourself like a useless Troll. Pandora is a joke because of the way you act in the game and on boards. It never was anything competitively until it became a stacked squad with other people running it- when all the other elite squads were dead and gone and the competition level in TW was a joke. Talk all you want, but morons like you, zidane, beam, steadman etc are the reason the game has gone to the gutter. Zidane used to be that guy who I did not know who would message me out of the blue repeatedly. It started good natured, I remember him and children asking me to form a squad with them - I was not interested. I remember them wanting to run their own competitive thing. Zid did it with dark. He later joined Fierce for a week, and after years of not really knowing who he was or caring, in a of point a weeks time it was easy to read him: insecure, whiny, motor mouth - gets off by trashtalking and acting like a little boy. He quickly moved on and it was a good thing as no really liked him.

            When it became clear he couldn't win running his own squad he decided to join up on Thunder. Then came the consistent trashtalk, repetitive messages, the whining, the mass trolling in pub etc. Then thunder got stomped out by Real. I have moved on from the game- many good times here, spending months away from at at a time. Things don't change though - you can be away from the game and still see that these kids never grow . Tiny made a point that the trashtalking is a zone wide thing now, and it is. Way I see it most squads are not worth being a part of, because why play with retards? Like Fierce for example. I like the caps, but a recruiting decision to take on a player like Shock Therapy- is enough for me to say - no point in being part of that squad.

            These kids are retarded. They don't grow up. The kyous, 2pacs, zidane's, shock therapy's, paradises, steadmans etc. Titles do not define what trench wars or the leagues are about, the kids think they do lol, when kids act like little turds and have no respect for other each or the game - the game is dying. That negativity contributes to an already naturally declining game.

            Maybe with no Pandora, Dice or Fierce something new will grow. I doubt it though. A good percentage of the quality people who contributed to staff, squads and the leagues, have grown up and moved on and whats left is the "Zidane's" that guy who thinks hes helping the game because he plays alot of games, trolls half the zone, and reminds us all that because he has "TITLES" he is special, lol.

            What are all these people going to do? with trench wars down. Maybe go outside, get some fresh air, and start living a normal life lol.

            - Rule

            By way I found this amusing:

            "heartfelt farewells and discuss the intricacies of trench wars basing" - heartfelt farewells between some of the games biggest trolls and whiners - nothing heartfelt there. "intricacies of trench wars basing" - if I remember correctly you were benched as a shark as your squad already 3, 4,5 of them- that's your main ship right? Your an amazing baser and better then anyone who does not play LB LOL. Vatican typical troll, ego inflated retard.
            Last edited by Rule; 04-05-2014, 05:05 PM.


            • freepi 2014


              • lol rule. it was you who begged me and waven to come to fierce, this guy changes the story daily. and congrats on beating half of thunders starting line only to choke vs. dice, guess who got the job done


                • Originally posted by zidane View Post
                  lol rule. it was you who begged me and waven to come to fierce, this guy changes the story daily. and congrats on beating half of thunders starting line only to choke vs. dice, guess who got the job done
                  Nothing wrong with losing an authentic LJ and LD finals zidane, with a squad made in 3-4 months and made out of mostly semi-retired vets lol.

                  Zidane you have your head so full up your ass you cant think or see straight. Waven's almost as retarded as u, except a little less mouthy and has grown up a bit more in recent years- no interest in squadding with him. Its amusing. You must be going through hardcore game withdrawls not being able to troll and whine your ass off in trench.

                  Anyways time to move on. In conclusion: eat s*** trolls.

                  - Rule
                  Last edited by Rule; 04-05-2014, 02:50 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Rule View Post
                    if I remember correctly you were benched as a shark as your squad already 3, 4,5 of them- that's your main ship right? Your an amazing baser and better then anyone who does not play LB LOL. Vatican typical troll, ego inflated retard.
                    Is english your second language? When did I say I was an amazing baser and better than anyone who does not play LB? And by the way, you have made 40 posts in this thread, about a league you have never even played in, and every single one of them bad mouthing pandora and zidane and yet you always end by calling others trolls. Understand the irony.


                    • Originally posted by beam View Post
                      Maketso your entire argument is invalidated by the fact that you are referencing our game against fierce in which they fielded a cheater and should have been disqualified regardless of the score. I wouldn't recommend using that fierce game as an example in the future because it makes it seem as though you are in support of cheating in twl.
                      We fielded a cheater? You're dumber than I thought.. you showed a screenshot of LaSenza in 1440x1024 resolution, that's within the resolution limits.. 1440x1024 is LEGAL, I wouldn't expect you to know this because you don't participate in TWLD, are a useless warbird, and don't pay attention; it has been confirmed that 1440x1024 is the TWLD resolution cap. Since you stated that the only reason we should not have won that round is because we fielded a cheater, and that is not the case, you're saying we should be rewarded the round now? Thanks

                      If there is one person in that arena that would use an illegal resolution, it would be you.. so I invite you to show us a screenshot of the resolution you used (preferably a screenshot that is not photoshopped, please and thank you.)
                      Last edited by Rise Against; 04-05-2014, 03:33 PM.
                      M_M God proposes a redo of TWLB finals for a fair outcome where neither team suffers due to the poor staff decisions, starters not being able to play, bot screw ups, server routing issues and lag. TWLB Season 18 was an embarrassment and Trench Wars deserves a fair and great end to the season.

                      zidane> Pandora (he really means zidane) does not agree with what you have proposed M_M god, because methinks dicE would win and I cannot live with that. I am just a big ole' puss.


                      • I like how your avatar covers up half you posts, saves me time from reading them.


                        • Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
                          Is english your second language? When did I say I was an amazing baser and better than anyone who does not play LB? And by the way, you have made 40 posts in this thread, about a league you have never even played in, and every single one of them bad mouthing pandora and zidane and yet you always end by calling others trolls. Understand the irony.
                          After years of not saying anything, I have been calling out some of the games biggest retards, who coincidentally are a part of your squad. Trolls, whiners, laggots - like I have said many times before Pandora is an embarrassment to Trench Wars. 40 posts? Really? Guess I might need another 40 to make you STFU. Pardon my english, I am not writing an essay - I am jotting down a few thoughts before I move on.

                          BTW I was playing TWLB before you were part of the game or using your main name (name Vatican assassin created 2003 right?) lol when the first lb league originated in season 5 and prior to that.

                          Like Ardour said "This game used to be full of good players who were competitive and respectful with regards winning and losing and it then meant something"

                          It no longer does.

                          BTW are you going to stfu and let this thread die or will we make it a 300 post one? I am ready to move on, if you can manage to keep my name out of your fat trolling mouths.


                          • lol Rule you're a fkn joke


                            • Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
                              I like how your avatar covers up half you posts, saves me time from reading them.
                              My avatar is all you need to see in order to know how poorly everybody views your pathetic squad - especially zidane + beam. Glad it is catching your eye because that is exactly what it's intended for.
                              Last edited by Rise Against; 04-05-2014, 05:08 PM.
                              M_M God proposes a redo of TWLB finals for a fair outcome where neither team suffers due to the poor staff decisions, starters not being able to play, bot screw ups, server routing issues and lag. TWLB Season 18 was an embarrassment and Trench Wars deserves a fair and great end to the season.

                              zidane> Pandora (he really means zidane) does not agree with what you have proposed M_M god, because methinks dicE would win and I cannot live with that. I am just a big ole' puss.


                              • Rule tell us more about the authentic days of tw when everyone was kind and respectful and congratulated winners like you.

