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TWL 7 squads

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  • #76

    so basically every squad that has won TWLB was based on lag, that brings a good perspective to this league.
    There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....


    • #77
      Originally posted by Luckily Yours

      so basically every squad that has won TWLB was based on lag, that brings a good perspective to this league.
      so you are saying that lag only shows in basing but not in javin or dueling?
      FIRST you pillage, THEN you burn.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Luckily Yours

        so basically every squad that has won TWLB was based on lag, that brings a good perspective to this league.
        who said that?


        • #79
          Re: Re: lunch3 (lol)

          Originally posted by wadi
          This isn't exactly true, as their are plenty of J/D squads that don't do so hot in basing. The several iterations of shriek come to mind, Onix, sk8, early melee, last season rampage went digging for talent in their specialty ships...
          and there are plenty of Base squads that dont do so hot in dueling or jav such as hmm........all of them. i cant think of any squad that rarely plays jav or duel and focuses on base alone that doesnt totally suck in everything besides base. on the other hand, i can think of many squads who practically NEVER play base, but focus on jav or duel and are playoff caliber basing teams. syndicate has played i think 2 bd's in its existence, i guarantee we will make TWLB playoffs and probably upset a couple of pure basing teams.

          but it's not like any amazing dueling squad can simply pull a twlb championship.
          isnt that exactly what light did? so maybe not ANY amazing dueling squad can pull a twlb championship, but obviously some can. whether you call it luck or lag or whatever is irrelevant to this fact.

          TWL6 showed that, with rampage and elusive getting eliminated before the finals. Your version of the "truth" doesn't really hold water...
          elusive eliminated rampage in the quarterfinals, so obviously one of the two had to go down there... then elusive lost to disoblige (a squad which is also elite jav/duel) in 3 close games despite outscoring disoblige 336k-314k over the series. elusive nearly ended up in the finals of a league they didnt even give a shit about. i think his version of the truth is pretty much right on....of course a pure jav/duel squad will not win TWLB every time, but just the fact that they are competetive for the championship every time says something about the talent differences of the leagues.

          Last edited by 3Stripes; 01-16-2004, 11:54 AM.


          • #80
            Escalate/3stripes, I'm amazed people forget so much in so little time, I don't really wish to elaborate it either.
            I will just say, a squad is made up by their members and those will have experience of different things. Before the cramming there wasn't any squad that just dueled and javed that could be as good as basing squads. (I'm talking about none of the members ever did it).


            • #81
              Escalate, you've misconstrued what I said. I'm not arguing that it is possible for a dueling squad to make it to the finals, but I am arguing the point that a squad made of only veteran duelers making it to the finals is an inevitability, or even a 99% like destroy said. Individuals personally may not have cared about twlb, and maybe the official team stance was "we don't care about twlb", but I know I saw plenty of Elusive squad tags in ?go base before that match. Even so, they were unable to adapt flexibly to Diso's line, (which significant lowered the overall score for rounds 2 and 3 leading to the outscoring you mentioned). which again shows it's not just the dueling. Veterans have to practice just like everyone else, or they're all talk. As for Rampage/Elu eliminating each other, I'd speculate they were lucky enough to have the chance. I know I'm not the only one that noticed the conference strength difference between east and west last season.

              Syndicate has several people who've based previously, so it's not the best squad to use as an example, experience is experience. If you take a squad like Dragonguard, a good dueling squad but not a basing squad (or jav squad), and throw them into TWLB7, they're going to get their asses handed to them unless they go recruit some talent, or grow their own. I am not arguing that dueling squads can be competitive basing squads (and as you point out with diso, basing squads can be competitive duel/jav squads), but the 99% figure destroy has quoted is off the mark.


              • #82
                This season of TWL will prolly be the best ever for warbirds. You have 3 or 4 teams of solid talent that can win it, with 2 or 3 more squads with good talent that, on a good day, can take down the top squads. Most likely, though, syndicate will probably win. However, they have not been practicing much as of late, so atm, Shriek has the best chance of winning. Value could win, if no one on the team gets banned (again). Grapevine won't get very far because many of their wins (at least 2) are won due to the sub out the last person as they die cheat. Final, although has a good lineup, hasn't been together all that long. They were dissolved for what, 2 or 3 years, due to the leader going to the military? If they play enough, they do have a chance to make it to the end, but I think they will just make the playoffs. sk8 lost some people earlier, but have regained some as of late. The way it stands now, sk8 has a good chance of making the playoffs, but I don't think they will get passed the semi-finals. As for DragonGuard, they might make the playoffs... Though, if they don't, other squads in TWL can't take them lightly, or they are gonna get upset big time, mainly because DG practices their asses off. People are saying that Pallies are going to do well, and this is just not the case. Pallies don't play anything anymore and are just gonna walk into TWL since they were in it last year. Sure, they have some talent, but it won't do them any good if they never play beforehand. Night will make TWL, but thats all you can say about them.


                • #83
                  TWL won't start until late 2005 anyways... we've got lots of time to practice.
                  Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                  • #84
                    Hah Metalkid, we hide our secrets till twl starts
                    .: Website, Reseller & A. Hosting

                    Roxy :


                    • #85
                      blah blah blah..
                      why predict? why argue?
                      just play your best and play each other in twl and see who wins..

                      all these trash talk/arguments will eventually lead to more during and after why bother??

                      have fun, enjoy life, see you in twl.
                      1 + 1 = 1


                      • #86
                        Wadi misunderstood me.

                        Wadi, my point is that, if a veteran squad dedicated itsel to basing just as much as all the basing squads do (meaning practicing almost every day, making up basing strategies etc), it would do A LOT better than the rest of the current basing teams, and most likely win the league.

                        Why? because veterans have experience, they don't fall under the pressure of playing for points, and they have better accuracy than most players in TW. We in Light proved this point, we said to ourselves "if we get a terr, no matter who we play at what ship, we'll win TWL-B, " and it was as simple as that. As a matter of fact, I played 3 different ships on that squad (jav, spider and shark, depending on the team and situation).
                        The player with the biggest nuts.

                        - destroy


                        • #87
                          No, Light said to themselves "Let's get the laggiest motherfucker who conveniently controls the lag limits and put him in jav."
                          Mr 12 inch wonder


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Mattey
                            No, Light said to themselves "Let's get the laggiest motherfucker who conveniently controls the lag limits and put him in jav."
                            You know ... there's also the possibility of cheating / lag cheating.

                            Basing is basing ... wb is wb ... and jav is jav. Not much use comparing them when they aren't very comparable in the first place. If you only base, and do well in it ... then good for you. If you only wb and jav ... then more power to you. Anyone who practices enough, has the highest resolution available, and has the dedication can do well in ANY league (and probably in a few months), TW or otherwise (Pro/IML/Ama, HZ, PB, 17th, DSBL).

                            Just quit being lameasses by arguing that your league is somehow a better indication of skill ... cuz then I'd just say that I play 5 diff leagues besides TW ... a statement that (if it was true) would own your ass.
                            Last edited by Sufficient; 01-16-2004, 03:05 PM.


                            • #89
                              Good job; I was thinking the same thing, but didn't really know how to say it.

                              I bet all the Premier League players think everyone in TWLD and TWLJ are shit, too.


                              • #90
                                all of these pure wb and jav squads from your examples have people with a lot of basing experience already. the incarnation of light that won the championship had mitch in terr, 2d in jav fireballz (and hannes?) in shark.. add a few duelers in spiders, and you could pretty much call that a veteran basing team.
                       - Gallileo's racist thread

                                "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo

