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Abortion: Good or Bad?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by arrogance
    And cy, that viewpoint is unfortunately all too common but very simplistic and probably why nobody's really mentioned it yet. When does the fetus have rights? I'm pretty sure we'd all be a little disgusted with the thought of a mother going in a week before her due date and telling the doctor to choke strangle and inject whatever they have to to kill off the baby inside them. So where do you draw the line? Personally I think it's quite clearly conception when that individual starts to develop. We can scrounge up all the ways we want to say that this thing isn't human yet, but we all know that it will be.
    I have debated it many a time, and that has been the best viewpoint. And I think there is a cutoff for the mother to go in (like she can't go in to get an abortion the last three months of her pregnancy) but don't quote me on that. And I say that it officially has rights when it comes out of the womb (if you want me to elaborate, I will).
    Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
    i just wish it was longer
    Originally posted by Cops
    it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.


    • #62
      As ive said many times before....Rape victims...Ill deal with the abortion...but think of this...say a mother is pregnant....and someone shoots her in the womb....and it hits the fetus and kills it.....and not the mother.....Thats murder...and im pretty sure youd all agree with whats this difference with tha or sucking out its body parts with a vacuum or some other means of abortion? Answer me that pls.


      • #63
        Panda, when you're actually dealing with an agressive guy, you don't usually remember how to defend yourself, you're more concerned with not getting hurt and trying to get away. That's in my opinion though. Sometimes if the guy is a right asshole he might just sneak up on you and hit you..

        And I think abortion is alright, if it's done early enough that the child hasn't started to develop yet, because you are just killing an egg at that point, not another person. But in the case of rape, then I think the person, no matter what the situation was, should be allowed to get rid of the baby if they don't want it. They shouldn't be forced to keep it because of their religion, their parents or anything else, it should be their decision. I don't know, the morning after pill is supposed to work too if you have an accident. But I figure if you're thinking you're old enough to have sex, then you are old enough to deal with the consequences that could come with it.
        Most of this was probably already said, but I couldn't be bothered to read it all the way through.
        Sina Olet Sootti :)


        • #64
          Originally posted by Gemfire
          As ive said many times before....Rape victims...Ill deal with the abortion...but think of this...say a mother is pregnant....and someone shoots her in the womb....and it hits the fetus and kills it.....and not the mother.....Thats murder...and im pretty sure youd all agree with whats this difference with tha or sucking out its body parts with a vacuum or some other means of abortion? Answer me that pls.

          Chances are, if the mother gets shot, she's gonna feel it, too... a baby won't act as some sort of body armor... Anyways, simply kicking or hitting a mother who is carrying a child can kill the fetus, and i'm pretty sure in many states that IS considered murder (legally). But, chances are, the mother carrying the child wants the child.. And again, it probably depends at what stage the baby is at... some babies make it pretty far and then miscarriage, naturally.
          1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat

          1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
          1:trashed> wha
          1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
          1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
          1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
          1:trashed> i download my own


          1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come


          • #65
            Didnt asnwer my question....shooting and killing the fetus(and yes i know the mom would be hurt, but she didnt die in this scenario =p) would be considered by most, if not all, as whats the difference between shooting the fetus and pulling it apart with a vacuum other than the mom getting hurt with the first one as well? Its murder, plain and simple.

            edit:Yes i tihnk women should have the choice on f they want to have a kid or not, but if it was conceived by two consenting people(no pressuring by aggressive males =p) and they want to have an abortion? hell no. They did the "crime" now they must do the "time"....where as time was having sex(i know not a crime, but you know wtf i mean =p)..and the time is having the baby that you fucked up and made.


            • #66
              Originally posted by arrogance
              Just because I think that kids shouldn't be having sex doesn't mean that I think they won't. I do think they should have to live with the consequences and not have society brush it off especially when dealing with such serious effects.
              so if two random young people decide to live in the moment, they should always have the baby---regardless of their education, intelligence, or income. maybe even two parents who would abuse the child. with that scenario, the baby is going to be punished too, not just the parents. the baby is an innocent victim in your quest for making everyone live their lives in accordance with your beliefs.

              whatever, this whole topic is kinda pointless anyway. i'm not going to convince anyone that women should have the right to choose what to do with their bodies, and no matter how many pictures of dead babies anyone shows me, i'm not going to think that abortion is murder.


              • #67
                Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                so if two random young people decide to live in the moment, they should always have the baby---regardless of their education, intelligence, or income. maybe even two parents who would abuse the child. with that scenario, the baby is going to be punished too, not just the parents. the baby is an innocent victim in your quest for making everyone live their lives in accordance with your beliefs.

                whatever, this whole topic is kinda pointless anyway. i'm not going to convince anyone that women should have the right to choose what to do with their bodies, and no matter how many pictures of dead babies anyone shows me, i'm not going to think that abortion is murder.
                I repeat, adoption. Yes, deal with it for 9 months no matter how stupid poor or neglectful you are, then give it up for adoption. Your stupidity shouldn't mean someone else has their life ended. Sex has consequences, no matter how much we wish it didn't. You're talking about ending someone's life, it's not just about the right for people to not be inconvenienced or for women to have control over their bodies anymore once there's a living organism developing.


                • #68
                  Adoption can be far more deterimental to a child. You dont know who the child will go to. The whole point is that the mother doesnt want the child to grow up in a deterimental environment but you hear of many children abused and also grow up emotionally distressed due to the adoption process and the parents who adopt. I think most mothers who abort wouldnt want to take the risk of adoption.Also i couldnt imagine how a mother would live not knowing where or who thier child is, its amazing that some parents do though.I think alot of mothers arent that strong.

                  But thats not to say that adoption in general is bad, im just providing some reasoning also it doesnt reflect my viewpoint either so dont insult me directly please.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by THE ENFORCER
                    Adoption can be far more deterimental to a child. You dont know who the child will go to. The whole point is that the mother doesnt want the child to grow up in a deterimental environment but you hear of many children abused and also grow up emotionally distressed due to the adoption process and the parents who adopt. I think most mothers who abort wouldnt want to take the risk of adoption.Also i couldnt imagine how a mother would live not knowing where or who thier child is, its amazing that some parents do though.I think alot of mothers arent that strong.

                    But thats not to say that adoption in general is bad, im just providing some reasoning also it doesnt reflect my viewpoint either so dont insult me directly please.

                    Many adoption agencies can, and will ind you parents that live in your well as wil llet you see the kid once in awhile....that is while theyre young...and you have the choice of letting the kid contact you when he/she gets older...and then you can get to know your child...and most of the times...they DONT go to an abusive household.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Gemfire
                      Many adoption agencies can, and will ind you parents that live in your well as wil llet you see the kid once in awhile....that is while theyre young...and you have the choice of letting the kid contact you when he/she gets older...and then you can get to know your child...and most of the times...they DONT go to an abusive household.
                      Some agencies allow that, but there are cases where the agency either doesnt allow it or that the mother doesnt want to see her child regulary.

                      There are cases where the child goes to an abusive parent the system isnt fool proof.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by arrogance
                        ...You're talking about ending someone's life...
                        nah, i was talking about abortion, not ending someone's life.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                          nah, i was talking about abortion, not ending someone's life.
                          What exactly do you think an abortion is aborting? My life started with a pregnancy, how about yours?
                          Last edited by arrogance; 04-08-2004, 10:21 AM.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by THE ENFORCER
                            Adoption can be far more deterimental to a child. You dont know who the child will go to. The whole point is that the mother doesnt want the child to grow up in a deterimental environment but you hear of many children abused and also grow up emotionally distressed due to the adoption process and the parents who adopt. I think most mothers who abort wouldnt want to take the risk of adoption.Also i couldnt imagine how a mother would live not knowing where or who thier child is, its amazing that some parents do though.I think alot of mothers arent that strong.

                            But thats not to say that adoption in general is bad, im just providing some reasoning also it doesnt reflect my viewpoint either so dont insult me directly please.
                            Just because they might get adopted into a shitty home doesn't mean we should kill them off now and save them the trouble. They might also get adopted into a great home and live very well. And any mother concerned about where her adopted child would end up would have to realize that it's better than aborting. Aborting your child to prevent the possibility of it ending up in a bad home doesn't make sense to me.
                            Last edited by arrogance; 04-08-2004, 10:19 AM.


                            • #74
                              Well thats what some think... i think they reckon that heaven is the best spot for em at the moment.
                              But if you dont like that argument what about the argument with the mothers side? even though its not the main point its still a big side point.


                              • #75
                                Abortion isn't a good or bad issue, it's a choice that every woman (or ideally couple) should be allowed to make for themselves. It's nothing more then a method of birthcontrol. Also, instead of ending lives before they begin (or murdering as some people would argue) it also saves ALOT of lives. If an abortion can't legally be performed by doctors who know what they're doing, noboby can stop a woman from attempting an abortion herself, which can result in never being able to have children again or even death.
                                There's no place like

