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Bush pokes fun at himself at dinner

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  • #46
    Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
    so you're saying the president of the United States affects Australia's citizens as much as the United States' citizens?
    US has a very significant impact on Aust they are the most influential country for Aust..... politically, socially and economically (2nd to asian countries)


    • #47
      Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
      president bush led our country to war based on a false premise. to joke about it is like a con artist joking about how he ripped you off. the shit aint funny coming from him. and i just can't see the families of the dead soldiers finding it appropriate either.
      Yes that it excatly his intentions in the speech even though Bush is totally dedicated to war on Iraq and freeing Iraq and has the highest respect for these soldiers in Iraq, like i said before you would only find it offensive if you think the only reason for the war is to dismantle these WMD which is a narrow minded view...


      • #48
        Originally posted by the enfucker
        like i said before you would only find it offensive if you think the only reason for the war is to dismantle these WMD which is a narrow minded view...
        the main reasons the majority of americans backed bush's plan to invade iraq was wmd's and that saddam had a direct link to the terrorists that were associated with 9/11. they testified before the UN that they had irrefutable evidence that saddam hussein was "an immediate threat". the bush admin only said their main goal was "liberating iraq" after they couldn't find any wmd's and any direct links to terrorists.

        is iraq a better place today with hussein gone? according to fox news, of course. would america's citizens supported the decision to tell the UN to fuck off and go cowboy into a war on the basis of humanitarian reasons? hellzno. trading the lives of our dead soliders and crippling the US with a record defecit in order to get some oil and liberate some iraqis is just not worth it.

        and for him to dick around and do some standup over it is just a typical asshole bush maneuver.


        • #49
          I seriously can't believe that some people still like Bush. I mean I hate him, and god knows how many miles I'm away from him. Fucking idiot.

          (you too THE ENFORCER)
          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
          There wont be another election for president.
          Obama is the Omega President.


          • #50
            Man, i read this whole thread over to this point and all i can say is , this is the reason why this planet and the human race is fucked up.

            "When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing more to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader."

            btw, i think TK is the only one making any sense in this thread as far as his "respect others opinion" line of thinking.

            "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
            work it harder make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger more than ever hour after , our work is never over


            • #51
              Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
              trading the lives of our dead soliders and crippling the US with a record defecit in order to get some oil and liberate some iraqis is just not worth it.
              Well i think it is worth it, you talk to one these iraqis under Saddam's regime there living conditions were horrible i think you just taking life in the US for granted and cant fathom anyone living under different circumstances the fact is people do and we should help out as much as possible especially when one of thier leaders commit atrocities against his own people!

              You talk about that you are a humantarin saving soldiers lives and all, but what about the iraqis, it is more heroic to save the iraqis then do nothing Bush has helped out alot of iraqis and made them believe in a better standard of living so that is the humantarin position not the opposite!
              Bush has done alot for Iraq when others turned away, although Bush may have went into Iraq not fully informed he still has liberated Iraq and put hope into many Iraqis- that is worth supporting!

              You are in a old hippie frame on mind where war is bad and nothing else well this is not true here! War has lead to freedom thus is good, although many civilians and soldiers died at least thier death wouldnt be in vein but for the prosperity of Iraqis what you are talking about and your frame of mind is to forget about those soldiers and thier deaths were for nothing- that is pathetic!

              Note: record deficit wasnt due to war on Iraq! due to 9/11!


              • #52
                Originally posted by Da1andonly
                I seriously can't believe that some people still like Bush. I mean I hate him, and god knows how many miles I'm away from him. Fucking idiot.

                (you too THE ENFORCER)
                You are an idiot, you have such a feable mind you cant fathom the long-run of this, long-run means Iraqis living standards will be ten times better than now are you agaisnt helping other people???? think about it instead of just being a sheep and follow the rest!

                I bet you would of been one of the people who sat back and let 6 million Jews die in WW2, how about thinking for youself and acting to help other people and stop taking such a selfish viewpoint! Fact is the princpal of Iraq follows the princpal of WW2 and i find it pathetic how come people dont learn from history!
                Last edited by THE ENFORCER; 04-20-2004, 06:54 AM.


                • #53
                  I dont know...he is kinda stupid for saying that shit

                  Then again it depends. Like somebody else said he probably was trying to make the situation lighter for people to take. Depends on your perspective
                  Last edited by Master BUB; 04-20-2004, 08:56 AM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by THE ENFORCER
                    Well i think it is worth it, you talk to one these iraqis under Saddam's regime...we should help out as much as possible especially when one of thier leaders commit atrocities against his own people!

                    ...but what about the iraqis, it is more heroic to save the iraqis then do ...Bush may have went into Iraq not fully informed he still has liberated Iraq and put hope into many Iraqis- that is worth supporting!

                    ...war is bad and nothing else... War has lead to freedom thus is good,
                    Ahh, a case of the know-nothing know-it-all, striking again.
                    Ok.. If I could, I'd talk to one of those Iraqis under Saddam's regime. The particular Iraqis I'd like to talk to, however, (preferably under armed guard) would be one of the residents of Fallujah. Do you know where that is?
                    Allow me to help you out, with (very little) help from good old Fox News.

                    "Fallujah is the graveyard of Americans." they chanted as they dragged around burned and battered corpses of American Contractors.. not even soldiers mind you, but civilian contractors that were only even in the entire country "to try and help" as you put it. Although 5 soldiers were killed that day too, in the same city, it was in a different part of the city. What kind of genius does it take to follow the following lines of observation:
                    1: The reasons for going to war were false, by intent or not, they will still false.
                    2: Some American people only believed in this war, through aforementioned false reasons.
                    3: The majority of world opinion, including that of the United Nations, was that the United States shouldn't go to war without proof, and should simply attempt to get actual proof, beforehand.
                    4: Bush bullied his way to get what he wanted done, This is 100% true. He defied the world, and the will of the U.N., and very nearly his own deadline date for Saddam's voluntary removal.
                    5: From the Iraqi public there was celebrating the day of Saddam's Capture... but as time dragged on, and drags on, they saw the USA as being unable to effectively keep their country from being more war torn and even more violent than it was before.
                    6: Violent Outcries and demonstrations costing the lives of American civilians and soldiers, not just by Iraqi military people but by civilians, too.

                    That scene at Fallujah was very very reminiscent of the bodies in Somalia. What lesson did the Clinton administration learn there? That you can't force a "regime change" for a people that didn't ask for us to be there, and are growing more tired each and every day of our presence.

                    My prediction? This is only gonna get worse.
                    As of just a few hours ago, the headlines are coming out that Bush may have illegaly shifted funds from the War in Afghanistan, without the knowledge of Congress to help fund the war in Iraq. Remember Afghanistan? The country that actually had .. oops.. HAS.. people responsible for attacking the USA?

                    Enforcer... War is never good. Sometimes it is necessary... but it is never.. ever.. good.

                    The reason people can find Bush's jokes as being inappropriate and offensive, is simply because despite people continuing to call it that, it was not a roast dinner. Yes by one definition he may have roasted himself, but that is about as far as you can take it. Look it up on
                    A facetious tribute, as at a banquet, in which the honoree is alternately praised and insulted.
                    It was a press awards banquet, and since the president was in attendence, of course, naturally he's going to have a turn speaking. He wasn't the honoree, and his jokes came entirely from him. It was simply the president trying to be funny, as past presidents have done, at a public speaking engagement. However, that being cleared up: People can find it inappropriate, because the man has soured so much world opinion of the United States, that while he might say such things in jest, it will only prove, to exacerbate the situation with the same said world opinion. Get it now? We have to play nice with the world, apologize, make right our mistakes, and they WERE mistakes.. and you can't do that while making light of a situation that is still going on.
                    "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                    Reinstate Me.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by THE ENFORCER
                      You talk about that you are a humantarin saving soldiers lives and all...but what about the iraqis, it is more heroic to save the iraqis then do nothing Bush has helped out alot of iraqis and made them believe in a better standard of living so that is the humantarin position not the opposite!
                      nah, actually i said, it was not worth going to war for humanitaritan reasons. again, please comprehend your reading. if it was US policy to be the liberator of the world, then i'd have no problem with bush for invading iraq, but that's not our role. if that's the case, countries with current and ongoing brutal conditions like sudan and north korea would have been long since invaded.

                      the war was only about humanitarian reasons after bush couldn't find shit. all you're doing is reciting election year spin, and there's no guarantee that in 5-10 years iraq's people are still going to be "liberated" as long as we have secured some fat corporate contracts and cheap oil. do you really think saudi arabia is "liberated"? look at how they police their society, who their leaders give money to, and how they treat their women. but those guys are our allies because they give us cheap oil.

                      and please. comparing hussein to hitler? hussein is as much hitler as the backstreet boys were the beatles.


                      • #56

                        Fallejuah was a Saddam stronghold getting a view point from one of them would be an inaccurate representation of iraqi's most iraqis do want a regime change has shown from the link provided in past or future thread, the only reason why there is resistence is because iraqis fear that US will take control of the country when June 30th comes around and if US hand control down to Iraqis resistence will drop dramatically. Resistence was inevitable but it still not an argument against the war! because that resistence represents the minority! If you think the only reason to go to was for the WMD then you dont understand the full grasp of this issue, there is a hell of alot more at stake here that relate directly to terrorism and the economy removing troops or being against Iraq is going to have a devastating effect in the long run cant you see that?

                        So ive already argued agaisnt reason 1 and 2, reason 3 and 4 is fair enough but considering what is at stake and the person we were dealing with that could take forever and therefore be too late (in getting proof) also it is known that the UN take forever in making decision on issues like these, reason 5-6 will be gone once power is given back to the Iraqis also inorder to make those dead soldiers not die in vein we should pursure the freedom of Iraq!

                        About the roasting, did you forget Bush also made a very serious speech afterwards to show that it all was a joke and shouldnt be taken to heart!


                        • #57
                          It is US's role to protect the freedom of the world because eventually as we have seen from terrorist it all gets back to US therefore it is US's self interest to protect the freedom of the world the only reason why it isnt done that often is because 1. it takes a hell alot of money 2. regime changes are hard to do that still doesnt mean it shouldnt be done. It is also seen from ww2 that intervention is neccessary to protect human rights.

                          Saddam is alot like Hitler the only difference is that Saddam didnt use hate crimes and didnt kill 6 million people of a nation but he still used excessive violence to oppress resistence and killed many of his own civillians. Saddam is alot like hitler and stalin etc....


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by THE ENFORCER
                            It is US's role to protect the freedom of the world because eventually as we have seen from terrorist it all gets back to US therefore it is US's self interest to protect the freedom of the world
                            your logic is dizzying. iraq had no wmd's. saddam had no links to al quaeda. colin powell has admitted that they were wrong about linking saddam to bin laden, and about iraq's nuke capabilities and other wmd's. "protecting the freedom of the world" in relation to terrorism has nothing to do with iraq.

                            PS...i normally don't try and bust balls over spelling or grammar (probably because mine is not the best either), but dude...please proofread a little before you click submit. normally you're not that bad, but i kinda struggled to piece together the fragments on that last post.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                              your logic is dizzying. iraq had no wmd's. saddam had no links to al quaeda. colin powell has admitted that they were wrong about linking saddam to bin laden, and about iraq's nuke capabilities and other wmd's. "protecting the freedom of the world" in relation to terrorism has nothing to do with iraq.

                              PS...i normally don't try and bust balls over spelling or grammar (probably because mine is not the best either), but dude...please proofread a little before you click submit. normally you're not that bad, but i kinda struggled to piece together the fragments on that last post.
                              It was response to you saying that it is not US's role to protect the world im saying it is in US's best interest to protect the world therefore it is their role.
                              Therefore going into Iraq to protect freedom and democracy is part of the US's role. Whether they (Saddam) posed a threat now or later is irrelvant in the eyes of America.

                              Note:terrorism isnt the only thing there are alot of economic benefits from helping a country out (increase exports, buy resources)


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by THE ENFORCER
                                there is a hell of alot more at stake here that relate directly to terrorism
                                you sure about that?

