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TW Mafia 2020: TIGER KING - Murder, Mayhem, Madness

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  • Current Vote-Count:

    Vehicle / 6 / Party Falcon, the_paul, Kassius, kthx, Poopcat, Jessup
    Kthx / 3 / Vehicle, OverthinkingIt, M_Leohnard
    Kassius / 1 / Zeebu

    If it were closer I'd let this go another day, but considering the votes on vehicle comprise of a majority, I'm going to go ahead and change the phase posthaste.

    Voting locked, Vehicle is set to be lynched.


    • Click image for larger version

Name:	joe-exotic-shaq-gw-animale-park.png
Views:	258
Size:	323.4 KB
ID:	1341262

      Vehicle / Lauren Lowe / Mafia Novice Rolecop has been lynched

      Final Vote Count:

      Vehicle / 6 / Party Falcon, the_paul, Kassius, kthx, Poopcat, Jessup
      Kthx / 3 / Vehicle, OverthinkingIt, M_Leohnard
      Kassius / 1 / Zeebu


      Phase change in ~20 hours or when I have received all night actions


      • Just callin’ it like sdrawkcab’s seen it. RIP to me bc I suspect I’ve fingered at least one scum today if not most/all of them (m_leonhard, kassius, kthx) which means I’m possibly gonna be targeted for NK (VEHICLES FLIP CONFIRMS THAT THIS IS WHY EXALT AND SDRAWKCAB WERE BOTH NK’ed—suspecting them).


        • Well PF it is time for kthx to protect you. If you die kthx goes. Easy pz

          GJ all

          OverthinkingIt You probably got busy and missed this vote. Sorry I went off kthx but he claimed town bodyguard and gave his name (Marc somebody . I forget). It was Joe exotics security guard so it made sense sort of so I backed off. I still suspect kthx may be a problem as he sure wasted a lot of town investigations by refusing to roleclaim earlier. Your hubby didn't die in vain at least!!

          Lauren Lowe :laugh: "Bitter" :laugh: Rolecop for mafia.

          I'm glad I used that pic of the nanny.. maybe it threw off vehicle heheheh
          TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
          TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
          TSLD CHAMPION 2018
          TSLB CHAMPION 2018


          • scarlet

            You should play more trench wars mafia.. your day 1 reads were amazing :idea:


            Both you and scarlet pushed my decision to stay on vehicle too. When you said
            I unwittingly drew out Voth and Vehicle with my kthx early fake claim that stuck with me rofl.
            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


            • Your up next Kassius 1
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • Originally posted by Jessup View Post
                Well PF it is time for kthx to protect you. If you die kthx goes. Easy pz

                GJ all

                OverthinkingIt You probably got busy and missed this vote. Sorry I went off kthx but he claimed town bodyguard and gave his name (Marc somebody . I forget). It was Joe exotics security guard so it made sense sort of so I backed off. I still suspect kthx may be a problem as he sure wasted a lot of town investigations by refusing to roleclaim earlier. Your hubby didn't die in vain at least!!

                Lauren Lowe :laugh: "Bitter" :laugh: Rolecop for mafia.

                I'm glad I used that pic of the nanny.. maybe it threw off vehicle heheheh
                Roleclaiming bodyguard day one isn't a good play. I didn't have much of a choice at the time.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • Sorry I was MIA today. I’m still catching up on the thread too.

                  Yesss!!! So excited we got another mafia. And yay my husband is avenged . Sorry for the shade kthx. I’m still confused about role mechanics in how I managed to see you role blocked. I do believe you. Does your ascetic modifier say novice or even night or anything? God this setup is intricate. Halp does like complicated. Lol.

                  I’m thinking:

                  Party Falcon (always reads town to me though since she’s my sister through marriage and a lawyer. So I love her and believe her inherently. Which then makes me suspicious . Lol.)
                  m_leonard (his posts seem town and very logical, but then he said he was a lawyer too right?)

                  Kassius (hasn’t been super helpful that I’ve seen and mostly seems to parrot info, but I’m now parroting that he parrots info so I need to go back and read his posts and see for myself)
                  Poopcat (love her irl and her posts do carry logic, but she’s been MIA a lot. Could just be irl/quarantine shit though).
                  Zeebu (idk. This is just a gut feeling.)

                  Maybe when I catch up on posts I’ll feel differently.


                  • Use your roles wisely townies and cover each other so we can either stop or peg mafia as they strike. Good Luck surviving. This may be my final night with you all. They may come for me and my zoo as they know a true king needs no special roles or gimmicks to be just and worthy. The animals are my passion and love! Humans are the fallen ones! Long live the Big Cat!!.

                    At least we got that "bitch" Carol

                    I can die in peace now because I'm Joe Fuckin Exotic and don't you all forget it!

                    Sincerly ,

                    Your Tiger King!


                    TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                    TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                    TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                    TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                    TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                    TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                    • Originally posted by OverthinkingIt View Post
                      Sorry I was MIA today. I’m still catching up on the thread too.

                      Yesss!!! So excited we got another mafia. And yay my husband is avenged . Sorry for the shade kthx. I’m still confused about role mechanics in how I managed to see you role blocked. I do believe you. Does your ascetic modifier say novice or even night or anything? God this setup is intricate.
                      It's fine, just a part of the game. But no I don't have any extra modifiers listed on my ascetic modifier. Theres only one or two things that aren't posted in the role but naive is the only one that I can see fitting. Especially since as was mentioned earlier an ascetic BG would be pretty op. Maybe it has something to do with the character in the show, not sure since I haven't watched it.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • Good, one down, how many more to go? Glad I kept my vote on Vehicle now, seemed the logical choice.

                        Does this somehow now absolve kthx? Our roleblockable, ascetic bodyguard?

                        A lot of naiivity going on here. Seems in these games that lurking is the way to not get voted, replying to provide analysis just makes people suspicious.

                        So, some facts.

                        I didn't vote Scarlet, I voted kthx.
                        I voted Voth because he was the better choice of two.
                        I voted Vehicle, my vote stayed on vehicle even when you most of you flitted on to kthx briefly.

                        To me, Kthx and Zeebu are the last 2 left. They've both been soap boxing to lynch me ever since Day2 for nothing other than trying to convince town to go for Voth rather than Willby. I called both out as enemies of town. In my opinion there was no chance Willby would be a strongman killing Exalt on N1 of all ploys, and the obvious answer was Voth was lying. I was annoyed that Voth somehow managed to weave a story that made me look suspicious while trying to point out this fact.

                        Other rumour that have become facts somehow:

                        Kassius is just echoing/parroting. This has come from one post by the ultra spammer, Voth, and is just not true. If you want a parroter, go look at Zeebu's posts then compare them to mine. Voth was slinging at anyone caring to analyse him closely and was listing every possible scum trait, and it seems people are willing to just take it at face value without actually reading my posts. This lazy play is disheartening.

                        I've actually refuted this three times now, noone seems to be bothered to actually read this, and them themselves, and funnily enough, are all just parroting each other. I'm looking at you overthinkingit, Jessup and PartyFalcon. Kthx knows this isn't true but must be overjoyed that everyone seems to just be going along with this false narrative.

                        So I've in summary, I've been irrefutably involved in the lynches of 2 anti-town scum, and on that day 1 random lynch in the middle of the Jessup shit show, I didn't jump on any trains there either. The facts are my record is clean and this painting of me as some pantomime villain is frankly embarrassing.


                        • so do you think I’m mafia aligned kass?

                          1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                          • i dont think a scenerio exists where i could be in the same mafia as willby. during that entire phase i was standing on the side of voting for willby.

                            1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                            • Originally posted by kthx View Post

                              It was a legitimate concern but after discussing it with Halp perhaps I am jumping the gun. I did happen to target last Jessup last night and assumed it was information shared privately by overthinking. But it turns out it was a good guess instead. However I'm not cult, and my action was a protection action considering it was the only confirmed town. But my apologies either way.
                              currently reading back through the willby vs voth day and looking at voting analysis and stuff but saw this one. kthx gives out info on his role that corroborates what he is claiming now. i have no idea whether its true or false but at least hes showing continuity. so theres that.

                              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                              • This game has been out of the ordinary, given that it started over a holiday weekend (here in the USA anyway), and then having day phases over the weekend with all the chaos going on (again, here in the USA), but Kassius makes a good point. I'm hoping we get concrete information obviously, but if we don't, I'm all for putting some pressure on people that are lurking without having to offer much, and seeing what happens.
                                JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                                turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                                Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                                the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido

