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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • kthx
    glider you say

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  • scarlet
    For context:
    N1 scum strongmanned the_paul at my request, I had a read on him as town PR and thought he was probably the cop. This Was locked in within minutes of D1 ending, hence it being ironic that he was complaining about scum taking a long time with their night actions. I assume this is what the_paul was murdered and not killed.
    N2 scum strongmanned exalt, which he avoided by commuting.
    N3 I attempted to kill field.

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  • Halp
    Thx 4 host

    can u do ?go mortars next plzzzzz?

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  • kthx
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post

    Why do people keep saying I said things that I never did? I myself NEVER said scum had a PGO. I said it was possible YOU had a PGO when both you and scarlet died. I did EVERYTHING possible from explanations to even saying to double lynch me to prove I was town. I had the entire idiotic town ganging up on me from day 1 . was the most dumb thing I've ever seen.

    Again kthx . Can you let us know who stopped N2 kill? Did scum come for me or exalt or field or kass? Wh did no one die N2?
    Mleo was roleblocked and scarlet was jailed by a modified jailor, he couldn't perform actions but could still was a hidden modifier to add difficulty to a scum team that was originally (I considered) too heavy in amount and skill. Other jail actions had similar hidden modifiers.

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by field View Post

    It doesn't matter if you reveal your role and your actions -- these are only confirmed to YOU. To Exalt or anyone else, you could be lying. When you say you protected a townie who died, even if true, others will question if you are saying the truth. They have a right to! Your successful action didn't do its job - why?

    Your answers to Exalt's questions were the scummy part. You and Voth at one point claimed there's a scum PGO when Scarlet flipped goon. This actually made me think you were scum and for a second I thought Voth might be scum too despite having his role and alignment in my inbox... You and Voth both were coming up with all kinds of explanations that defy the simplest: you're lying. That's what scum do when they're flailing.
    Why do people keep saying I said things that I never did? I myself NEVER said scum had a PGO. I said it was possible YOU had a PGO when both you and scarlet died. I did EVERYTHING possible from explanations to even saying to double lynch me to prove I was town. I had the entire idiotic town ganging up on me from day 1 . was the most dumb thing I've ever seen.

    Again kthx . Can you let us know who stopped N2 kill? Did scum come for me or exalt or field or kass? Wh did no one die N2?

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  • field
    Originally posted by kthx View Post
    Was a tad different because Beast was the Mafia Jailor aka Warden Norton, so I had to add two different jailing actions to the wildcard random draw. He got Beasts instead of Exalt or yours (field)
    Was Beast just a regular jailor? I was kind of a commuter who could take two others with me.

    Man, seeing as how d4 went, I am so glad I didn't reveal my n2 action and result on d3, then tell everyone I have no more actions and proceed to give Exalt BP vest on n3. Can you imagine Exalt having to defend receiving a BP vest after I claimed to have no more actions?

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  • field
    I opened signups here if you're interested:

    Won't start right away. Let's give peeps some time to cool off. Go out and get some sunshine.

    Oh I forgot. Halp ez fucker

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  • kthx
    Was a tad different because Beast was the Mafia Jailor aka Warden Norton, so I had to add two different jailing actions to the wildcard random draw. He got Beasts instead of Exalt or yours (field)

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  • field
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post

    I don't get anyone saying I played untownie.. I told everyone my role and shared EVERY action I did. I went vs Voth because I thought no way he cud be town early on, and went after you because u were trying to be on his side.

    It appears kthx got an action wronf when I protected you too as according to exalt I shud have been able to block ur kill when I protected you. I also have still not heard if me protecting myself stopped the N2 kill. Was It me or Exalt or Kass? Was kass even real town? Never even saw full reveals
    It doesn't matter if you reveal your role and your actions -- these are only confirmed to YOU. To Exalt or anyone else, you could be lying. When you say you protected a townie who died, even if true, others will question if you are saying the truth. They have a right to! Your successful action didn't do its job - why?

    Your answers to Exalt's questions were the scummy part. You and Voth at one point claimed there's a scum PGO when Scarlet flipped goon. This actually made me think you were scum and for a second I thought Voth might be scum too despite having his role and alignment in my inbox... You and Voth both were coming up with all kinds of explanations that defy the simplest: you're lying. That's what scum do when they're flailing.

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  • field
    We all assumed Kassius' jailing of Scarlet meant that Scarlet was protected rather than blocked.

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  • kthx
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post

    I don't get anyone saying I played untownie.. I told everyone my role and shared EVERY action I did. I went vs Voth because I thought no way he cud be town early on, and went after you because u were trying to be on his side.

    It appears kthx got an action wrong swhen I protected you too as according to exalt I shud have been able to block ur kill when I protected you. I also have still not heard if me protecting myself stopped the N2 kill. Was It me or Exalt or Kass? Was kass even real town? Never even saw full reveals
    Night 2 the killer was jailed, the other jailing actions were different than the actual jailers. I didn't mess that up fortunately. Your protection on field failed due to him being double targeted though.

    Exalt I was giving Kassius time to reconsider his vote due to me missing your choice to blackmail Beast during the night. I honestly expected you to use it as a day action and was trying to let the updated vote count be a part of the discussion given the importance of the vote.

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by field View Post

    I agree, Voth had many opportunities to back off. Not sure why he didn't. It was obvious you weren't concocting some grand conspiracy. Your reasoning for lynching Jessup was sound and townie. I would've lynched Jessup for saying he protected a townie who died, especially with how Jessup played that phase. He made me think he actually WAS scum. Besides, Voth should've known that scum players would never have the ability to stop their own lynch. That breaks the game.
    Having said that, while I don't think you threw the game, it's always a poor way to go out by posting your role PM, even if you're frustrated. It's a disrespect to the host and the game of mafia itself.
    I don't get anyone saying I played untownie.. I told everyone my role and shared EVERY action I did. I went vs Voth because I thought no way he cud be town early on, and went after you because u were trying to be on his side.

    It appears kthx got an action wronf when I protected you too as according to exalt I shud have been able to block ur kill when I protected you. I also have still not heard if me protecting myself stopped the N2 kill. Was It me or Exalt or Kass? Was kass even real town? Never even saw full reveals

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  • kthx
    I will still play but I think after the last two games maybe a week off to chill out wouldn't hurt.

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  • field
    Anyone interested in another game?

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  • field
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post

    I literally took Beasts vote away and was voting him. I gave up on caring when Voth would not shut the fuck up and kept trying to push my buttons over actually winning the game. At no point can anyone look at this game and think Voth was trying to win for town. It was obvious he stopped playing the game long ago and decided to just be an annoying bitch instead. He must be trying to take it out online due to his wife bitchslapping him everyday irl. Three straight days of him not even trying to do anything except piss me off finally worked. Voth lost the game. Nobody else was at fault.

    If you want to pretend Voth was playing this game honestly, then realize that nothing I said or did ever mattered to him. Nothing happening in the gsme mattered to him. No logical analysis was ever done by him. He didnt want to win, only to piss me off.

    If I didn't use my abilities, he called me scum for lying. When I did, he called me scum for using them. When I said you gave me BP, he called me scum for you not choosing him instead. NOTHING I said or did mattered to Voth. When everyone had voted and it was clear I was being lynched over Beast, I said fuck it, because that was game over anyway and I was tired of dealing with it. That's not throwing the game. The game was over. It was lylo. Any mislynch loses the game immediately, and I was being lynched for no reason whatsoever. Fuck anyone who thinks that's throwing. The only thrower was Voth.
    I agree, Voth had many opportunities to back off. Not sure why he didn't. It was obvious you weren't concocting some grand conspiracy. Your reasoning for lynching Jessup was sound and townie. I would've lynched Jessup for saying he protected a townie who died, especially with how Jessup played that phase. He made me think he actually WAS scum. Besides, Voth should've known that scum players would never have the ability to stop their own lynch. That breaks the game.
    Having said that, while I don't think you threw the game, it's always a poor way to go out by posting your role PM, even if you're frustrated. It's a disrespect to the host and the game of mafia itself.

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