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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Jessup
    Field , voth and scarlet still muddying waters with more diarrhea talk..

    Try to just talk it away guys ,, if you say bs enough it has got to stick right? The diaper is overflowing at this stage and it stinks and is soiled :uhoh2::uhoh2::uhoh2: Just stop.. double lynches on zero info by the trio of town lynchers ? rofl ya right.. :disguise::disguise::disguise:

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  • field
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    About what? Halp was always scum.
    I'm not a member of their masons group or whatever's going on there with a role/regular cop crossing at night.

    In the theme of agreeing with voth, I've actually been avoiding looking at the thread (and therefore not posting) because I didn't want to have to engage with PF dropping a oneliner after lurking all game. I was happier when his alignment was between him and god, or maybe him and the mod, or maybe a replacement would tell me what it was.

    I didn't vote for halp on the opening of the day because halp or not halp is exactly what the day was going to turn into and has, and I'd have liked to get something out of mleo or PF (or kassius or jessup or hell, exalt). I'm not seeing anything to convince me that halp isn't the scum that I've been calling him since around N1, so I don't expect to see anything groundbreaking when I
    Vote Halp

    I haven't claimed just like Vehicle and Willby shouldn't have claimed. I have no crazy special information to bring to light.

    Not masons, I guess.
    field You said so already, but to clarify, you have Voth's entire rolePM? Including an unused, possibly antitown power that isn't his 1shot investigate?
    I only have Voth's role and alignment, not role PM. My 1-shot action was essentially that of a role cop.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    Halp's active, or can vote anyway so we need leo to cross with him to actually get the double lynch. Obviously, that won't happen if they've both scum.
    Depending on whether you can get jessup/kassius/PF on board with mleo+halp changes whether it's viable anyway or if we'll need to stack the vote to prevent dumb shit happening at the last minute.
    I'm not sure how worried I am about dumb shit happening last minute, given some players activity.

    I find Halps roleclaim, to a degree, believable- even if that just means he planned this one out well. I just have a few questions:
    • Why did you choose to investigate Voth N2, and why did the affirmative result make you feel like you should reveal instantly?
    • He admitted there were other aspects of his role, why did him having a gun make you think he must be lying?
    • Do you think that if Voth is lying, field must be lying too?
    • And finally, do you not think that theres anyone you can give the vigi shot to? I'd like to think I'm pretty town cleared, as is zeebu. I dont think either of us are necessarily targets for scum, but you are now. Who would you shoot (other than Voth/field) if you had the shot?
    I guess I'm just not sure why you claimed, nor what path forward there is. Assuming you are telling the truth- This is pretty elaborate, what field and Voth have set up. Or were a bunch of townies pointing fingers. And if you're lying, well, we have it easy.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    LOOOL busted voth.. all guards probably have guns since they have to be scum, no other reason this role is thrown into the game.. it is probably equivalent to town/prisons COP and halp did the right thing totally here sharing this info. Flail all you want but there is no way in hell you should be let off the hook. The best town/prison gets are shanks and tiny rock hammers or some lime to throw in the sister cults eyes. NO ONE IN SHASHANK HAD A GUN WHO WAS A PRISONER. I defended every goddamn townie YOU decided to want hung and you are saying I suck? lol this is priceless. Sit down and say your prayers. I can accept this 1 shot gun gift too halp is sharing. Makes sense to make town wait for a vigi gift to not allow a quick kill even though it doesn't follow flavor perfectly but I doubt it would anyways exactly, but it will closely I fell. Also you said you didn't quite understand your other x shot role.. lol if you got a gun there is no way in hell you wouldn't understand how using that works. Get rekt dude :laugh::laugh::laugh4::laugh4::laugh4::laugh::laug h::laugh::laugh::tiny::tiny::tiny:
    I know I said I wouldn't address you any further, but what in the actual fuck? Are you on drugs?

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  • scarlet
    Halp's active, or can vote anyway so we need leo to cross with him to actually get the double lynch. Obviously, that won't happen if they've both scum.
    Depending on whether you can get jessup/kassius/PF on board with mleo+halp changes whether it's viable anyway or if we'll need to stack the vote to prevent dumb shit happening at the last minute.

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  • Jessup
    LOOOL busted voth.. all guards probably have guns since they have to be scum, no other reason this role is thrown into the game.. it is probably equivalent to town/prisons COP and halp did the right thing totally here sharing this info. Flail all you want but there is no way in hell you should be let off the hook. The best town/prison gets are shanks and tiny rock hammers or some lime to throw in the sister cults eyes. NO ONE IN SHASHANK HAD A GUN WHO WAS A PRISONER. I defended every goddamn townie YOU decided to want hung and you are saying I suck? lol this is priceless. Sit down and say your prayers. I can accept this 1 shot gun gift too halp is sharing. Makes sense to make town wait for a vigi gift to not allow a quick kill even though it doesn't follow flavor perfectly but I doubt it would anyways exactly, but it will closely I fell. Also you said you didn't quite understand your other x shot role.. lol if you got a gun there is no way in hell you wouldn't understand how using that works. Get rekt dude :laugh::laugh::laugh4::laugh4::laugh4::laugh::laug h::laugh::laugh::tiny::tiny::tiny:

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  • field
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    You mentioning wicket makes me think you are misunderstanding me. I think I wasnt super clear.

    I'm saying that you soft claimed innocent, clearing results on Voth N1, and then a day later you are hard claiming the same results. This was not a contrived defense of Voth in retaliation for a guilty investigation- this is Halp either being paranoid (unlikely) or lying. Either way, this phase should not be a question of Voth, field, or Halp. It should be Halp or not Halp. And if not Halp, then who? Like I said a few pages ago, I think we will have to lynch some lurkers here. But I'm good starting with Halp, at least until we get a better claim.
    I got what you meant. My comment was more geared towards the slow ones in the bank.
    I'm fine with a double lynch of halp/m_leo.

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  • scarlet
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    Just waiting for Scarlet to log on and agree with Voth and Field atm.
    About what? Halp was always scum.
    I'm not a member of their masons group or whatever's going on there with a role/regular cop crossing at night.

    In the theme of agreeing with voth, I've actually been avoiding looking at the thread (and therefore not posting) because I didn't want to have to engage with PF dropping a oneliner after lurking all game. I was happier when his alignment was between him and god, or maybe him and the mod, or maybe a replacement would tell me what it was.

    I didn't vote for halp on the opening of the day because halp or not halp is exactly what the day was going to turn into and has, and I'd have liked to get something out of mleo or PF (or kassius or jessup or hell, exalt). I'm not seeing anything to convince me that halp isn't the scum that I've been calling him since around N1, so I don't expect to see anything groundbreaking when I
    Vote Halp

    I haven't claimed just like Vehicle and Willby shouldn't have claimed. I have no crazy special information to bring to light.

    Not masons, I guess.
    field You said so already, but to clarify, you have Voth's entire rolePM? Including an unused, possibly antitown power that isn't his 1shot investigate?

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  • Zeebu
    Originally posted by field View Post

    One of my actions is called "Bribe Guards" - find one player's full role name.

    I investigated Voth N1, he was Prison Librarian. This was before he roleclaimed. That's his full role and alignment. Alignment being "Prison" which is the flavor for town this game. That's my proof he's town.

    Once I had a result, in the first post I tagged Voth in I asked him why he wrote a book. It was an outlier comment in a huge post discussing the game, meant to signal to him that I trust him. It was subtle enough that no one besides him would pick up on it. I did ask him to go back and read that post.
    do you mind quoting or linking to your initial crumb on this?

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  • field
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    field Can you please reveal the full investigation.. you like baited everyone saying you have voths full role and can prove he is town and then disappeared. You working on a good story or just waiting for more of nothing? I don't get the delay?
    One of my actions is called "Bribe Guards" - find one player's full role name.

    I investigated Voth N1, he was Prison Librarian. This was before he roleclaimed. That's his full role and alignment. Alignment being "Prison" which is the flavor for town this game. That's my proof he's town.

    Once I had a result, in the first post I tagged Voth in I asked him why he wrote a book. It was an outlier comment in a huge post discussing the game, meant to signal to him that I trust him. It was subtle enough that no one besides him would pick up on it. I did ask him to go back and read that post.

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  • Voth
    I love that feeling that you get in these games when you're town and the scumbags you pegged early on finally just lie directly to your face and fakeclaim something to try to get you lynched. It's funny really. They abandon the entire idea of convincing me that they are town and just directly lie knowing that I know 100% they are full of shit.

    Scum flails. Bad and inactive players do desperation all the time. It a a great look.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Halp View Post
    Since subtlety is no longer an acceptable townie characteristic, I’ll reveal. I’m the prison armory officer. Essentially I’m an xshot gunsmith but I also have an xshot ability to give someone a gun, aka I can give someone a 1shot vigi ability.

    Post #403

    This was early/mid phase D2. At the time there were 0 votes on me, so the claim was not made under pressure.

    N1 I didn’t submit an action, although I had some suspicions, I opted not to waste my limited shot ability on D1 suspicions.

    Last night I found a gun on Voth. Voth claims to be a librarian. Why would a librarian have a gun? Mafia, cops, and vigis have guns. Voth did claim he was a 1shot cop, but he used it on N1, so if he no longer had a cop ability on N2, he should no longer have a gun.

    This alone might not be enough to lynch Voth, but coupled with his obvious scum behavior, I’m sufficiently convinced he is scum.

    Okay. You are full of shit. But nice to see you playing again, at least.

    Quick question: how do you intend to explain yourself If you successfully lynch me and I flip town exactly as I claimed? Or do you just expect between that and the night phase that the game is so far gone that it doesn't matter? I'm actually curious.

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  • Voth
    Meant advantage* in the first sentence, not disadvantage

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  • Halp
    Since subtlety is no longer an acceptable townie characteristic, I’ll reveal. I’m the prison armory officer. Essentially I’m an xshot gunsmith but I also have an xshot ability to give someone a gun, aka I can give someone a 1shot vigi ability.

    Post #403

    Originally posted by Halp View Post
    Gonna say i’m definitely struggling to imagine jessup not using doctor protection because of the Unlikely chance she might protect a 3rd party that the mafia also targets on N1.

    other town power roles protecting/watching/investigating jessup Solely based on her d1 panic claim doesn’t actually confirm anything about her alignment unless i’m Missing something. I wish i had info to offer, unfortunately, Though, i don’t Have any valuable info to share at this point.
    This was early/mid phase D2. At the time there were 0 votes on me, so the claim was not made under pressure.

    N1 I didn’t submit an action, although I had some suspicions, I opted not to waste my limited shot ability on D1 suspicions.

    Last night I found a gun on Voth. Voth claims to be a librarian. Why would a librarian have a gun? Mafia, cops, and vigis have guns. Voth did claim he was a 1shot cop, but he used it on N1, so if he no longer had a cop ability on N2, he should no longer have a gun.

    This alone might not be enough to lynch Voth, but coupled with his obvious scum behavior, I’m sufficiently convinced he is scum.

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  • Voth
    I know I'm at a disadvantage here because I know I'm town and I investigated field, but if anyone with a brain perceives how he is playing as anything but town, I don't know what to say. The guy is literally examining from all angles and giving all points valid consideration. Contrast that with a scum player who only points out one side of things (because it fits their narrative) and is pigeon holed into certain statements and actions.

    Oh wait, I just described Halp. He's been brutally obvious all game.

    Oh and by the way, I'm done talking to Jessup in these games. What a fucking piece of shit player he is. To say "he sucks" is just so barely scratching the surface that I can't even begin to elaborate properly in the English language. I can't even spend another moment of my free time indulging such a useless waste of oxygen. Please keep your vote on me and just do everyone a favor and shut your fucking mouth for the remainder of the phase.

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