Another huge deal killer is asbestos. It costs a mint to remove it if you have it anywhere in your house.
Lead in your water pipes will do it too.
Or a problem with the house title, like a bad right of way, boundry dispute, or lien issue.
(Sue your parents b/c clearly they fucked you up so bad, get a big judgement, attach the house with a lien.)
Ilyaz, put up blacklights in your room for decoration, and then squirt mayo all over the place. The walls, the ceiling, the carpets, over posters of cute puppy dogs.
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
Maybe it's time for you to grow up. Talk to your parents, they probably sell the house for a reason, you know there is more in life than playing subspace. There are bills to pay, and what not.
Maybe your parents sell the house, so they can get rid of you. They will buy a nice single-room appartment and use the left-over money to have fun.
You can't deny your parents that!
Maybe it's time for you to grow up. Talk to your parents, they probably sell the house for a reason, you know there is more in life than playing subspace. There are bills to pay, and what not.
Maybe your parents sell the house, so they can get rid of you. They will buy a nice single-room appartment and use the left-over money to have fun.
You can't deny your parents that!
OR MAYBE it's the other way around and his parents are being selfish and not considering IlyaZ's emotions.
Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?
Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005
day 1: some big indian family of like 10 came to look at it and i didnt wanna be around when they were in here, so i IMed one of my pals with "oh shit some indian family is here. one of the bitches is hot. be back later" and kept the window and screen up
hopefully they saw and got offended
can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence