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Our Seas are sick ... when will we stop the over fishing?

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  • #31
    isn't the point of signing the treaty (kyoto) that it was legaly binding and if you didn't achieve the goals then you were liable to fines?

    Having a country signing this then not living up to it means they could be fined which will give them an incentive to clean up their act. USA failing to sign is still a lot worse than a country signing, failing to meet targets and being fined as USA has no incentive to meet targets and the money from fines could be used for research into new clean fuels like ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) or on trying to reduce allready existing polution.
    Last edited by Pressure Drop; 01-08-2006, 08:15 AM.
    In my world,
    I am King



    • #32
      current music: Sonata Arctica - Respect the wilderness


      Originally posted by Disliked
      Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
      +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


      • #33
        Originally posted by Pressure Drop
        isn't the point of signing the treaty (kyoto) that it was legaly binding and if you didn't achieve the goals then you were liable to fines?

        Having a country signing this then not living up to it means they could be fined which will give them an incentive to clean up their act. USA failing to sign is still a lot worse than a country signing, failing to meet targets and being fined as USA has no incentive to meet targets and the money from fines could be used for research into new clean fuels like ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) or on trying to reduce allready existing polution.
        But there is a loophole. A country can trade its emssions to another if it does not use the alotted measurment of flouro carbons/pollutans and such. So for example, if Italy does not even get near the level of what there allowance is, they can sell off their unused portion of allowed pollutants to another country. Thus bypassing any fines to the country that is about to run over their limit. So it has holes in it for sure, as most contract agreements would in this broad sense.

        In the States, the Corporations have done more in cleaning up there acts, w/o Govt. enforced laws, than what the Govt has dictated to these companies. The top selling cars as of 2005 in the States are the Hybrid Electric/Gas cars with almost zero emissions. So in looking at the future, most cars in the next 5 - 10 yrs will all be Hybrids. When considering that most people in the States lease a car rather than buy one, most of the cars on the roads here in the States will be enviromentally sound.

        On the flip side, Lambretta's, Vespa's and Peugot scooters of which are not a big market item here in the States, but are in Europe and Asia release more pollutants than most cars worldwide do, based upon the lack of proper up to date exhaust emission limits.

        This is just in the auto industry alone. Diesel fuel is a nasty one in fact....not too many of those driving around here in the States....what is the percentage though worldwide. Diesel can not be all that clean. Look what it does to the buildings of where a good 50% + of the transportation is run by diesel.

        There are so so so many means of which countries, local and federal govt's and individuals can help in efforts to decrease pollutants. Question many will actually do anything? Do you just leave it up to your Govt.? or do you as an individual take a step to do soemthing. So many here complain, but what do you yourself actually do to help?
        May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


        • #34
          It's not the fact that the Americans won't sign the "piece of paper" but that they deny the existance or the thought of having an effect on our world. I think it ties into the beliefs that many of them have, that we are "holy" creatures with failings but not powerful enough or god like to cause a change in our enviroment.
          Ultimately it is a global body which created the protocol and would enforce it and the last thing the US Admin. wants is to listen to anyone else much less a majority of their own people.

          I do not east fish in my normal diet, more red meat and chicken. It was alright but I wouldn't bother cooking it enough to add it to my diet. I take public transit (not by choice though), I try to limit my output of garbage and reycle some and I support the Liberals and NDP as a voter in their efforts to redue pollution.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kolar
            It's not the fact that the Americans won't sign the "piece of paper" but that they deny the existance or the thought of having an effect on our world. I think it ties into the beliefs that many of them have, that we are "holy" creatures with failings but not powerful enough or god like to cause a change in our enviroment.
            Ultimately it is a global body which created the protocol and would enforce it and the last thing the US Admin. wants is to listen to anyone else much less a majority of their own people.
            Your preaching to the choir so to say. I would only re-phrase that as the US Govt and not Americans. Most people in my community that I know of are active in many ways to help clean up.

            The only group that will not listen happens to be G W Bush and his cronies, not to mention the Senate and Congress of which are both dominated by the Republican party.

            As for the citizens of this country, we do care and are pissed with the way things have been handled. I voted...NOT FOR ANY of the asswipes in office, but it seems we have a relegious agenda here rather than an environmental one. People in the States seem to be paying more attention in what is being done for there Relegion and how it's being pushing on everyone, than worrying about their kids and what legacy we will be leaving them. I guess they figure Jesus will just come down and save them all!

            I did not vote for these asswipes and I may be a US Citizen, but by no means do I approve or agree with the current Govt. as many of us feel this way.

            The only problem I have is in having Evangelists run this country and pushing there holy agenda on everyone. Evangelists should not have a place in Govt. IMHO, especially with all the various ethnic and relegions we have today in one community.
            May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


            • #36
              good thing i dont like eating fish
              Ill-timed force will be ineffective; act with precision; timing is everything. Knowing where and when to strike is more important than strength; misapplied ability is disability. Unreasonable or undue force will defeat itself

              1:money> i need a loose-meat butthole

              Evasive <E> wtf
              Evasive <E> GIMME MY BOT
              caco <ER>> )Oo
              caco <ER>> bot thief!
              caco <ER>> duel me for it
              Evasive <E> no!
              Cigarettes> wunderbar?


              • #37
                Originally posted by 404 Not Found
                I did not vote for these asswipes and I may be a US Citizen, but by no means do I approve or agree with the current Govt. as many of us feel this way.

                The only problem I have is in having Evangelists run this country and pushing there holy agenda on everyone. Evangelists should not have a place in Govt. IMHO, especially with all the various ethnic and relegions we have today in one community.
                Yeah I think I should have stated the Admin., not the American people. We have a problem with fundamentalist around here also only they're less up front about it when elections roll around or when they're not in power.

                As for the next Canadian election the Conservates does not appeal to many progressive conservates and Harper scares the hell out of 99% of Canadians but with the scandal in Quebec the Liberals are really taking a dive.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 404 Not Found
                  But there is a loophole. A country can trade its emssions to another if it does not use the alotted measurment of flouro carbons/pollutans and such. So for example, if Italy does not even get near the level of what there allowance is, they can sell off their unused portion of allowed pollutants to another country. Thus bypassing any fines to the country that is about to run over their limit. So it has holes in it for sure, as most contract agreements would in this broad sense.
                  The emmision trading isn't that bad, it provides a way for clean countries to make money of dirty ones while the dirty ones clean up. As long as the over all emmision release world wide is being allocated and trying to be brought under-control and down is the most important thing.

                  Originally posted by 404 Not Found
                  There are so so so many means of which countries, local and federal govt's and individuals can help in efforts to decrease pollutants. Question many will actually do anything? Do you just leave it up to your Govt.? or do you as an individual take a step to do soemthing. So many here complain, but what do you yourself actually do to help?
                  In all honesty i think that it is a government's duty to raise awareness in the populace and set up legislation to force industry to clean up its act and to set up recycling schemes. make it as easy as possible for people to recycle becuase most are to lazy to bother making an effort if its not at their arses.

                  Governments generaly adapt there polices to appease the ppl, if at sometime they read that most people are unhappy with the environment policy they will begin to change it and smile alot claiming they always put the environment first.
                  In my world,
                  I am King



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 404 Not Found
                    But there is a loophole. A country can trade its emssions to another if it does not use the alotted measurment of flouro carbons/pollutans and such. So for example, if Italy does not even get near the level of what there allowance is, they can sell off their unused portion of allowed pollutants to another country. Thus bypassing any fines to the country that is about to run over their limit. So it has holes in it for sure, as most contract agreements would in this broad sense.

                    In the States, the Corporations have done more in cleaning up there acts, w/o Govt. enforced laws, than what the Govt has dictated to these companies. The top selling cars as of 2005 in the States are the Hybrid Electric/Gas cars with almost zero emissions. So in looking at the future, most cars in the next 5 - 10 yrs will all be Hybrids. When considering that most people in the States lease a car rather than buy one, most of the cars on the roads here in the States will be enviromentally sound.
                    being forced to buy the excess allowance of pollution from another country serves the same purpose as fining that country. whats so bad about this really?

                    as for american corporations cleaning up their act, perhaps somewhat. the united states has indeed lightened their emissions over the last few years, with corporations cleaning up their emissions. but, they've only slightly done this. and american standards will, if the kyoto accords are followed appropriately, be surpassed and dwarfed by international standards. the US still produces 25% of carbon emissions and has set no enforceable standard.


                    • #40
                      Trees may not be so healthy to the planet after all.

                      Scientists in Germany have discovered that ordinary plants produce significant amounts of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas which helps trap the sun's energy in the atmosphere.
                      The paper estimates that this unexplained phenomenon could account for 10-30% of the world's methane emissions.
                      If this turned out to be true, it would have major implications for the rules of the Kyoto Protocol on climate change,


                      • #41
                        Burn The Rainforests !!!!
                        In my world,
                        I am King


