isn't the point of signing the treaty (kyoto) that it was legaly binding and if you didn't achieve the goals then you were liable to fines?
Having a country signing this then not living up to it means they could be fined which will give them an incentive to clean up their act. USA failing to sign is still a lot worse than a country signing, failing to meet targets and being fined as USA has no incentive to meet targets and the money from fines could be used for research into new clean fuels like ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) or on trying to reduce allready existing polution.
Having a country signing this then not living up to it means they could be fined which will give them an incentive to clean up their act. USA failing to sign is still a lot worse than a country signing, failing to meet targets and being fined as USA has no incentive to meet targets and the money from fines could be used for research into new clean fuels like ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) or on trying to reduce allready existing polution.