The gift isn't a card that says "I donated $100 to worldvision in your name". Instead it's a gift card that lets you choose how much you want to donate and to who. It's an interactive gift that isn't geared toward every person, I know that but it isn't a simple "hey you donated x amount of dollars to this charity".
ur such a TOol omg ur so cheAp ur girl will hate u 4 LIFE!!!11
i bought my 12 year old cousin a $1200 sunglasses case and my gurl a $6000 mirror with an ipod attached to it
my sis gets my 15 minute old laptop which is like 8 thousand gil, i mean dollars
I'm giving it to her cuz I'm getting myself a 9 million dollar laptop with a robot midget attachment that serves as a booster seat for my fragile self-esteem
and my mom? fuck her i'll just get her 4 pairs of diaMONd earrings and a baby whale
u totally dont know anything about christmas bro I spent more than you I'm leet and ur a fucking faggot cockslut penis dick