So last night I rewatched that episode of Transformers where Optimus Prime is revived, and everyone gets infected with the spores that make them glow red and make everyone angry. Galvatron really tried hard not to get infected, but they got him in the end. Thank god for the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.
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Where would you go if Zombies attacked?
Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:
My anime blog:
I am tellin you guys. Wide open space with no way for those bastards to sneak up on you. Thats the way to go.TWDT Head Op Seasons 2, 3, and 4
TWL Season 14 & 17 Head Op
Season 13 TWLD Champion, Seasons 13 & 14 LJ Champion
Winston Churchill: "That is the sort of nonsense up with which we will not put!"
Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
- John F. Kennedy
A sadist is a masochist who follows the Golden Rule.
Originally posted by kthxUmm.. Alexander the Great was the leader of the Roman empire, not the Greek empire guy.
Originally posted by kthx View PostIt's true, lots of people is dangerous I hadn't really thought of that aspect, I would have to have guards with guns, and set up some sort of totalitarian dictatorship. Where I would control the stockpile of guns and keep them in a locked cage with a guard, where only I had the key. If I took charge of getting people to set up the barricades, and to cover all the entrances, got people to get the guns and ammo in a place that was easy to get to for everyone, it should be easy to make people take my orders.
didn't that happen on battlestar galactica
Head to a local liquor store and stock pile. I also like how we have a national guard place really close.
Liquor store + water gun + lighter = homemade flamethrower (thinking about making on for a summer project, but have a heavier gas source)
Using fire seems a bit dangerous to me, especially if the zombies don't die right away (which is what they tend to do) and make a mad dash at you covered in flames. I think traps may be the way to go, and are pretty much a necessity to keep them out of your viscinity when you gotta sleep.♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫
Failure teaches success.
. â–²
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Fire and Holy Magic are equally effective against the undead. Bad news though...
"Barack Obama: Could he turn into a 'zombie president'?"
I'd stay in Finland. Doubt the zombies would want to stay here, we're busy killing ourselves here. Take that, yankee fucks!Originally Posted by HeavenSent
You won't have to wait another 4 years.
There wont be another election for president.
Obama is the Omega President.