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ITT Sarien "finishes" his AK-47 Build

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  • #61
    Never thought I would like Sarien but here I am.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #62
      Originally posted by Money View Post
      paradise, guns dont kill people. people kill people.
      fuck you and your metaphorical garbage, people WITH guns kill people. Enough of this unicorn prancing, rainbows appearing, idealistic bullshit that i'm used to with you.

      p.s. what did i just say, i haven't slept in 21 hours. exqueeze my
      4:BigKing> xD
      4:Best> i'm leaving chat
      4:BigKing> what did i do???
      4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
      4:BigKing> ???? why though
      4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
      4:BigKing> xD


      • #63
        woops doulbe post :wub: :wub: :wub:

        fuck you money. gun humping piece of fuk. Who the hell goes hunting with an assault rifle? No one needs them, no need. Just do what they did in minority report and go make urself a little fantasy chamber and u can imagine shooting the assault rifle. fukface
        4:BigKing> xD
        4:Best> i'm leaving chat
        4:BigKing> what did i do???
        4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
        4:BigKing> ???? why though
        4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
        4:BigKing> xD


        • #64
          Originally posted by paradise! View Post
          fuck you and your metaphorical garbage, people WITH guns kill people. Enough of this unicorn prancing, rainbows appearing, idealistic bullshit that i'm used to with you.

          p.s. what did i just say, i haven't slept in 21 hours. exqueeze my
          This post, and all his others in this thread, should be anyone's closing argument as to why assault rifles should be legal.


          • #65
            Originally posted by paradise! View Post
            woops doulbe post :wub: :wub: :wub:

            fuck you money. gun humping piece of fuk. Who the hell goes hunting with an assault rifle? No one needs them, no need. Just do what they did in minority report and go make urself a little fantasy chamber and u can imagine shooting the assault rifle. fukface

            1) im pretty sure noone here has mentioned hunting. only target shooting, etc.

            2) ever tried to shoot an alligator with a .22? the fact that the bullet ricochets off its skin would make using a less powerful weapon pretty dangerous.

            it seems like the more rational posts in this thread come from people who do, in fact, own and use guns. the only danger here comes from the lack of education.

            internet de la jerome

            because the internet | hazardous


            • #66
              On the off chance that someone might actually listen, I will explain the whole "Assault Weapons are horrible huge weapons!" stuff.

              First, the definition of "Assault Weapon" is rather bogus. Nobody is completely sure where the modern usage started, but the fact is that the former Assault Weapon Ban law, defined it by some very stupid characteristics. If the weapon had any two of five characteristics, then it was considered an assault weapon. Those were: A Pistol Grip, A Detachable Magazine, A Mount for a Bayonet, A threaded end on the barrel for a muzzle device (Flash diverter, or Muzzle Brake to reduce recoil), Or an attachment for Rifle Grenades.

              If any two of those were present, you had an "assault weapon". Nothing about full auto (which was covered under the gun act of 1934 and not needed) or purpose of the gun (covered under the gun act of 1968 and not needed) or the size of the ammo fired. In fact, they were simply features that LOOKED scary to the uneducated. If you take a normal semi auto hunting rifle, and change the stock so it has a pistol grip to hang on to the thing, or put a muzzle brake on it to reduce recoil, and it has a magazine? Boom. Assault weapon. A law tailor made to scare people, that was all.

              Next, Ammo:

              That picture shows in order .30-06, 7.62 NATO/.308, and 7.62x39.
              The AK-47 uses the one on the right. 7.62x39.
              The middle one is in use by many consumer sporting arms. The government in fact calls it ".30 Light Infantry".
              The one on the left is a sporting cartridge in long use, also fired by the M1 Garand, amongst other rifles. Yeah, that was the size of the standard battle rifle ammo in WWII. Over the years ammo has had a tendency to go smaller, not larger, in popularity, with the notable exception of the popularity of .50 caliber.

              If you believe for a second that a .30 caliber round is too big to use on a deer, you are sadly mistaken. There are several states that ban the use of .223 (standard ammo of the AR-15/M16) on deer as being too small a cartridge. A deer in the wild is not Bambi, and if you aren't able to kill it, when you shoot it, it will run off, and if you can't find it? It will die a horrible death, painful and unnecessary. If you wound it, and it lives, the wound will probably become infected, killing it slowly. Believe it or not, virtually all hunters want to be Humane in their kills, they dislike seeing anything suffer needlessly.
              "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

              Reinstate Me.


              • #67
                I call it the pencil gun in Goldeneye.
                Failure teaches success.
                . â–²
                ▲ ▲


                • #68
                  Originally posted by paradise! View Post
                  woops doulbe post :wub: :wub: :wub:

                  fuck you money. gun humping piece of fuk. Who the hell goes hunting with an assault rifle? No one needs them, no need. Just do what they did in minority report and go make urself a little fantasy chamber and u can imagine shooting the assault rifle. fukface
                  oh i forgot you get your info form movies and stuff, maybe u wake up and realise how shit is in the REAL world

                  you are so not white, go back to india plz


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Sarien View Post
                    On the off chance that someone might actually listen, I will explain the whole "Assault Weapons are horrible huge weapons!" stuff.

                    First, the definition of "Assault Weapon" is rather bogus. Nobody is completely sure where the modern usage started, but the fact is that the former Assault Weapon Ban law, defined it by some very stupid characteristics. If the weapon had any two of five characteristics, then it was considered an assault weapon. Those were: A Pistol Grip, A Detachable Magazine, A Mount for a Bayonet, A threaded end on the barrel for a muzzle device (Flash diverter, or Muzzle Brake to reduce recoil), Or an attachment for Rifle Grenades.

                    If any two of those were present, you had an "assault weapon". Nothing about full auto (which was covered under the gun act of 1934 and not needed) or purpose of the gun (covered under the gun act of 1968 and not needed) or the size of the ammo fired. In fact, they were simply features that LOOKED scary to the uneducated. If you take a normal semi auto hunting rifle, and change the stock so it has a pistol grip to hang on to the thing, or put a muzzle brake on it to reduce recoil, and it has a magazine? Boom. Assault weapon. A law tailor made to scare people, that was all.

                    Next, Ammo:

                    That picture shows in order .30-06, 7.62 NATO/.308, and 7.62x39.
                    The AK-47 uses the one on the right. 7.62x39.
                    The middle one is in use by many consumer sporting arms. The government in fact calls it ".30 Light Infantry".
                    The one on the left is a sporting cartridge in long use, also fired by the M1 Garand, amongst other rifles. Yeah, that was the size of the standard battle rifle ammo in WWII. Over the years ammo has had a tendency to go smaller, not larger, in popularity, with the notable exception of the popularity of .50 caliber.

                    If you believe for a second that a .30 caliber round is too big to use on a deer, you are sadly mistaken. There are several states that ban the use of .223 (standard ammo of the AR-15/M16) on deer as being too small a cartridge. A deer in the wild is not Bambi, and if you aren't able to kill it, when you shoot it, it will run off, and if you can't find it? It will die a horrible death, painful and unnecessary. If you wound it, and it lives, the wound will probably become infected, killing it slowly. Believe it or not, virtually all hunters want to be Humane in their kills, they dislike seeing anything suffer needlessly.

                    yo i use a 12 guage on deer. anyone who thinks an assault rifle does soooooooo much damage, check out what a shotgun will do. IT DOES WAY MORE DAMAGE, just lacks range.


                    • #70
                      guns don't kill people, all guns do is make bullets go really fast
                      USA WORLD CHAMPS


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                        i'm more terrified of a hippie behind a 1,000-lb vehicle than a redneck with a gun. i've fired thousands of rounds and so have my friends, and we've never even come close to anything that might even lead to an accident.

                        i respect weapons, and i feel like i am responsible enough to own one. it's a culture thing, i suppose. i feel on edge when i go to a starbucks.
                        That's all good and well, but there's this young, overly passionate guy that you may have heard of named Seung-Hui Cho. He sorta killed 32 people in a matter of minutes. So while you and your "redneck" friends have fired thousands of rounds of ammo without hurting anyone, he only had to fire 200 to kill more people in a single shooting than ever before and he did it with only a pair of pistols.

                        Guns harm other individuals and are used an excuse for penis extension. I enjoy shooting guns as much as the next person, but they have gotten to the point where it's too dangerous to hand them out like candy. They are harmful and it shoud not be permitted that practically anyone (including a person with a history of Psych problems like Cho) can attain them with relative ease. If you really want to murder people, six months is not a long time to wait and many states sell guns practically over the counter.

                        Maybe when public shootings replace serial killers as the great "omgz what about the children" cry from middle America, then people will take gun control seriously. Instead fucking morons like kthx think they're some macho motherfucker that's going to protect America's purity from them invadin' mexcans!

                        What benefit (other than personal enjoyment) comes from allowing people to remain armed? And don't say "in case we need a revolution!" bullshit, because no one is using their guns for anything other than sport and civil hostility. Someone please tell me how the world remains a safer and more understanding place because of guns.

                        edit: Sar, your bullet size comparison is hardly a fair defense for assault rifles. So what if the bullets are made smaller in modern times, they're still just as deadly (if not more deadly due to hollow points, etc.) and are fired from faster, more efficient rifles. While I understand that generally bigger bullets equals bigger holes in your target, that matters very little when you can pump out thirty rounds of hot steel in less than 10 seconds.
                        Last edited by Squeezer; 05-20-2009, 08:16 PM.
                        Originally posted by Tone
                        Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                        • #72
                          The person behind the gun shooting at people is the culprit here, not firearm they are using. The issue at hand is not gun control; the problem we must deal with is not how to limit the availability of firearms. Instead, we must as a society aim to prevent the misuse of firearms through murders, robberies, etc.

                          That means that we must focus on the development of the individuals in our society. If a student goes into his school and starts killing people, did it happen because that gun existed or because his fellow students alienated him and were intolerant to him his entire life?

                          Obviously, the existence of guns does make it easier for the mentally unstable to perform such acts, but is that enough of a cause to infringe upon our constitutional rights? We are focusing on the wrong issue. Molding our children into moral, ethical, tolerant, and respectful people is what we should be worrying about, not gun control.
                          7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                          Duel Pasta> great
                          Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                          Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                          TWLB Champion Season 12
                          TWLJ Champion Season 11
                          TWLB All-Star Season 10
                          Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Voth View Post
                            The person behind the gun shooting at people is the culprit here, not firearm they are using. The issue at hand is not gun control; the problem we must deal with is not how to limit the availability of firearms. Instead, we must as a society aim to prevent the misuse of firearms through murders, robberies, etc.

                            That means that we must focus on the development of the individuals in our society. If a student goes into his school and starts killing people, did it happen because that gun existed or because his fellow students alienated him and were intolerant to him his entire life?

                            Obviously, the existence of guns does make it easier for the mentally unstable to perform such acts, but is that enough of a cause to infringe upon our constitutional rights? We are focusing on the wrong issue. Molding our children into moral, ethical, tolerant, and respectful people is what we should be worrying about, not gun control.
                            Well you're never going to be able to do away with angst and aggression. My point is that it's harder to kill a massive amount of people at one time with, say, a knife or piano wire. I know it's unrealistic to eliminate violence and at best you can only try to create an environment that doesn't put people out on the fringe, but I ask again, what benefit comes from having guns?

                            I get using guns in the old world, but they seem arcane today, especially in the face of technology that can annihilate a country without concern for an individual. It was necessary to hunt and trap and possibly defend your acres of land from traveling thieves, but today it seems so unnecessary to own a gun. That is, unless you plan on killing people, killing animals for fun (asshole), or for personal enjoyment at a range. As I said above, firing guns is fun and can be a relief, but I don't think it's worth the risk to leave them in everyone's hands.

                            In short...stop selling and manufacturing guns. Fat chance however since defense industries need contracts and manufacturers are counting on hicks to fire thousands of rounds into nothing.
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
                              Well you're never going to be able to do away with angst and aggression. My point is that it's harder to kill a massive amount of people at one time with, say, a knife or piano wire. I know it's unrealistic to eliminate violence and at best you can only try to create an environment that doesn't put people out on the fringe, but I ask again, what benefit comes from having guns?

                              I get using guns in the old world, but they seem arcane today, especially in the face of technology that can annihilate a country without concern for an individual. It was necessary to hunt and trap and possibly defend your acres of land from traveling thieves, but today it seems so unnecessary to own a gun. That is, unless you plan on killing people, killing animals for fun (asshole), or for personal enjoyment at a range. As I said above, firing guns is fun and can be a relief, but I don't think it's worth the risk to leave them in everyone's hands.

                              In short...stop selling and manufacturing guns. Fat chance however since defense industries need contracts and manufacturers are counting on hicks to fire thousands of rounds into nothing.
                              It is amazing how much of a complete and utter pussy you are. First off if you knew anything you would understand that the hunting of animals during certain seasons (such as deer season for instance) is actually helping the deer populations to stay alive and not over populate the area. Since you sound like a liberal and I assume you are also some sort of save the earth homo you should know by heart the problems that become from when a species is too densely populated in an area. It means mass starvation eventually, and it becomes a problem. So hunting season actually is a pretty humane way to prevent the animals from breeding to the point of harming themselves.

                              Also you assume that limiting the amount of guns that people legally buy is going to help the problem of guns being used to kill people when in fact that is just another ignorant assumption. Most people that go buy guns are planning to use them for legal reasons such as hunting, protecting their homes from criminals, or just to take out to the firing range. By limiting the legal purchase of most kinds of guns you are taking guns off the street that people want to use for legal reasons, and leaving people defenseless against the people who purchase guns illegally for illegal reasons. It doesn't help anyone but the criminals, look at Demolition man for instance, nobody has guns anymore, and everyone is a huge fucking vagina so the one guy who doesn't mind using guns illegally nearly takes over the city by himself. Is that what you fucking want Squeezer, do you really want Wesley Snipes to appear in your town and whip all your fucking pussy asses because you are afraid to arm yourselves? Right. I thought not, now get some brains and grow some balls.
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble


                              • #75
                                Why would anyone even WANT to shoot an alligator? There's gotta be more 'fun' things to do then going around shooting things, seriously. America is so weird.
                                Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                                My anime blog:

