Some people aren't long, and there are rest stops along highways for the sole reason for you to stop and stretch and what not. Why would I need a monster of a truck if I live near cities anyways?
who actually is pussy enough to stop at rest areas?! you just drive straight through like normal people unless you have whiny kids or something. stretch yourself out when you stop for gas, which with that truck probably isnt that far
I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan
Two kinds of people drive trucks.. those that use them for work, and those that use them as an extension of their undersized penis.
What kind of work do you do kthx?
I don't understand how people drive cars.. Don't you have legs and shit that you like to be able to stretch out on long trips? I mean like most of you know.. I drive a Ford F-150 Quad Cab XLT and I honestly couldn't imagine driving anything smaller than that and being comfortable. Even some of the roomier cars I have to slink down in my seat so my head isn't rubbing against the roof.
Sounds like you never sat in a Porsche before? Ever wonder why athletes, ike NFL and NBA players had 930's and 911's? You can be 8' tall and still have leg room in these cars. We had an F-150 for a work truck here a few years back...honestly, the seats in the Porsche (Recaro's in my Porsche) are extremely comfortable and the F-150's a work truck. Driving for more than 4+ hrs on the Higway...I would take the Porsche for comfort any day over a Ford F-150.
May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.
The only reason i like to drive a truck is the fact i can just throw my shit in the back. After a day of work, or trail riding on the mountain or something, you don't have to knock the dirt and shit off your stuff and worry about getting your porsche dirty. But i'd love to have a porsche for normal driving
Never had a porsche and I know that big people can fit in some cars, but honestly having a truck is just easier, especially for the outdoors stuff I do. Ever gone down a hunting trail to a cabin in a porsche before? Im sure I would use both if I had them but I don't so.