Couple things.
1) TopGod can't word it quite right, but he's correct 100%.
<3 TG.
2) Someone asked who the old pioneers were. Well, I can get you started in the right direction. Look up the old -F- roster. Cripples had a couple duelers, but were primarily basers. (Lou lou, how ya doing?) And I think I can say without too much ego, check the old Digressed roster. It was short-lived, but the members spread out to form/join squads, making them that much better. Maybe you've heard of one of the squads that was spawned by ex-Digressed... I believe it's called "Shriek".
The time frame I speak of is back when DoCK> came out with the first Trench Wars leagues, then passed control off to Dantax. It was smod run back then, we had to schedule and manage matches via email list. Man what a pain. ^_^
And as a _last_ note,
as TG said you must have ego.
Nobody ever said "conceit", but tell yourself "I am [name], I will win because it is what I do!"
Man, I remember times when I won whole league matches 1v5 and 1v4 while chanting that aloud like some kind of mantra. People nearby thought I was insane. But I won. Because I am Commodore Pickle, and it is what I do!
(I KNOW I'm going to get some flak for that last paragraph. But then again, I don't care. Or maybe I want a flame war.)
1) TopGod can't word it quite right, but he's correct 100%.
<3 TG.
2) Someone asked who the old pioneers were. Well, I can get you started in the right direction. Look up the old -F- roster. Cripples had a couple duelers, but were primarily basers. (Lou lou, how ya doing?) And I think I can say without too much ego, check the old Digressed roster. It was short-lived, but the members spread out to form/join squads, making them that much better. Maybe you've heard of one of the squads that was spawned by ex-Digressed... I believe it's called "Shriek".
The time frame I speak of is back when DoCK> came out with the first Trench Wars leagues, then passed control off to Dantax. It was smod run back then, we had to schedule and manage matches via email list. Man what a pain. ^_^
And as a _last_ note,
as TG said you must have ego.
Nobody ever said "conceit", but tell yourself "I am [name], I will win because it is what I do!"
Man, I remember times when I won whole league matches 1v5 and 1v4 while chanting that aloud like some kind of mantra. People nearby thought I was insane. But I won. Because I am Commodore Pickle, and it is what I do!
(I KNOW I'm going to get some flak for that last paragraph. But then again, I don't care. Or maybe I want a flame war.)