gaaa i cant get my picture here!
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TW Recruiters
I was recently promoted to ZH. It is a special privilege to be able to help others by answering the ?help calls. However, it's not as easy as it seems. Most people say that they will do better job than other current staff members, but it is a lot of work and sometimes, it's just too hard to answer all the ?help and ?cheater calls as fast as possible. It's my 2nd day on the job, and I'm pretty exhausted because billing server was down and many people had questions. However, I don't regret for becoming a ZH, because I still really enjoy it. It's not that other staff members are being lazy as most players may view, it's just that it's a long list of things to do. I'm not sure what upper-staff members may think of my performance so far as a ZH, but I'm trying my best to answer all the calls as fast as possible and I'm pretty sure other staff members are trying very hard too.
It is great that you are helping people out too. I'm pretty sure if the people you helped used ?help, one of the ZH's or ER's would have responded and helped the person also. I wrote kind of a long reply here, but I just want people to appreciate the staffs for working their butt off in this game, trying to help other players who have questions. I'm pretty sure they rather enjoy playing this game, instead of helping, hosting, making bots and arenas.
good job swim. Its nice to see that they hired a dueler onto staff. Someone said that they prefer giving basers staff positions because there is less trash talk in ?go base than elim. I dont think that is necessarily right, sure there is more trashtalking in elim, but thats because it sometimes attracts the loudmouth newbs, there are still many nice knowledgeable duelers. Much more than basers i would say, especially since only... 15% of the tw community specializes in basing. But a good 70% of staff is primarily basing, 10% of staff seems to be of the kind that doesnt really do much of anything except be a staff member, then only like 20% of staff are duelers. (estimates)I AM NOT AN ANIMAL
Aside from acting cutesy and giving textbook responses to people's problems in game, candidates of staff material need SMARTS (yea thats a tough one for some of you). Especially when TWL and other big events roll around, there's always a high demand for staffers who are capable of making smart, on-the-spot decisions concerning the game. Being cute and helpful to newbies only gets you so far. I mean I'm sure TW staff needs people who can make fair and just decisions without having to consult upper-staff just to make sure they didn't F-up first.♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫
Failure teaches success.
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They only recruit ' TOKED people '
Cd-Rom, Me and some mods play in pubs too and help people out.. mostly paladen mods. Like Yomama, S4j and Rhino use tooo. And I don't recall seing you that much. I play in publics everyday with them, helping out people get started. I have over 1500 kills $ .. I got many people into this game. Right now im training epoR yes that use to be my name but now he's using it for belim, He is also known as Blinkin 2005. I own two squads TheStormz, Sparton and in both squads i am the leader .. In sparton it's me and shah. But I teach ppl about leagues how to sign up etc. Been doing it for years .. no one knows. You can't just tell the deans to accept you it wont cut it.
Im in Twdev,
I've done both of the things zues has posted.. Made a bot and a map. Even thou im already in twdev lol.
I make websites for new squads.
Jeti-Cows or whatever i helped them get started with theirs.
I've been playing for a while. Know how to host.. have actually taught some <ER>s how to host.
Made with Blue Thunder
Right now am making a jav guide (It's going to be up soon)
I play everything not just publics, Im a baser, and do both elims.
I've also made a website but it didn't get up.. I over reacted over that which i shouldnt have.
I've have also dragged more than 5 squads into twd. And have been in twl.
My point is.. It's not up to me or you who gets in .. There is no exact way to get in. I don't help people to get staff .. I help people because i remember being new and how it was confusing learning the ropes alone. And you get alot of respect from people you help. Just don't help ppl just to get staff help them because you want too. btw check out me n blues siteI luv it
1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
1:Freeze> LOL FAR
5:waven> freeze
5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
5:waven> you state your business with sanji
5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
5:waven> and i will talk to ease
5:Freeze> LOL
5:waven> that's how things work around here
1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste
Originally posted by IceStormCd-Rom, Me and some mods play in pubs too and help people out.. mostly paladen mods. Like Yomama, S4j and Rhino use tooo. And I don't recall seing you that much. I play in publics everyday with them, helping out people get started. I have over 1500 kills $ .. I got many people into this game. Right now im training epoR yes that use to be my name but now he's using it for belim, He is also known as Blinkin 2005. I own two squads TheStormz, Sparton and in both squads i am the leader .. In sparton it's me and shah. But I teach ppl about leagues how to sign up etc. Been doing it for years .. no one knows. You can't just tell the deans to accept you it wont cut it.
Im in Twdev,
I've done both of the things zues has posted.. Made a bot and a map. Even thou im already in twdev lol.
I make websites for new squads.
Jeti-Cows or whatever i helped them get started with theirs.
I've been playing for a while. Know how to host.. have actually taught some <ER>s how to host.
Made with Blue Thunder
Right now am making a jav guide (It's going to be up soon)
I play everything not just publics, Im a baser, and do both elims.
I've also made a website but it didn't get up.. I over reacted over that which i shouldnt have.
I've have also dragged more than 5 squads into twd. And have been in twl.
My point is.. It's not up to me or you who gets in .. There is no exact way to get in. I don't help people to get staff .. I help people because i remember being new and how it was confusing learning the ropes alone. And you get alot of respect from people you help. Just don't help ppl just to get staff help them because you want too. btw check out me n blues siteI luv it
Code:1:Pred_FNM <ER>> guys, yellow + green is really shitty for forumcolours :p 1:lnx> what's wrong with that combination 1:lnx> I wear yellow-green clothes :( 1:Pred_FNM <ER>> i dont mean in clothes, in forums.. 1:lnx> kk 1:lnx> buy a black-white computer monitor if you don't like the colors foo
I got hired just because I am the most sexy player in Trench Wars (probably in whole subspace aswell). I'm just here to make staff look good.. $$$ ok ok .. enough off that.
I didn't have time to read all the post you guys made.. But I do know 1 thing CD you are definatly not the only one that is helping players out and that want to be staff... about 50% of TW would just looooovvveee to be staff.. But as you probably already guess, that aint possible $$$$$..
I also read melo's first post (only half of it $). But nothing is flawless everty method, system has there positive as their negative sides.. The way staff gets recruited right now could be better possibly.. (make up a 110% better working system and consider yourself hired $$). The deans recruit the players right for the job, this works but players that dont know the deans or that have no recognition wont get recruited... Still <ER>s <ZH>s and mod can recommend players that we thing are just right for the job.
Bottom line: Just wanna let you know that ALOT of players would like to have a chance in staff. You have no idea how many players asked me to recommend them... It's never wrong to recommend players, if I (or other staffers that get asked to recommend them) think they are up to the job. For myself I never asked anyone to recommend me, I never really tried to get in staff. Sure I was interested but I never really took action for it.. after 3 years Pusher started to stalk me $$ that's how I got in..... just some thougts...
PredUnder <ZH>> pred i want to taste your man juice!!!
Originally posted by Cig SmokePred > JRA > the rest of u
Originally posted by Bob (SRB)good job swim. Its nice to see that they hired a dueler onto staff. Someone said that they prefer giving basers staff positions because there is less trash talk in ?go base than elim. I dont think that is necessarily right, sure there is more trashtalking in elim, but thats because it sometimes attracts the loudmouth newbs, there are still many nice knowledgeable duelers. Much more than basers i would say, especially since only... 15% of the tw community specializes in basing. But a good 70% of staff is primarily basing, 10% of staff seems to be of the kind that doesnt really do much of anything except be a staff member, then only like 20% of staff are duelers. (estimates)Under <ZH>> pred i want to taste your man juice!!!
Originally posted by Cig SmokePred > JRA > the rest of u
Originally posted by Jerome ScuggsMy name hints to either an African American or French descent.
Bio, we are like peas in a pod.
An interracial pod.
Or a rice paddy or w/eTelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
TelCat> hoes get paid :(
TelCat> i dont