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Cloakers in ?go base

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  • #91
    I'm with the proX people on this.
    Cramming is usually only broken up by either lag or dumb luck. Throwing an X into the equation means the defending terrier is forced to retreat from it's d corner and flush it out.
    So ultimately the attackers make it into flag, where flag battles occur. You remember those, don't you? It's the part where basing is at it's most fun.
    It was changed to be useful to basing, so why not use it?


    • #92
      Originally posted by foobarz
      They suck. Ever since the tiny cloakers started, people use them to get cheap wins. I say we send them the way of the levi.
      Please go to the link in my signature. fight back against cloakers. all you do is try to play the game and have fun and your ship suddenly explodes. this has increased many times since the settings have been messed with. it ruins all of the fin when right in the middle of playing your ship just explodes by something you cant see!


      • #93
        Originally posted by SpiderMage
        Actually, solely cramming is not the best way to defend base, neither is solely lining.

        Apparently weasels have altered the status quo because the weasel does not fit into the extreme of just cramming or just lining and thus, those that feel cramming is the ONLY and BEST way to defend, which sorry to say isn't the best, want it eliminated.

        Cramming involves placing all or most of your forces in one of three categories. Either a) all in one spot(under the flag at entrance to flag room) to concentrate fire into that blanket window of fire. b) spread to thin in midbase to attempt to cut off the enemy before it can get to the flag room or c) a mixture of the two which can actually be effective.

        Lining offers only one real category with variatious adjustments however it has the best defense against weasels since all your forces are in the flagroom and can take it down within a matter of a handful of seconds.

        Fact is, weasel can out smart the cram and bait the line, so why hasn't anyone either made a third strategy or combined the two instead of just banning a ship because you can't defend against it with your thickheaded my-way-is-best strategy?

        And actually what Dabram said is funny. A single Jav bomb can destroy a cram quite easily, bait the enemy shark with spider fire to waste his reps then boom. So why hasn't the Jav been banned since it like the Weasel, a "hinderance" to cramming?
        a quick note on the original topic of cloakers. strategy is irrelivent with cloakers. cloakers cannot be seen. you just play and in the middle of your play, your ship suddenly explodes by something you cant see. thank you


        • #94
          Originally posted by Tone
          a quick note on the original topic of cloakers. strategy is irrelivent with cloakers. cloakers cannot be seen. you just play and in the middle of your play, your ship suddenly explodes by something you cant see. thank you
          He's talking about the over all basing statergy, even though he has limited insight into basing from his statements. The weasel's effect in basing is different from pub, different from TWL and TWD so please try to keep your opinions centralized to the topic.

          I don't think the weasel offers much to basing, breaking up the cram and such. I know that it has disrupted games so far and that's the only thing I see it doing for ?go base. If it is changed back I really want to see how it effects games in controlled settings but I don't expect people would actually use it or that squads would consider it a real tactic for twd/twl. With the great popularity amoung some basers, I think it would be fine to poll it and then implement it pending those results.

          The public in this case (this forum) I believe should not decide if it would be changed back since most of them do not play ?go base and or are not expienced enough in it. I don't know how it will work out but having just a few real basers here and public players or Spastic, A-S and a few others decide isn't going to make this good.

          Edit: My final thoughts...

          I think the weasel could become an effective basing ship if we work on it. Currently it does not effect ?go base in a positive way. You can disagree with me on its ability to break a cram but you still have to admit for ?go base, it did cause games to end quickly (people leaving ect..) and caps switching in javs. I know it's easy to blame the captians and people doing this but are they causing the conflict of intrest in the first place?

          Tactics need to be worked out and tested and it was like that for a time in ?go base, I never saw the weasel being used for anything other then a cheap win (few seconds left, bypass base defense and win). Now if it was very effective as so many people believe it was, why in that time did it not become a normal basing tactic? Are people just bitching about this because Pure_luck decided to take action without considering public opinion? even knowing most would agree with him? No need to answer, this thread is dead.

          I would hate to be part of the TW community and more so the basing community if we collictively ignored the progressive and adaptive abilities that this game has to offer. That could go either way, for or against the weasel but I think all ships that are not traditional and are not well developed should have their atributes remade and tested at least. Permanently changing a ship without the possibility of further developing it is just stupid and fully expecting people to adapt to those changes which make basing less fun is even stupider. This isn't what Basing is, hell, it isn't Subspace. I don't think we need to change things a lot but since we're in this big mess now, why not give the weasel and a few others a make over.

          Cramming isn't fun but you guys need to get your shit in order and make the weasel something to rival it or it won't be allowed to make basing crap.
          Last edited by Kolar; 01-14-2005, 09:57 AM.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Kolar
            He's talking about the over all basing statergy, even though he has limited insight into basing from his statements. The weasel's effect in basing is different from pub, different from TWL and TWD so please try to keep your opinions centralized to the topic.

            I don't think the weasel offers much to basing, breaking up the cram and such. I know that it has disrupted games so far and that's the only thing I see it doing for ?go base. If it is changed back I really want to see how it effects games in controlled settings but I don't expect people would actually use it or that squads would consider it a real tactic for twd/twl. With the great popularity amoung some basers, I think it would be fine to poll it and then implement it pending those results.

            The public in this case (this forum) I believe should not decide if it would be changed back since most of them do not play ?go base and or are not expienced enough in it. I don't know how it will work out but having just a few real basers here and public players or Spastic, A-S and a few others decide isn't going to make this good.

            Good idea to be honest...

            Have the basing teams take a poll to see what the majority prefers for twbd.
            Again why not poll those who are on ?chat=base to see if they would prefer it to come back...

            I don't mind so much about pub... it's fun to get the squad to come and have an all weasel freq though :wub:
            B) 7 weasels own public basing
            A White Mage

            Buy edu backlinks


            • #96
              Originally posted by Tone
              a quick note on the original topic of cloakers. strategy is irrelivent with cloakers. cloakers cannot be seen. you just play and in the middle of your play, your ship suddenly explodes by something you cant see. thank you
              A quick note on the original topic of cloakers. Thank you for sharing. I had no idea cloakers could do that until now.



              • #97
                Originally posted by Tone
                a quick note on the original topic of cloakers. strategy is irrelivent with cloakers. cloakers cannot be seen. you just play and in the middle of your play, your ship suddenly explodes by something you cant see. thank you
                Yeah, but we try to keep it a teamgame, and there is no need for lame campers like you, so if they remove the weasel they should remove you too.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Zerzera
                  Yeah, but we try to keep it a teamgame, and there is no need for lame campers like you, so if they remove the weasel they should remove you too.
                  I am not talking about camping.
                  I am not talking about camping.
                  I am not talking about camping.
                  I am not talking about camping.

                  I am not talking about camping.
                  I am not talking about camping.
                  I am not talking about camping.
                  I am not talking about camping.


                  • #99
                    I thought you were leaving, Tone.
                    "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                    Reinstate Me.


                    • I am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.vI am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.vvI am not talking about camping.vI am not talking about camping.vI am not talking about camping.v
                      I am not talking about camping.
                      I am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.vvvI am not talking about camping.vvvvv
                      I am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.vI am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.vvv
                      I am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.vvvI am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.vvI am not talking about camping.vI am not talking about camping.I am not talking about camping.vI am not talking about camping.vvvI am not talking about camping.
                      Originally posted by vubinspiran
                      I hate X very hard.


                      • Originally posted by Sarien
                        I thought you were leaving, Tone.
                        yes, I left the other thread, i already explained everything there, the responses after i left are all covered before i left. even after i left people are still saying things like "why dont you remove all of the ships except war bird" and crap like that. of course we know thats what duel and elim is for and that cloaker is quite an exception. getting killed in all different kinds of ways by other ships is nothing compared to getting Xed. nothing at all.

                        i talk about all this and someone looks for something, and goes OH! I;ll tell him not to camp! that will get em! even after i already said thats 2% of the problem.


                        • Or hey... give every ship cloak/stealth... or maybe every ship x radar... y'know, completely single out and make the weakest ship in the game completely useless, how about that?

                          "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"

                          Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.


                          • Originally posted by SpiderMage
                            Or hey... give every ship cloak/stealth... or maybe every ship x radar... y'know, completely single out and make the weakest ship in the game completely useless, how about that?
                            its only the weakest ship in the game when it tries to enter a huge battle in the flag room, or goes by walls when 8 good aim levis are in the arena.

                            in all other cases its the strongest ship that inturrupts your fun and play constantly for its own sick pleasure


                            • So in other words, your complaints only apply when you're not playing in the way that the zone is designed for?


                              • Originally posted by Troll King
                                So in other words, your complaints only apply when you're not playing in the way that the zone is designed for?
                                WRONG!! my complaints apply to just playing in any way. no matter what you do, you are having fun (doing WHATEVER except for terrier) and all of the sudden your ship explodes without seeing a thing. Since the new settings, this happens again and again and again, thus you just say fuck it and quit, all the fun is drained out of it by constantly spontainiously exploding (getting Xed). its very very retarded, you arent allowed to have fun or focus on playing the game and get into it, because everytime you do, you get Xed.

